Sunday, June 19, 2016

Portland’s Rose Festival Parade and Father’s Day


The Rose Festival is a big event in Portland.  After all, Portland is the “City of Roses”.   Navy ships from the US and Canada usually come in for the celebration as does the Coast Guard.  Some of the ships are opened up and available for touring on the day of the parade.  In addition, the waterfront becomes an amusement park with numerous rides and booths.  The big event is the Rose Festival Parade itself and it’s been years since I’ve been so this was the year that would all change.  I was going even though no one wanted to go with me ...  Terry wasn't in town or I'm sure I could have pulled him along.

Driving and finding a place to park wouldn’t be an easy task especially with the crowds and closed streets.  00_5So, I took the Tri-Met tram from the Portland airport.  The airport is just across the Washington-Oregon state line.  Tri-met worked perfect with my drop off spot downtown Portland by the Saturday Market!  The Saturday Market was just steps from all the festivities at the waterfront.  It was also just a few steps from the Burnside Bridge which was part of the parade route.


You just never know what you’re going to see at a parade.

Now this was a very brave lady !!

Roses were everywhere after all it was the Portland Rose Parade.

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Crowds were already lining up when I arrived but I staked out a spot just as the parade was due to cross the bridge over the Willamette River.  It was a great spot and I even ended up with a front row seat …. on the curb.  

That didn’t mean I had a great view.  It was difficult getting a view with all the people running out in front of you but it was still fun and so glad I went. 


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I loved the flight attendants from Alaska Airlines too.


There were lots of bands, drill teams, scouts and groups.


The Navy was there.


The Marines were also in the parade. 

There were horses and more horses and, of course, even the Clydesdales showed up.

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Obviously, I took a lot more pictures and there was a lot more to the parade.  When it was over I jumped back on the Tri-met for the ride back to the airport.  This time the train was packed.  However,  more of the the folks on the train were part of the parade and they didn’t stay on long.

Terry arrived back from Texas noon on Monday.  It was a fast trip for him.  It took him and Robert two long days to drive to Fort Worth, Texas with just a little over 1,000 miles plus each day.  The flight back on Monday was definitely much easier than the travel down. 

On Thursday Terry was back on a plane heading towards Texas again.  It was about time SIL Robert started heading north again.  Terry shared the driving on his trip back after visiting with his father.   So, I would say Robert owes him .. big time.  Smile

So, we’re back from Alaska, Terry is back from Texas.  Now that doesn't mean we don't have hitchitch.  You’ve got to figure we’re working on other summer ideas.  Ever done Route 66?  We’re thinking it just might be our next adventure and soon.  Any tips or thoughts?  We have the book and we’re starting the research.

Kitty has returned.  Kitty is the feral cat we’ve seen around here the last four years.  She even brought her liter to visit a few years ago.  Of course, after that she was neutered so it was the last and thank goodness for that.  This feral is different than the other 3 or 4 we feed.  She’s friendly, we can pet her and will even sit on the porch with us.

Happy Father’s Day to all you dads out there.  You deserve it.


        My Dad !

  I sure miss him.



-----  Here’s my grandpa and his four kids!  Now that would be a great father’s day to have all your kids together at the same time!

‘Tis life on the road.


  1. What an amazing parade, thanks for all the pics. Miss My Dad as well as my Grandfather who was in our lives everyday.

  2. Good for you, going to the parade alone. I never go anywhere alone. But I like it that way.

    1. What are you to do if no one wants to go with you? It's different than hanging around RVers who are game to go with you "almost" anywhere.

  3. What an awesome parade. But maybe not is much the least I think that is what she was. Lol

    Terry sure is the traveling man.

    You put Ohio back on your list?

  4. I LOVE parades...this one is impressive! The floats are beautiful. And how great for the Navy and Marines to participate...

    You guys never adventure on Route 66 sounds fun!

  5. What a wonderful parade! Glad you decided to go.

  6. That is definitely a great parade. You always take wonderful pictures. We've traveled parts of Rte 66 but not much.

  7. So are you going to do Route 66 in a 66 Mustang like in that picture? That would be going in style. I'm sure you'll be finding a way to make it special and fun. ;c)

  8. Those floats are pretty spectacular, and I love the horses. We spent much of late winter and early spring along Route 66. It's pretty fun, and I imagine very hot right now.

  9. No other country does parades like the U.S. This one I'd lke to see.

  10. Great parade-looks like just the right size for me:)


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