Friday, June 24, 2016

Off to the beach !

There’s not a lot for me to blog about but we’re heading to the coast today so thought I would post this before we go.  Since I try to blog at least once a week, I know there is no chance that'll happen while we're at the beach.  This weekend is the sandcastle and chain saw art competition at Ocean Shores so that’s where we’re heading.    

We had our family reunion there a couple years ago.  I loved the place.  This year we've reserved a condo right down the beach from where all the activity will be.  As usual it was another spur of the  moment decision and we'll be getting on the road soon to head in that direction.

2300_3Morning comes early during the summer and especially when we’re in the Pacific Northwest with those long daylight hours.

Sunrise is early and sunset very late.   The birds start chirping when light starts filtering in.  Usually that's around 4:30 AM and most times that seems to do it for me.  I’m not complaining about the chirping but being wide awake that early isn’t really what I have in mind.  Getting up at that hour and staying awake until the sun goes down does make for a mighty long day especially when it’s not dark until close to 10:00.  Oh well, winter is coming but then those daylight hours are just too short.


Bane, Sabrina’s cat, loves bags and boxes and anything else he can hide in.  Here he took advantage of all the Father’s Day wrappings as he climbed into the gift bags.  However, he didn’t get to share the halibut Lee had on the grill !

I figured it was time to get out my embroidery machine.  I like fiddling with it as long as I can come up with ideas of something to make.  This time I’ve been putting out a few tea towels.  These are a few of my recent towels ……  it keeps me off the street and out of trouble.  It also keeps the boredom away.



We had visitors this week.  It was so much fun to spend some time with my Portland cousins.  Sometimes they bring their travel trailer and stay for a few days.  We have a pull-thru spot with hookups and they've used it a few times in the past.  This time they just came for the day.  Well, we talked about many things and a lot of travel stuff.  We also spent time watching the birds, feeding the deer, flying the drone and eating.  What a nice day for sure!


We have had a few bucks visit recently.


They don't hang around as long as the does do.  These were pretty nice looking ones.  It's a little early in the season to see these.

Come and get it!  The deer know when the "wet cob" comes out and it's time for a treat.   The girls and last year's crop of deer are pretty friendly

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We’ve had a few young ones stop by too.

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 Like I said, I really don't have a lot to blog about so that's it for now.  It's about time we got ready to hit the road again.   At least this time the drive is short and we have the beach to look forward to. 

Have a great weekend !

‘Tis life on the road.


  1. I like your visitors, and have fun at the beach, looking forward to some pictures.

  2. Have a fantastic time. Bane is so pretty and looks so silky. Incredible how friendly your deer are.

  3. We haven't seen any fawns yet. Must be still hidden. We have a menagerie in our little yard. Chipmunks, hummingbirds, frogs, marmot and we suspect a deer or two.

  4. I'm looking forward to seeing the photographs of the sand castles.

  5. Oh my gosh...if I didn't have a graduation party to go to this weekend, I would have to fly out there and join you. Sandcastle and chain saw art competition in one week...WOW!

    Great job on the towels. I just love to do crafts.

    I see the Williams' park is open for the season.

  6. If you ever decide to go to Seaside without the rig I highly recommend the Seaside Beach Club condos. We haven't been there for years, though, so I hope they are still as good as we found them to be--right on the Prom near the turnaround.

  7. Oh come on, not having a lot to blog about! Where's your pictures of your chainsaw art? I know you're quite the cut up... :cD

  8. You know we just missed the sand castle competition in Fort Myers glad you will be able to go to this one. Of course the chainsaw art would be up my alley.

  9. So envious of everyone at the beach right now! Bane is adorable, both in the cupboard, and on the towel :-) The bucks and babies are wonderful, how special to have them as part of the neighborhood.

  10. I would totally disagree...this is an awesome post! I love your tea towels! What a great hobby. And to feed the deer, is so exciting!

    Enjoy the beach! Can't wait to see the sand castles!


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