Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Happy New Year


I know it’s been a while since I've blogged but here goes again.  Even though the holidays aren’t quite behind us Christmas is.  Gifts have been bought, mailed, received and opened.  Since we didn’t put up a tree, we have nothing to take down.  It’s been different this year than any year in the past but we know time moves on and holidays change.

December has been quite a month for sure.  We’ve had numerous things break or need repairs.  It’s been one of those months $$$$$$.  I was also glad to get Christmas shopping behind.  Someone else had more fun than I did.  They were out shopping with my credit card and tallied up more than  $3,000 in charges.  I hope they enjoyed themselves because it sure caused us some stress!

My computer is up and running again but I probably should have bought a new one instead of just replacing the hard drive.  The computer is only a year old so you would think it would still be perfect .... NOT!  The worse part is I hadn't done a back up recently so went the pictures I had on it. 😢

The next few days are bound to be busy ones.  It seems almost all of Terry’s family will be in town including aunts, uncles and cousins by the dozen.  Then, there are the  nieces, nephews and even siblings.  Wow!  And, they said they didn’t like reunions.  This one is going to be a big one it appears. 

 Sunset from the Dog Park

Buck has been adjusting just fine.  Having a dog after not having a dog is definitely a change to our lifestyle.  A dog may tie you down but it also adds a lot of fun times too.  We’ve met numerous people in the park mainly because of Buck.  Everyone seems to know Buck.  It’s not often an English Bulldog hangs around. 


In our normal fashion, we’ve made many changes to our upcoming schedule. Arizona is pretty popular during the winter and being without reservations can be disastrous.  RV parks fill up and availability is limited.  After much discussion about where to go and when, we realize we do need to be fairly close to Terry’s mom since we make so many trips to her place.  I think we’ve figured out where we should be.  It’s not to say we won’t venture a few days here and there but we need a close place for a couple months.   We still plan on visiting “Q” and Tucson for a few days but leaving our roots close.  After that, we’ll probably be “on the road again" and, of course, we have no idea where to.   


This peaceful sleep didn’t last long …. I kicked him out of Terry’s computer chair!

We have kept ourselves pretty busy with some of the park activities.  There are many activities offered from cards to hobby classes to shuffleboard and mini-golf.  We’ve tried some and passed on others.  Then, of course, I’ve been busy with my own little crafty things in the mornings and evenings.  The sewing machine comes out as I try one new project after another.  A few of my projects are below ….

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Arizona is definitely known as a winter wonderland with warm weather and sunny skies.  However, this year we’ve had lots of rain, cooler weather and pretty strong winds.  What’s with this?  However, it’s still nicer than the places getting snow! Thank goodness for that!


‘Tis life on the road.


  1. Nice to hear from you and looks like you are busy as usual. Moving around is what we enjoy and hope to catch up with you somewhere in our travels.
    Like you said the weather is still better than back home.
    Happy New Year !

  2. We haven't blogged since the end of November. No big deal. We will when we begin to travel again.
    Good decision staying close to Terry's mom. It will bring her great comfort knowing you are just minutes away.
    Paul has hitch itch and can't wait to get traveling again.
    Wishing you both a very happy New Year!

  3. Good to hear from you guys...we are in Bullhead City, where we hoped for better weather as well. We have not been able to use our new chairs and fire pit due to the winds, rain and frigid temps! You are right though since it is a lot worse elsewhere!

    Our next adventure will be in Palm Desert the first of the year...hope the weather cooperates better than this place has done!

  4. I hope the new year brings your better times than you've had lately.

  5. Love the picture of Terry and Buck. Or is that one of your new friends making off with him. See you soon.

  6. It's funny you mentioned how many people you meet when you have a pups...we have also met the nicest and dearest friends we would have never met if we had not had our pups! I love it! So sorry to read about the credit card issues...what a bother! Happy New Year Jeri!

  7. I wondered what happened to you. Hope to see you while you're in the area.

  8. Life with a dog certainly has its perks - glad Buck is settling in. Hope the credit card mess is all resolved now. The southwest sure needs the rain even though it puts a crimp on those outdoor activities. Happy New Year!

  9. Sorry about the credit card issue - what a PAIN! But all in all, sounds like you guys are busy and happy. Love the "dog sleeping in the computer chair" photo!"

    Happy New Year to you both - here's to a really great 2017! :)

  10. Ouch, I hate credit card fraud. It sure messes up your day when that bill comes along. Thank goodness the credit card companies know how to handle issues like that, just keep any resolution paperwork they send you for 7 years. I've worked a number of CC fraud cases and they paperwork comes in handy if you have a question someday down the road and that shows up on your credit report.

    Other than that, Happy New Year, hope to get to see you this next year as we'll be spending some time on the Left Coast this spring or summer. ;c)


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