Wednesday, December 17, 2014

It’s Over - I’m Done and Glendale Glitters

I was so thrilled when I could yell those words.  What’s over ? What’s done?  My Christmas shopping in Arizona is finished!  Of course, we have a couple little things to pick up once we arrive back in Washington before the 20141215_144821festivities begin but for now no more malls, no more checkers and no more purchasing.  What a relief it is!  I must say the crowds didn't appear to be as bad this year as the years in the past.    I know it’s not because we’re too early.  After all, Christmas is only a week away.  I think online shopping has already taken over. 

Heading to the malls isn’t all bad.  The malls are decorated festively and we enjoy seeing all those decorations.    Fiesta Mall even had a Nativity scene in the center of the mall.  I was pleasantly surprised to see it there.  Most malls avoid anything related to the Nativity in their decorations for fear of offending some folks.   There are decorations for many holidays I don’t care for.  However if I don’t like them, I can always look the other way.  Why can’t others do the same?    I  was also happy to see the Jewish Hanukah decorations.  Even though I sometimes get boggled down with the gift buying and shopping, I still enjoy the decorations at  Christmas. 

Decorations are a big part of Christmas.  So much in fact, that Glendale has a town square all decorated for the holidays.  There are many events planned from right after Thanksgiving to New Years.  Sandie asked if we wanted to go on a horse and carriage ride to view the glittering Christmas lights. We had never been to the little downtown area of Glendale and thought it was a great idea. 

Getting there was the trick.  It was work traffic.  It’s not that we haven’t driven in work traffic.  We used to fight that traffic in Dallas but when you have to be in it and aren’t working, it’s not a lot of fun.  The work traffic in Phoenix is no piece of cake either.  Remember the days when cars were bumper to bumper and cars were almost at a stop for miles?  Well, that was what this was like.  Eventually, we were able to get off the freeway and arrive at our destination.

However, just like most folks we had to prioritize our evening.  First, of course, came dinner at Haus Murphy.  At first we were excited because we thought we had found an Irish pub.  Not so, it was German.  However, it was a fantastic meal.  I ordered Beef Roulade.  My DIL, Sabrina, makes this and we all love it.  My roulade was great but I have to say, if you want the best beef roulade, you need to have Sabrina make it for you.  Hers is so much better.

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My “little” Beef Roulade !
Sandie’s huge plate of food!

Check out the food on Sandie’s plate!  It was huge.  We were thinking that we could have all split one plate – her plate.  After dinner was behind us it was time to enjoy all the lights and the carriage ride through Glendale.  What a fun evening it was. 

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Time is marching on.  I’m in my normal research mode and have our “tentative” flights on a spreadsheet so I can watch the number of tickets sold each day.   Why do I do that other than because I can?  Well, it helps us plan as we try to hitchhike a ride to Portland.  I would have thought by now most folks would have already purchased their tickets.  We’re under that 7-day window and the prices of those flights have taken a sharp jump upwards.  Oh well, what is, is.


‘Tis life on the road.

“Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful. ”


  1. Okay, I'm in. I want to have some of Sabrina's Beef Roulade. Does she take reservations? :cD

    1. Well, I'm not quite sure. You'd have to ask her but don't forget to mention you know the right people! Tips accepted.

  2. The food was great but the company better. We had a fun time - thanks for joining us.

    1. It was a wonderful evening and so much fun. I'm sure we'll think of a few more outings over the new couple of months.

  3. Sounds like another wonderful day and the carriage ride a fun time as well.

  4. Oh my gosh...I love the Santa hats on the catus. Too cute!
    Finished my shopping today also. Time to party.

  5. I would have soooo enjoyed that carriage ride for sure !!

  6. What a fun evening! Can you believe I have never been on a carriage ride?
    And yes, I heard you all the way down south in Tucson screaming with excitement...

  7. I'm done as well and have to admit not stepping foot in a single store for any of it. Keeping UPS in business one purchase at a time........I love Christmas decorations and all the traditions that surround this time of year - seeing them from a carriage ride is fantastic. Sounds like you're cutting those plane tickets pretty close, but I'm sure it will work out just as you've planned - you're a pro at this!

  8. Christmas shopping has been a difficult process for a long time for me. Now we have online stores:)

  9. Carriage ride...we are so jealous! Something on our list to do but never knew they did it in the Phoenix area...we lived there for years!


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