Sunday, February 28, 2016

Pensacola Storm – Norfolk

pensrvWe’ve run from many storms in the past.  Recently we’ve seen what can happen to RVs when storms actually hit them.  Being in an RV during a storm isn’t the safest place to be.  Matter of fact it’s downright dangerous.  The recent storms that came through the Gulf area of Florida did a lot of damage to the Pensacola area and that’s where we sat it out.  The scariest part was just listening to all the tornado sirens that were  going off.  It was dark.  We couldn’t see a thing but the blasting was nerve racking.    More than 300 homes were destroyed plus apartment complexes, businesses and vehicles didn’t make it either.

Our neighbors checked in at a hotel but we just decided to ride the storm.  We watched TV as long as we could.  Then, the slides came in and the satellite antenna came down.  Our local TV antenna did a pretty good job even though  reception was jerky. 

Before you know it, the storm was over.  Slidespensa_Balanced went back out, antenna up and relief settled in.  It was over.  All that was left was checking in with everyone else we knew also in the path of the storm.

This week has been flying by.  We spent every minute we could with Sandi.  We had originally planned on making a trip to Norfolk the following week but our plans got changed so  we decided to go this week instead.  Sandi was thrilled to “babysit” the RV.  We stuffed the freezer, gave her instructions and off we went to the airport. ==  Norfolk bound.  We were actually following the storm!


I wrote this before we took the flight last week to Norfolk thinking I’d post as soon as we got back.  Well, we got back today but any update is going to have to wait.  My brain just isn't functioning.   We’ve had intermittent cell service and wi-fi plus we just need to get caught up.  So, this is it for now.

‘Tis life on the road.


  1. So tragic. I will feel quite differently about the wind in Yuma from now on.

  2. Pretty scary, we were 30 miles east of there and we were not feeling that safe ourselves.

  3. So glad you guys made it through the storm intact. That would be so scary - I feel bad for the owners of that RV, can you imagine??? Wow!

  4. Those tornadoes can be very nerve racking and we have been around to many, in previous years. We kinda like to stay west of them as much as possible.
    Glad you are safe and sound.

  5. Just the thought of that storm makes me sick to my stomach. So very glad you guys are okay.

  6. Lucky you that you through it without getting hurt and any damage.

  7. I would have been at the hotel too. Sure glad you rode it out safely. How fun for Sandi to home sit and have some alone time - I don't imagine she gets that much these days :-)

  8. Was there a bathroom in the RV park? That is where I would have gone. I hate storms.

  9. We've been too close to tornadoes in our RV, but thankfully not as close as that RV you pictured. A little duct tape should fix it, don't you think?

  10. You STAYED in the RV?!!!! I am now officially going to worry every time you are near a storm!


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