Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Papago Park and Tempe Town Lake – Camera Workout

Sunday rolled around and after I “mostly” finished my Christmas shopping, I headed towards Papago Park and then Tempe Town Lake to try out my new camera.   This blog is all about trying out the camera and in doing so I took a total of 587 pictures.  The battery still had juice and my SD card still had room.   However, I figured that was enough for one day.  Next I had to check them out and then reduce them.

Sorry about so many shots here (way past my self imposed limit but they were reduced!)

My first shots were at Papago Park.  It’s a beautiful park by the Phoenix Zoo and Botanical gardens located between Tempe and Scottsdale.  

The park was the perfect place to go because of the variety of things I had to photograph including landscapes, palm trees, a fishing lake or two, cactus and ducks.
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First looking on the outside in and then after a little climb on the inside out.
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I loved the ducks.
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I found my favorite duck of the day snacking at Tempe Town Lake.
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That’s it!  The camera is a keeper and what fun it was.

‘Tis life on the road.

Water is the desert’s medicine.


  1. Wow, that's a good camera. We love the sequence with the duck and its crayfish.

  2. Wow, hope you didn't wear out your shutter finger! :cO

  3. Looks like this is going to be the "one" you have been waiting all your life for!

  4. You even managed to find clouds in an Arizona sky. Great photos.

  5. Beautiful photos, every one of them. I didn't know those ducks would eat hard shelled critters - that's a new one. I thought they just ate fish and little insects. Great shots of his meal. I'm so glad you love your new camera. I find when I have a camera I love, I take it more often and notice more things that are photo worthy. Have fun with it!

  6. Just added Papago Park to the places to visit when we get there in March. Looks lovely.

    The pictures are so clear and sharp! Great job. I say the camera is a keeper also!

  7. Keeper indeed! Well done, Jeri.

  8. Stunning pics ! But 587 pictures you took !!?? Oh Me Nerves !! LOL

  9. Looks like the camera is going to be a big success:)

  10. Been years since I drove across Papago Parkway daily to get to ASU from my home in the Scottsdale neighborhood across Thomas. There is a car dealership now immediately across Thomas from the Botanical Gardens. That dealership is situated atop a WWII prison camp for German prisoners. There is even a story of how one escaped and hid in the Papago Hills before being discovered. Thanks for the pictures. Interesting!

    1. Thanks for sharing. I'm going to have to check that out. I didn't know about the prison camp. I did walk up to the Governor's Tomb though.

  11. Awesome pictures with your new camera, glad you found a good one.

  12. I love it, love it, love it! What a fun day and beautiful pictures...

  13. Definitely a keeper - great shots! Love the palm tree from underneath and the looking-out through the hole in the hill :-) Looks like the perfect spot to give the new camera a good work-out.

  14. nice shots! And I love the camera too. It takes a really crisp picture :) I don't use it for everything because I don't haul it on 8 mile hikes with me, but I do use it a lot.


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