Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Port Townsend, Fort Worden and …. Joe


One thing you notice when arriving  at Port Townsend is there are boats.  There are boats and more boats.  It is an epicenter of traditional-boat building and sailing.  Boats are everywhere.  In the water,  out of the water, being built, being repaired.  You name it and they are there.

However, it’s not just the boats and the scenic waterfront areas that bring people to this beautifully __07bJulb_008preserved Victorian small town.  Port Townsend actually has a lot going for it. It has vintage buildings that are home to good restaurants, quirky shops, comfortable hotels and fancy B&Bs  Best of all, there are many RV parks and a couple may give you the best waterfront views you’ve ever had.

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This Bell Tower was built in 1890 and is thought to be the last working bell tower in the United States.  Ringing the bell would bring volunteers to their posts for fighting fires.


     Woodworking shop

Fort Worden State Park is also in Port Townsend and only about a half hour walk along the beach to the center of town.  It used to be an active army base.  Many of the buildings were built before WWI.  They were used then and built up during WWII.  The function was to protect the coastline.   It is a sprawling base with many buildings from times past which are now used as vacation rentals. 

You can rent a room in one of the  big-porched __07bJulb_009Officer’s Quarters or in many of the other buildings.  Several of the buildings are open to the public as a church, a woodworking shop and even as an extension to Peninsula College.


So, how old do you think these gas pumps are?

One unique rental facility at Fort Worden is Alexander’s Castle.  The view is breathtaking and the facility __07bJulb_003unique.  The home was built to house Alexander’s new bride.  When he went to retrieve her, he discovered she had just gotten married to someone else.   Thus, his castle really became his home.  You can stay here too for about $230 a night.  With that you even get breakfast.

I love Fort Worden.  I love visiting.  After all, Uncle Sam brought my father from Kerrville, Texas to Port Townsend during WWII.  That’s where he met my mother.   He fell in love with her first and then salmon fishing.  He returned to Texas after that only on vacation.

It seem__07bJulb_014s we can’t visit here without stopping off at the Point Wilson Lighthouse.  So, we did that too.  We also walked over to Battery Kinzies.  Construction was started on this battery in 1908, completed in 1912 and in use until after WWII.  The battery sits on the edge of the waterfront with amazing views. 

Viewing the town and Fort Worden is what we did on Monday.  Much more of the day was spent trying to get laundry done.  The park’s laundry room is also the laundry room for those staying in boats in the marina.  One person tied up the five washers and dryers for most of the day. Aargh!

Once laundry was done we walked down to the end of the point and had dinner at Doc’s Marina Grill.  What an awesome place to eat.  It’s not often we luck out with fantastic views, good service and great food …. but we did!

What do you think of this unique camper? It comes quipped with solar panels and a barbecue.


 Saturday we saw Joe and Sharon …. again.  They grabbed the 9:30 ferry from Whidbey Island.

View from Siren’s Restaurant    

We had a great time visiting and checking out all the shops in Port Townsend and then stopped for lunch.  It’s not really a big deal to check out all the s__08jULC_003hops.  It’s not a big downtown area.  Joe had a favorite place to eat so there we went.  We climbed up a long set of stairs and ended up at Siren’s Restaurant.  It’s an amazing place with an amazing view.  Our outside seats were just over the water.  We watched the otters swim around, boats and even the ferry. The food was great but the service a little slow.  However, in this case slow service wasn’t a real bad thing. 

   Remember the Bull Durham Signs? 

After we finished with lunch and finished with checking out the rest of the stores in town, we headed back to our RV park.  There we soaked up some beautiful sunshine while enjoying the __08jULC_002view.  Late afternoon both of them were beat and headed off to their condo at Discovery Bay.

I was planning to add the activities and views from Wednesday outing.  However, there were too many to add to this blog … so next time.  Washington is definitely a gorgeous state.

‘Tis life on the road.

Before I got married old people at weddings used to poke me  and say, “You’re next”.  So, I started saying the same thing to them at funerals.


  1. Thanks for the tours, someday we hope to spend some time there in Washington.

  2. It looks like you had a beautiful day for exploring.

  3. That would be a wonderful place to do some exploring and learning more about WWI and WWII. I've really gotten into our history since we started traveling.

  4. Yes it was a great couple of days. Saw lots of neat places downtown, again, had a good lunch with great friends and then more sight seeing together. Looking forward to meeting up out on the coast again in a few weeks.


  5. Thanks for the tour. Just more great reasons for us to visit Port Townsend the next time we're in the area.

    1. Gorgeous area but your area is gorgeous too and very similar.

  6. Poor Alexander! I guess that goes to show what happened in pre Internet days when you couldn't keep your Facebook page updated.

    So how many nights did you stay in his castle? Sounds like it is just your kind of place... ;c)

  7. What a beautiful place...I love the old homes and architecture. Lots of fun and interesting facts you shared too, thanks Jeri! I am hoping we can summer in Oregon and Washington next year.....

  8. Great tour of the fort - thanks for sharing! That whole area is so beautiful, we can't wait to spend some time there on our travels.

  9. I remember some of those places we have to come back and see the rest. Loved it. Have fun.


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