Sunday, November 9, 2014

Carmel By the Sea

I mentioned in my previous blog that the Sardine Factory Restaurant in Monterey was going to be one of the places we were going to check out.  After all, how many Sardine Factory Restaurants do you think there really are?  It was unique and I wanted to go.   It was MY plan.  Terry just made a face and said ICK.  So, my first plan of action was to check out their menu.  If they didn’t have something on it that was appealing to him I’d have to use Duchess’ leash to get him in the door.  However, I didn’t have to worry about that once I checked out the menu.  To begin with if this restaurant was one of caterers for an inaugural ball, I knew right to begin with we wouldn’t want to fork out extra dough just to say we’d been there, done that.  Well, we can still go there but I’m certainly not doling out $55 for a steak dinner, $9 for potatoes and still not have a salad.  So, other than a visit to their gift shop, eating anything other than a dessert was forgotten.

Carmel1_1 Carmel1_2

Coastal towns tend to get swamped with people over the weekend.  If the sun is shining and the weather nice, you can expect to see floods of traffic heading to enjoy that sun and surf.  Thus, on Friday we decided to visit Carmel before the crowds arrived.  We had no trouble finding a parking spot.  We were just lucky I guess.  It’s definitely a gorgeous walking town with quaint shops and art galleries.  We walked into many of them just toFrogPurse admire the paintings and photography.  However, we walked away with nothing.  It’s an expensive little town but we felt like we fit in.  After all, we were driving our jaguar and quite a few folks noticed it sitting on the hood of our truck.    

Want a Mary Frances Frog or Flamingo Purse?  Many unique and $$$ items were available in Carmel.

Carmel1_4Next stop, Carmel’s beach at the end of Ocean Avenue.  Again, no problem getting a parking spot. I bet parking would have been a problem had we decided to visit on Saturday or Sunday instead of Friday.  It was just a beautiful, beautiful day.

Our route back to Monterey was via the 17 Mile Drive.  Last year we did this same drive and ended up paying close to $6.00 a gallon for gas because we didn't fill up first.  This time we made sure we had plenty of fuel before starting on our route.  There are many places to pull off the road at viewpoints and there always seemed to be a place to park.  In addition to awesome views of the coast, we also awed over the many multi-million dollar mansions.  It wasn’t long before the fog started to roll in.  It seemed to move in fast.  We were lucky that we did this route when we did.  It was  a beautiful drive.  We’ve done it several times before and I’m guessing we’ll probably even do it a few more times in the future.

Pebble Beach Golf Course
Our next house!


Next it was almost time for dinner.  We were a little early but who said dinner had to be a specific time?   This time it was for a little pub food at the London Fog Pub on the dock back in Monterey. We like eating at pubs.  Maybe it's the Irish in me.  The food was good and with our “doggie” bags in hand we headed back to the motorhome to share our meal with Duchess.



Our RV park is on the Monterey Pines Golf Club.  This weekend is a big weekend and it’s a wonder we even got reservations.  The US Kids Challenge Golf Tournament is being held here this weekend.  We decided not to get on the course or   even the driving range for a few days.  It wouldn’t be fun being shown up by a 5 year old.  You should see some of those kids hit that little golf ball.  However, maybe we should ask for a tip or two.

Just down the road is the Monterey Fairgrounds.  We noticed it was pretty full with RVs so decided to check it out too .......... then, we discovered that it was $50 a night!  That was $50 a night to stay in the fairgrounds in your own accommodations.  Nope ... we didn't figure we needed to take a second look.


A DNA tidbit  --  For those interested in DNA between the major sites, take a look at these comparisons.  My DNA is on the top three sites listed.  We all have favorites and 23andme is mine for many reasons but most of all because of their chromosome viewer and advanced results. Ancestry DNA is my least favorite even though their regular website is topnotch because of their historical records.  Gedmatch is free and almost all DNA can be transferred there -- another topnotch tool. 

‘Tis life on the road.

“I don’t regret the things I did wrong.  I regret the good things I did for the wrong people.”


  1. We would have not eaten at the pricey Sardine factory either. More awesome pics today!

  2. Nearly $6.00 a gallon. Get down here woman. ARCO gas sales only $2.65 a gallon but most are $2.85.

    1. That was the price last year and not this year. We've been paying under $3 for fuel too.

  3. We have never been to Carmel or Monterey. They both look so lovely but at $6.00/gal and $50/night...we will pass.

    1. Not this year's prices for sure. Things have gone down.

  4. Ed and I spent our first anniversary in Carmel.

  5. Great pics as always. But are you doing something different with your pictures ? They look more like 'paintings' rather than 'photographs' - especially the last three ?

  6. the pictures are fabulous! gas price is a bit of an 'ouch' but worth it to see views like that!!!

    1. The price I mentioned for fuel was when it was so high in 2013. It's a gorgeous place for sure.

  7. $55 for steak? Imagine what they must charge for a sardine!

    We love pub food, too. Our all time favorite pub is the Adam and Eve in London, England. When do you want to meet us there?

    I prefer my caramels surrounded by chocolate and not salt water... :cD

    1. You sent me the wrong numbers for your credit card. We wanted to eat at the Sardine Restaurant but your card was declined.

    2. So sorry, but it was the credit card you gave me that you bought off the Internet... :cP

  8. I do love the CA coast. Karla's daughter just got married in Carmel. It was an elope (and we even gave our consent) so we weren't there. But we saw her photo's. On the fuel front, we just paid $2.52 in santa fe, oh what a relief !

  9. Great pictures. With those prices, it would definitely be a pass for us:)

    1. The good thing is gas is cheaper this year and there are plenty of great places to stay less than the fairgrounds. The Salinas Elks is just a hop, skip and a jump away and it's on the golf course too.

  10. Aren't the lower gas prices this year wonderful? Interesting that the golf course camp ground was more reasonable than the just never know :-) That is such a beautiful area, and having the time to really enjoy it is so nice. Must be fun to watch the little ones on the big course!

  11. Great photos of Carmel, the beaches and the Lone Cypress! Carmel and the entire Monterey coast is beautiful.

    I'm with Terry on the Sardine Factory - I'd hate to pay $55 for a steak that tasted like a sardine!!

    1. That could be pretty nasty if they cooked those steaks in sardine oil. That could open a can of worms to even discuss ... er, can of sardines, I mean.

  12. I'd much rather have one of your steaks on the grill. No $55 steak could possibly be any better. The only time I was in Carmel was on a week-end and it was horrible. But we saw some gorgeous homes and that drive by the golf course was incredible.

    1. Even splitting that meal wouldn't be something we would be comfortable doing.


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