Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Flashback – Year One

I'm flashing back to a few years ago with this blog beginning with the header I used then.


"If the facts don't fit the theory, change the facts." Albert Einstein

How does one begin to summarize the first year of a tremendous adventure? We both were retired one year ago -- September 2008. We had one child in Texas and one in the state of Washington. Our original plans included spending one half of the year traveling north and the other half of the year heading south. Of course, neither of these trips were intended to be in a straight line but to include as many side trips and states as possible on our way. Plans always seem to change. We've learned to write in chalk on the calendar.


We also started out with two Doberman Pinschers. Contrary to popular opinion ... beautiful and loving "children". We lost our male within the first week of hitting the road. It was a very sad event. However, the decision had been made and we were still on our way - to someplace.

Our first trip took us to the state of Texas and then, back to Arizona and eventually ended up in the state of Washington. We've met so many, many wonderful folks and have enjoyed most every moment. We've even tried volunteering and discovered this wasn't our cup of tea. We've learned what boondock meant and been lucky enough to be able to compare the differences between the almost-free boondock areas of Arizona and the ultra-elite RV parks in California. We've seen sights so gorgeous that our camera couldn't capture. We've seen sights so bizarre we didn't want our camera to capture.

We started out from Arizona with our well-used 5th wheel and will return this winter in our newly acquired motorhome. Actually, the 5th wheel was a great "rig" to hit the road in. We learned a lot of things to do and things not to do. We learned what we liked, what we needed and what we wanted. We also learned that many folks stereotype by the RVs people travel in. And, we learned that others don't. We've met folks from all walks of life and learned that the RV has nothing to do with the person.

We've learned about different park systems, joined the Elks for their RV parks, been pleased with our RPI and Thousand Trails membership, stayed at COE parks and even at Walmart. Passport America has not really worked for us as we have traveled during high season and many places limit the use. What a wonderful education this year has been.

Summer was spent in the state of Washington. We've enjoyed every moment we've spent with our son, his wife, all four of our grandchildren, brother, nieces and the cousins I grew up. It has definitely been a summer of great memories and bonds. We've gone through three boats this summer and even the building up of a new home base. We've been crabbing and fishing and lots and lots of eating. What a wonderful summer! We have been so busy. We've run from one adventure to another!! I don't believe we were this busy when we were working .... or, I don't know how we had time to work!

However, summer is coming to an end. It's time to head south and we'll certainly miss all the camaraderie we've had with family this summer. It's so sad to leave but we know we'll be back in just a few months. And, we're looking forward to the next chapter and all the adventures this next year will hold. We're actually having the time of our life and believe we have definitely made the correct decision in what we're doing. Our decision was for us ... it's come at a price but we love our new life .... we're retired .... we deserve this ...... finally.

This marks the end of year one as we get ourselves together to meet up again with folks we met just one year ago! Quartzsite -- here we come! We're looking forward to seeing all of you again.

What a year! What will next year bring??


Time moves along.

Don't you wish you'd kept a journal even before blogging? I certainly wish my folks had written about things they had done and how they felt.  Perhaps, one day our families will be glad we did this too.  Perhaps.


  1. A great review, and like you we are enjoying this amazing lifestyle.
    Hope to see you in the Q again.

    1. We "think" we'll be there and if so, will certainly try to find you.

  2. Replies
    1. We've owned a few of them. Heck, it seems we've owned a few of tent trailers, trailers, hybrids, motorhomes .. and the list goes on.

  3. Don't you think we are blessed to be able to live this lifestyle? It is amazing that we can have our cake and eat it too. Spend time with family and friends but at the same time meet new friends from all over the country.
    Continue to enjoy your journey dear friends. Hope to see you in the Q this winter.

    1. Looks like you're planning on heading west this winter. Hope so!

  4. This was such a great summary post. So much of it applies to us also. Especially the part about figuring out what kind of rig we want. A lot has changed in the last five years but so many wonderful friends have been made and great adventures.

    1. A lot has changed and I see more changes in the future too.

  5. Oh the memories....
    Our decision to full-time just evolved...it was never a plan. God has been good to us!

    1. We didn't plan ours over time either. It just happened.

  6. That was a nice look back. Having a blog really helps you remember the things you did and the places you went. We never would have met you if it weren't for your blog. Plus you were an inspiration to us and gave us confidence that deciding on a full time RV life was going to be good for us.

    Hope to see you in Q in January, trying to keep our plans on track to get out west for several months next winter.

    1. So are you thanking us or blaming us? Or, is the jury still out? Looking forward to seeing you both in Q again.

  7. Great memories to live with. We have alsways found that the first trip south was the most exciting. I guess it's because of the newness in an adventure that we hang on to it.

    1. You are so right that the newness makes an adventure much more exciting the trips we repeat over and over again.

  8. Looks like you learned a lot that first year - and I'm sure every year since :-)! Fun that you still go to Quartzsite in the Winter. I like your old header - partly because it has your names on it :-). I had to wait for commenters to "name" you after several weeks of lurking.
    It was years ago now, but I'm sorry you lost your doggie so early in your travels.

    1. I think we all lurk. I've tried to find info on folks too. I never thought someone might want to know our names. :)

  9. That is the main reason I write the blog-to be able to go back and really remember what we were doing in the past:)

    1. It is the only way to remember with good detail what happened yesterday for sure.

  10. Thanks for posting this great summary and it's good to know you're still telling stories here on our blog.

    Blogging is a terrific way to create memories that can be referred to time and again for enjoyment.

    1. I agree that blogging is a terrific way to keep those memories close.


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