Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Lake Crescent – I'm Going To Take A Break

Monday morning we were on the road again but just for a drive.  We headed west with our first stop checking out an RV park that we hoped had one and only one site available.  That’s what it had was one spot.  In other words, we checked it and it passed inspection.  With money down to hold our reservation we knew we didn’t need to explore as much as we intended to.  After all, in a few days we’d be moving lock, stock and barrel in this direction.  So, we only went a little way farther.

Everything changes in time and some of this area certainly had.  The Olympic Hot Springs used to a great place to camp and spend the day immersing in the wonderful warm water.  It is no more.  The road no longer takes you to it.  Lake Sutherlin used to be a popular swimming hole.  Now the land around the lake has been bought up and is owned by private residences and in only a small area is it open to the public. 

resort1 kayaks

Lake Crescent has pretty much remained the same but I’m sure that’s only because it is actually in the Olympic National Park itself.  The lake was formed by a glacier and  is beautiful, cold and deep.  We used to say this lake had no bottom.  That’s because the official depth of 624 feet was given when measured by equipment that could only read a depth to 624 feet.   However, when power cable was laid instruments then measured it at more than 1000 feet deep because that was as deep as that equipment could measure.  The actual maximum depth of Lake Crescent still remains unknown.


You can rent paddle boats, bikes, canoes and kayaks here.  You can shop in their store, relax in their lodge and even eat in their restaurant.  We ate in their restaurant.  The rhubarb pie was amazing but the clam chowder was about the worst I had ever had.  Ick!  Yuck!  You pay for your food at the counter and the cook delivers it to you.  When he delivered the chowder he told us it was his own chowder concoction (oh-oh) and that it was dairy-free and gluten-free (oh-oh).  I never would have ordered a dairy-free chowder!  He assured us it was good.  I took a bite.  Then, I took about two more.  I left the rest of the bowl for the cook and what you see below is what I donated to him..  Awful!  

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Tuesday I decided to dig through some old county records.   The problem is I wanted to go to the Clallam County Court house and the Historical Society on the same day since they were just down the street from each other.  The court house was open but the other wasn’t.  I went through index and after index of old land records.  Sometimes the volume numbers and the page numbers had been recorded incorrectly.  No telling where the records really were filed.  However, I did come up with quite a few records including my grandfather’s original homestead papers for that beautiful lavender farm I posted the other day.  At the time of the homestead (1916) he valued the property at $1500. I would give them $1500 for it!

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Recognize the courthouse above?  It was the courthouse used in the movie “Twilight”.

We’ve enjoyed being in this area.  The weather has been perfect.  There’s been so much to see and do.  We hadn’t really even planned on coming up here.  We were just looking for a place to go and this is where we ended up.  It’s been nice.  However, it’s almost time to be out of here. …..

You’d think this is a post office wouldn’t you?  I thought it was but the post office is down the road.

Taking a Break -

I never post two blogs in a day but I am today.  I posted one this morning and it is Lavender Fields and Berry Picking in Sequim.  I wanted to get this one posted because it brings me close to being up to date.  However, I’m not going to blog for a bit. There’s a lot going on in my little world right now so we’ll see how I feel next week …or, maybe the week after, or?  

‘Tis life on the road.

If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading.


  1. You sure have been busy. That area is so very lovely.

    Even though the wedding is going to cut into my blog reading, I have really cut back this summer. Not much to blog about and I won't blog to just blog.

    Take a rest, enjoy your time with Terry, and forget the blog for awhile. We all need to refresh along the way.

  2. Have a good rest! We'll be here whenever you get back. ;c)

  3. Totally understand about the blog break. Sometimes life takes precedence over blogging. Take care.

  4. Excellent postings, now take a vacation from blogging and relax.

  5. Because of your wonderful blog posts, Paulette and I are definitely going to explore the Olympic Peninsula on one of our future RVing trips. We'll definitely do it in the summer though as we know how bleak things can be in the winter.

    Enjoy your blogging break and your vacation time.

  6. Glad you included the link to the earlier post - I wouldn't have wanted to miss the wonderful farm! Some of the best places we've been have been the ones we hadn't planned to visit :-). How wonderful that you found your one spot - enjoy!

  7. The Olympic Peninsula is beautiful.....
    Enjoy your vacation!

  8. I understand. I can't find the time to blog. I think I will phone you.


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