Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Bloggers Meet Bloggers at “Q”

Tuesday was another beautiful day.  The sun was shining.  It was warm with a slight breeze.  Arizona is definitely the place to be during the middle of January.  We certainly plan to take advantage of all the gorgeous days too.

Leisurely we strolled over to Tom and Diane’s motorhome for coffee and a morning chat.  We also visited with their dog, Nell, and their cat that almost seems like a dog.  She comes when called and sticks pretty close to the motorhome.  What an amazing cat she is!

Then, we decided we’d go find George and Suzie. We’ve been following their blog for a couple years and just had to go find them.  We knew they were just down the road but weren’t quite sure what side road they were on.  Our timing couldn’t have been more perfect. Then, we spotted their jan1a4_2car about the same time they spotted ours.  They were just turning off the main road when we were turning on it.  George and Suzie were meeting other folks who were just pulling into La Posa West.  So, we met their friends too.  What a nice group of people they all are and it definitely won’t be the last time we visit with them while in “Q”!

Other than that our day consisted of a little more visiting and a little more scoping out a few more vendors.  We soaked up some sun, fixed dinner and didn’t do much more.  All in all .. it was a pretty great day.

A few days ago George posted a blog about an RV site we’d like to check out.  Its BLM land that sits on the Colorado River about 20 miles south of Blythe.  If a host is there, you can stay 14 days and I guess if a host isn’t on duty, you can stay until asked to leave …. ???  These are a few pictures of the site as posted on George’s blog.  It just might be the perfect place to head after “Q” to put those kayaks in the water.

P1000416 P1000413
These were photos George took.  Check out his blog for more information on this location!

Wednesday should be a busy one.  We have about 5 or 6 RVs pulling into our area today.  We want to be here to greet them and collect a fee!  Actually, that was Diane’s idea to collect the fee (sorry, Diane but a great idea!).  We thought the RV that took the best spot should pay the most.  Sounds good … doesn’t it?
jan1a4_4Yesterday morning I discovered a wad in the pocket of the pants I pulled on. It was easy to tell this wad had gone through the wash with the pants.  It was $60 in 3 wadded $20 bills.  I love finding money I didn’t know I had …. however, I shouldn’t have told Terry.  He was off to visit a few more vendors.  We came back without much of that wad left.

Okay, I don’t normally post every day but normally we aren’t doing a lot I want to post about.  However, I have a feeling our days are going to be full for a while.

‘Tis life on the road.

“We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us.”


  1. That area along the river looks awesome. We spent 16 days hanging in Q last year and had a blast meeting lots of folks. Have fun and enjoy those gorgeous desert sunsets.

  2. Thanks for the shout.
    Sure was fun finally meeting you guys yesterday, and such a coincidence that our friends arrived at the same.
    Looking forward to spending a bit more time together, so many things to talk about.
    That spot by the river is perfect to you guys with the Kayaks too.

  3. How can you not know that you are $60 short? I almost always know the exact amount in dollars that I have, I don't like how little it is. What a wonderful fine.

  4. Maybe you go that $ from your m-i-l?

  5. Sounds like you are going to be very busy-not to mention all the fun:)

  6. My kind of pants! Where do you buy them? I need to replenish my diesel fuel fund. ;c)

  7. I sure wish I could find money in my pockets! Great to see you having fun out in the nice, hot desert sunshine!

  8. We too know that place along the Colorado. It's quite beautiful but it sits along the road. Very primitive pit toilets, but who needs them anyway.


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