Thursday, December 4, 2014

Nesting in Arizona – Plus Another Camera ?

We have arrived.  That happens occasionally and it all depends on where we’re going and when.   This time we have -_Feb15_2[5]arrived at our southern most destination for the month of December and probably January.  We’re here to stay for a while.  Mostly that’s because Terry’s mother is close and we normally spend this time of the year with her.

Saturday we pulled into the Elks.  There was a time when we didn’t like staying at this Elks.  It was certainly the most convenient location to Terry’s mom but it wasn’t really a place we liked to stay.  All that has changed.  They have a new host and this place has been cleaned up, organized and very well kept.   Things have definitely changed and it’s all for the good.  I think the new host has made all the difference in the world here.

elksusa1Our intent was to stay a couple days while we looked for someplace else for a month or maybe even two.  Well, we went looking. The little parks we thought might have vacancies were already booked up.  There are huge RV parks in Mesa but being in a huge RV park wasn’t something we wanted to do.  So, what did we do?  Well, we settled into a site at the Elks and we’re here for at least 6 or 7 weeks.  As a snowbird we have finally found a nest.

_Feb8_6[7]Since then, we’ve been mighty busy people.  That usually is the case when we first arrive most anyplace.  We’ve even been to some of our favorite places that aren't available in the north.  One of those places was Cracker Barrel. Another was the Claim Jumper and, of course, I can't forget to mention Chick Fila.  We’ve hit two casinos with Terry’s mom.  The first one we visited I walked out with an extra $310 and the second one I donated some of it back.  

The tailgate latch has now been repaired or maybe I didn’t mention that I broke that in Palm Springs.  We’ve even done a little Christmas shopping even though we’re not doing half of what we’ve done in the past this year.  It’s too hard, too expensive and besides all the “little” kids have grown up.

I’m on the hunt for another camera.  I really like the two I currently have but I need one with a TTL feature.  I’ve tried to take way too many pictures when I haven’t been able to see what I’m taking through the LCD screen. 

There are so  many reviews online and so many opinions.  None of them seem to agree on the same cameras.  Along with a few other favorite reviewers, I always check out Steves Digicams.  Most cameras available today are listed on his site along with detailed information and reviews.  There are hundreds of them.   It’s a great place to start.  Thank goodness I do have a couple cameras I still like.  I just can't use them in the bright sunlight and know what I'm taking a picture of.
None of the above cameras seemed to have “it all” but it was a place to start.  Next, will be the list I need to make of what the camera "must" have.

For now we’re settled in.  We have a few plans with friends in the next few days,  There are also a few day trips we hope to make while here.  

‘Tis life on the road.

If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse, and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality.”  - Desmont Tutu


  1. Enjoy your stay there at the Elks and visiting with Terry's mom.

  2. "Since then, we’ve been mighty busy people." !!!! Oh Me Nerves ! You two do more in a day than I do in a YEAR !! Enjoy !

  3. I can't recommend a camera because there are so many great ones out there but you have definitely made the right decision to go with a TTL Three of my 4 cameras have through the lens viewing & I know exactly the difficulties caused by a camera that does not have TTL. Just as you described. Good luck with your final choice. You are on the right track:))

    1. There are so many good ones. That's the hard part. Now to find the perfect one in the price range I'm willing to pay!

  4. TTL - Through the Lens? Our camera does that.

  5. Always great to hear when a place ups its game and makes improvements that make a long stay desirable. Good for the new host! I'm still looking for a good first camera :-)

    1. Oh come on ... a first camera? You've never had a camera?

  6. Good luck with your choice of camera. And enjoy the warm and nice surroundings you now have.

  7. I wish we could send some warm weather your way but the internet isn't capable of doing that ... yet!

  8. Which Elks are you staying at? We are looking at staying at the Elks in that area I know we talk to you about it before but I don't know which one you're at right now.

    You need to take Paul and I to a casino and show us how to win. I think we are the two biggest losers on this earth.

  9. Welcome to Arizona! Good luck on finding the right camera Jeri...

  10. Nice to hear that they cleaned up the place and that you can stay put for a long period of time. Looking forward to tomorrow.

  11. I need to buy a camera that has an ATG (automatic thumb guard). I do get great pictures of my thumb and not much else...

    My lifetime winnings at casinos total $14. I don't want to mention the lifetime losings!

    Each year I say I'm just going to get gift cards for the grandkids, they are getting harder and harder to buy for. And each year I wimp out. One of these years I'm going to do it, honest! ;c)

  12. I do love my new Panasonic and the viewfinder is one of my main reasons I wanted a new one. both Carol and wayne recommended it.
    you can do some great comparisons at this site, including a comparison of photos shot with different cameras:
    I ended up with the Panasonic Lumix FZ200.

    1. Thanks, Sue. I've used the site a lot. However, I didn't look at the Panasonic. I will now though.


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