Saturday, November 15, 2014

Duchess is Gone

We didn’t get to say hello to Mickey.  Instead we had to change our plans.  With what Duchess was going through we couldn’t leave her in a kennel while we played with a mouse.  After all Duchess was our priority.  We’ve had her with us since she was 8 weeks old.

We turned our motorhome towards  Palm Springs, pulled into our site and then took Duchess to the vet in Palm Desert.

Today’s a sad, sad day.  She had been telling us it was time.  It was and we had to say good bye to her. 

Ten weeks old
Just a pup


Still a pup learning new tricks


We’ll miss you, Duchess


It's hard to believe she's really gone.

‘Tis life on the road.

“Sometimes losing a pet is more painful than losing a human because in the case of the pet, you were not pretending to love it.”


  1. Well that's a sad thing. You gave her a good life, and you can be happy in that.

  2. Jeri, I saw the Post Title and didn't think I would be able to read it. I had to wait for awhile, take several deep breaths and even now it's difficult even typing here. My heart goes out to you both. You gave her a great life !!

  3. SO sorry for your loss. RIP Duchess.

  4. I am so sad for you guys. Doing what's right for her doesn't make it any easier.

  5. So sorry to hear about Duchess....very sad day for you guys!

  6. So sorry for you loss, I know she was a very close family member and you will have so many wonderful memories of her.

  7. Having lost 3 best Pals in the last few years I feel & understand your loss. It leaves a an emptiness inside like no other. Pets have a very special place in our hearts & their loss is so hard to adjust to. With time that adjustment is made but it's never quite the same & our best Pals remain forever in our minds & hearts. Sending our best thoughts & feelings you way at this time of sadness.

  8. Oh Jeri, I am so sorry and saddened to read about Duchess. Hugs to you both...

  9. It's such a heartbreak to lose such a wonderful family member. Thank goodness you have pictures and wonderful memories of how Duchess enriched your lives. Hopefully that will bring you some level of comfort and peace over her passing.

  10. We've been going through the same sad process 3 times and I am grieving for the day when it's Molly's time.

  11. So sad to hear about Duchess. Take care and know that in time only good thoughts of her wonderful life will remain with you.

  12. I am so sorry. Duchess was the sweetest Doberman in the entire world. I also know how much she was loved and sacrificed for. You made the right choice for her. Hugs and love.

  13. so very sad to hear about Duchess..pets are only here with us for what seems like a such a short time.
    You made the only choice you could for her..may she now be pain free and 'running happily' at Rainbow Bridge.

  14. Very sorry for your loss. Our dogs are family too, and their loss is so very hard. She will stay alive in your hearts and memories - and still make you smile.

  15. I'm so sorry - tears all around, even for me. Duchess was beautiful, and such a good girl. I know you guys loved her dearly and took the best care of her. I remember you not going places if she couldn't come. I can't imagine how you are feeling - but you had many, many great years together with lots of super adventures. Wonderful memories.

  16. Goodbye, Duchess. You were such a good girl. You will be missed by many. My heart goes out to your family as they grieve for you.

  17. We loved her. What a wonderful dog. Hugs to you both.

  18. It's hard to find words to express how hard it is to lose a beloved pet. So here's a hug for you and kudos for the wonderful life she had. (Just in case my first time sending this comment didn't work.)

  19. There are really no adequate words... know that we are thinking of you both. The photos were a nice tribute and a good way to honor Duchess. Hugs to you both!

  20. So so so sorry! She was such a good Dobie, she reminded me of my Bonnie I had many many years ago, everyone feared her but she was the biggest sissy ever. I couldn't have another dog after her since the pain of losing her was too horrific and never wanted to go through that again. Hugs to you both!

    Where in Palm Desert did you guys land? We are at Sky Valley for the next few days before we move onward to Catalina Spa both in Desert Hot Springs on Dillon Road until the end of the month when we then head to Vegas for the NASCAR Champion Event. Hopefully we might be able to get together while we are so close to one another.


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