Monday, November 17, 2014

Are You A Mechanical Expert ?

It is very rare when we go anyplace without knowing what the weathermen are forecasting.  It’s not that they are always right but we always want to know what they are predicting.  Saturday we pulled out of Santa Barbara instead of Sunday as planned.    We didn’t check the weather.  Had we done that we would planned on Saturday instead of Sunday anyway.  Driving was windy but nothing like the expected gusty winds between  60 and 75 mph the day after.  Now those are serious winds!  However, as luck had it we moved the day before and even though it was mighty windy, it was no where near what it would have been the day after. 

As if batterywe didn’t have enough problems, we ended up with another one that is yet to be fixed.  We pulled into our nice long site and turned off the engine in the motorhome.  When we decided to move a little forward in the site, we discovered the engine wouldn’t start at all.  There was no noise that it was cranking.  There was nothing.  Was it the battery?  Well, that had just been replaced in April of this year.  We tried to jump start with our vehicle …. nada.   We could get it to start with the battery boost but then it would die again. 

So, what’d we do on Sunday?  We took the battery back to Napa where we bought it.  They tested it with a voltmeter and said the battery was good.  Now what?  We don’t know yet.  We’re stuck for right now.  Thank goodness we don’t have to be on the move at this moment.

With the wonder of the internet, I did Google our issue and today we’ll give a few ideas a shot but neither sound too promising. The manual will probably find it's way into the open too and maybe even one of those RV mobile repair folks.  I sure hope they know their stuff.  Thus, my blog title …. Are You A Mechanical Expert ?  We most certainly aren’t.  Any mechanical experts out there with an extra idea or two?

‘Tis life on the road.

“Some people seemed to get all sunshine, and some all shadow…”


  1. Had same problem a few weeks ago,mine turned out to be a loose and dirty battery fine now. Good Luck

    1. Thanks, Rick. The funny thing is that ours will start with the battery boost!

  2. I sure Terry already checked the connections to the starter. Give the starter a few light taps with a hammer to see if it will start. Fingers crossed it will be a simple (and cheap) fix.

  3. Since the battery boost worked and it started it sure sounds like a dirty terminal or a poor connection just like Rick and Paul have already said. A loose or bad connection will stop the battery dead.

    That's about all I know except for calling an mobile RV tech.

  4. Yes, Doug agrees with Paul. Give it a few smart taps on the starter. Doug is looking in his book as we have the same engine (isn't that handy).

  5. No ideas but we can agree about the WIND...we are in Desert Hot Springs and it was windy all day on Saturday with them forecasting no wind until early Sunday morning...we ASSUMED they had incorrect timing since it was quite windy all day Saturday...we found out at 4am just as they predicted that the worst was yet to happen. We have never felt that sort of wind before in all of our years of traveling and we had been in tornadoes, hurricanes and other really bad weather. It literally knocked us out of bed and kept us up and attentive for a few hours until daybreak when it calmed down a bit but still had some great gusts. Could not imagine driving in that...we hardly could stand it being still!

    Jerry agrees tapping on the starter but could be dirty terminals too!

  6. Jerry also said to check fuse panels to see if any are blown or check the ignition switch and if all else fails give him a call and the two of them can discuss it further.

  7. Like everyone else has said check all connections first, then listen if the solenoid is operating. next on the list will be the voltage regulator before looking at the starter. Inspect cables and wires for bare, weak or sharp bends.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  8. If it will start with the battery boost and not keep running, but not with the engine battery, sounds strange. Maybe a fuel pump issue? Bad battery ground on engine?
    Just a thought, good luck.

  9. Do what I would do ---- Call Lee ! He's the genius in our Group !!

  10. Assuming the starter has not died, it likely is a connection. I have had a bad ground wire be the culprit twice.

  11. If it isn't one thing, it's another! Hopefully this is an easy fix for you and the rest of us will learn from your results. Good luck.

  12. I'm sure it will turn out to be something pretty simple.

  13. Well, my update is ..... we replaced the battery just in case the we weren't getting enough amps. That didn't help. So, we do have an RV tech coming out Wednesday morning. We'll go from there.

  14. Paul says where are you puttingthe jumper cable to start it? Are u putting one end of the cable on the frame of the vehicle? do you have a voltmeter? check to see what happens on the voltmeter when you start the battery. OR, call Paul and he will walk you through it :)


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