Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Merry Christmas ?

It’s been about three weeks since I put out a blog --- very unusual for me.  However, I read a blog the other day that put a little motivation back into posting this one.  Actually, I almost felt like the writer was writing his blog for me since so much of it was something I could have written. 

Just like the other writer, there have been times over the last few years that I was on a roll to post daily and then every few days. After that, I slacked quite a bit.  Things we did and places we visited were noted.  Blogs can be wonderful diaries and it’s been often that I’ve looked back trying to remember the name of one place or another.  However, you really have to be motivated to keep it up.  Maybe it’s because of where we’re at or what we have going on but even my computer has been in a fairly inactive stage as neither blogging or even being on FB have been at the top of my activity list lately.  

Iglassesf blogs are written during periods of fun and exploration, mine doesn’t really fit for now.  Here are just a few of our recent activities ($$$)  …  the carburetor in the RV generator was replaced, awning arms were replaced, roof was sealed, the dog ate Terry’s glasses, the dog ate the remote control --- Terry said he was trying to watch TV -- and last but not least, my computer hard drive bit the dust.   

So, let me say Merry Christmas now because I never know when the bug to write another blog might hit.   One thing I do know is the weather will be warmer in Arizona than probably anyplace else.   With all the kennels full over  Christmas, Buck and I will be spending the day together this year.    At least we can be pretty sure we won't be driving in any snow in  Arizona over the holidays.

‘Tis life on the road.


  1. Nice to hear from you again. I enjoy posting our blog as a diary more than anything else, that's why I do it.
    Merry Christmas to you as well and yes we enjoy southern Arizona blue skies and no snow.

  2. Oh dear, the dog!

    We have been having fun but we are really looking forward to being in sunny warm Arizona. And, even more, seeing our friends. It's sunny in New Mexico, but damn cold.

  3. After all this, you can't help but have a Merry Christmas. You deserve it! ;c)

  4. You could leave the TV on for Buck but then he'd probably want to change the channel.

  5. It's okay - I'll take up the slack for you! LOL I've been really bad lately, not blogging much at all. Then all of a sudden, I'm BACK! Taking pictures and posting a lot again. You'll get your mojo back, just like I did. But at least keep in touch once in a while. I'm sorry you won't be coming to Quartzsite this year. I'll miss you guys! :)

  6. Oh dear...maybe you need to feed Buck more
    We rarely write a blog when we are sitting. Now when we get back on the road, we will write. The blog is our diary. We turn it into a book at the end of every travel year.
    Merry Christmas to you and the family! Can't wait to see you in January.

  7. I so understand Jeri...I'm struggling with posting as well. With have been busy with the everyday chores of life. Not very exciting!
    It's funny how routines change with a pup sorry about the glasses and remote.

  8. Yup, I think there are many of us who have slowed down a bit in our travel which tends to impact our desire to write. I created my blog to share the interesting places we were visiting- no one, even me, cares to hear that I went to the gym or swam in the pool

  9. And also, once I stopped writing on a regular basis, I lost my "fan base" and although I didn't just write for other people, I also didn't just write as a diary.


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