Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Lavender Fields and Berry Picking in Sequim

In many small towns when Saturday rolls around, farmer’s markets set up.  Usually it’s booths filled with what the 
locals grow and what they make.  Fruits and vegetables fill up some stands while the crafts artists make fill up the others.  Some of the markets are small and others are huge.  We were looking forward to the farmer’s market in Sequim …. but we didn’t find anything we absolutely needed.  We were hoping for a bunch of fresh vegetables but there were very few of those.  Oh well …. on to other pastures so to speak.


We started looking for pastures by heading down to the waterfront.  We thought maybe we’d put the kayaks in but with a –2.8 low tide in this area, we knew this was not a good day to do that.  We’d be carrying those kayaks way too far.

We saw lots of U-pick berry and lavender signs and we decided to do just that.  We had both been pickers in our youth.  In fact, I bought my first car picking strawberries and beans.  I couldn’t make much money in the raspberry fields because I ate as many as I picked.


We started off picking raspberries.  I’m thinking they should have weighed some of us on  our way in and on our way out but they didn’t.  We lucked out on that one for sure.

longlogan2 longrasp2 longblue1

Next we tackled the loganberry bushes.  If I said we slightly got carried away on the loganberries, that would be a big understatement. After all, we only have so much room in our refrigerator and freezer.  However, we most definitely got carried away. After picking way too many raspberries and way too many loganberries, we cut back a little on the blueberries.  The bones were aching and we were exhausted. 

Once paid for we headed back to the RV.  There were pounds and pounds to wash and put in freezer bags.  I had no idea where I was going to store all of these.  Like I said, our refrigerator is only so big.  Terry decided to take a nap instead of helping and his timing was perfect.  He got up from his nap about the time my last bag went in the freezer.

We didn’t do much more.  We didn't feel like doing much more and Duchess was happy for us to hang around with her.  What a day that had been.   We had big plans for Sunday so we figured it was okay to take the rest of Saturday afternoon off?  However, when Sunday morning rolled around Terry wasn't feeling very good so those plans were delayed.

It was just me as I headed to Costco and Walmart.  I decided to take a side trip on my way there .  Okay, so maybe the side trip wasn’t really on the way and maybe it was quite a bit out of the way but who was keeping track anyway?  There are lavender farms all around Sequim and the farms getting ready for the big event of the year – the annual Lavender Festival.  The festival isn’t until next week but the farms are pretty much open every day anyway.  I had one special one in mind.  Hence, the out of the way, side trip.  Been to this one several times and figured this wouldn’t be my last trip either.

Carriage2 house2
I bought a couple lavender sachets made from the lavender grown on the property.  Lavender is supposed to  relieve stress.  I’ve been sniffing it a lot so I hope it works.

The George Washington Inn sits in the middle of three gorgeous homes.  To the right is Eden by the Sea B&B  and to the left is a private residence.  The view behind these three homes is gorgeous.  It overlooks the Strait of Juan de Fuca.  There’s a trail down the bluff to the beach.  The trail used to have a lot of swarming bees at the top of it.  I know.  My very first bee sting was here.  A few of the old cherry trees still remain.  I picked many a bucket of cherries from those trees.  I’m pretty sure my mom picked even more.  She was raised on this property and spent many hours on that beach. My grandparents lived and died here.  At that time all three of these homes were one piece of property.  It was sold after my uncle died and eventually split into three sections.  Do you think I have a right to reclaim it?   I had a grand tour a couple years ago.  The new owners even discovered the dug outs from WWII.

There are definitely many memories in this area.

‘Tis life on the road.

When someone you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure.


  1. You have been busy,picking cleaning and freezing.
    The best part was probably reliving memories of your youth.
    Now relax today maybe?

  2. That sure is a lot of berries:) Your grandparents had a beautiful property. I have been back to the farm where I grew up several times and found to to be a bittersweet experience. I was really unhappy when my parents sold it (I was 12), but I am so glad now:)

  3. What year was it that George Washington stayed at that inn? Can't find that info anywhere, maybe you know with your local knowledge? :c)

    1. I asked that too. It's because the house looks like George's Mt. Vernon.

  4. You are welcome to store some of those berries in my freezer. Of course, I don't promise they'll still be there when you are ready to reclaim them.

  5. Wow that's a lot of berries!! Never had a loganberry. But I discovered that I like huckleberries!

  6. That sounds like my kind of day: picking berries, lavender fields, re-visiting where I grew up. Growing up in Oregon, my brother, sister and I worked in the summers picking blackberries, raspberries, blackcaps, marionberries, beans and strawberries. But our summer money went to school clothes and books.

  7. I don't have any berries but I do have a fig tree that's full. Only one problem, I don't know anything about figs other than they are in Fig Newtons! Enjoy the berries. Yum

  8. We picked raspberries & Marionberries (YUMM!) with the kids at Schumway Farms out Mt. Baker Highway weekend before last. We now have freezer & cooked jam for the winter. There were still lots of Marionberries there...maybe I can convince Jim to go back!


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