Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Scouting in Quartzsite

jan14_2We are no longer sitting in our little quiet spot in the desert all by ourselves.  Tom and Diane joined us Monday morning.  They are at one end of the section we are “reserving” for others and we are at the other end.  Our job is to scare off any intruders …. or to welcome them to stay.  I guess we haven’t decided what the best answer is yet. 

Notice all our neighbors!

Not all the vendors are open yet.  Some of them have staked out their areas and put up their shops but for some reason have decided not to staff their booths yet.  There were quite a few of those mixed ijan14_4n with the open ones.   Matter of fact we found a few too many places open. Thus, we had to scout out an ATM …. we ran out of cash especially since one purchase was a little heftier than our recent stock up of groceries!!! 


Check this out!  These portable Winegard antennas used to sell for about $200.  We found several of them for $15.  We may pick one up  today .. just to try it out as a backup for our Dish antenna.

We left our flagpole in Washington this year so Terry had to scope out another neighbor’s pole.  We call him our neighbor but he’s really quite a ways away.  Then, Terry decided to make his own.  The only problem with that was our neighbor found a smaller flag than we did.  Hmmmm …………… not sure what to do about that as the flag we bought almost drags the ground.  We have more exploring and more vendors to check out.  Actually, it’s not just the vendors we had fun checking out.  We also found lots of time to sit in our little chairs and soak up the sun.  The Weber came out and dinner was easy. 

jan14_3 jan14_5

All in all ……… Monday was a marvelous day.  Not everyone would enjoy this type of thing but for us the approximate two weeks we spend here is something we look forward to and enjoy.  Tuesday …. well, we’ll do a little more scouting, a little more sitting and probably lots more visiting.  Maybe I'll even have time to get out a book or two.  Either way when 9:00 AM rolls around, we’ll head over to Tom and Diane’s for coffee and start the the day from there.  .

 Things are good.

‘Tis life on the road.

“Good friends, good books, and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life.”


  1. Yup, It's the life I love as well !

  2. I've been watching the weather....10 day forcast is looking wonderful this year. Can't wait. See ya Thursday.

  3. Yes, yes, love the lifestyle, wandering about checking the vendors, visiting people, reading a book and basking in the sun. No campground neighbors to worry about.

  4. Paul wanted one of those flagpoles where we were there in 2010. He was going to look at them again and see if he could just make one himself also. Be sure to put a photo up of Terry's. Enjoy the beautiful weather.

  5. Glad to see you're having fun and enjoying yourself over at the Q!

  6. Glad you made it safely and are now settled in. It's fun to see all the "stuff" the vendors have, and the Big Tent isn't even open yet. I've never been here for the big tent, so I'm looking forward to it.

    You know what this feels like? Summer vacation when I was a teenager. I could read a book in the sun, go shopping, whatever I wanted all day long. I had all the time in the world to do anything I wished. Nice to be there again, huh? :)

  7. Love your ending quote.

  8. Sniff, sniff. Things can't be that good because we're not able to be with you at Q! :c(

  9. Pretty soon you will be surrounded by countless RVs:)

  10. I will just enjoy the Q from your posts and several others that I follow who are also there!
    I do think it's pretty neat to have all of you in one gigantic, humongous place!


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