Tuesday, October 28, 2014

We’re Rolling Again

_26oct_2We discovered on Monday our motorhome wheels do still know how to roll.  We finalized some of our stashing in cubby holes and bins.  Then, it was off to fill up with propane.  We were finally on the move again.  However, it wasn’t a long move and we were heading west not south.  It was only 21 miles.  We were heading into town for a week (give or take) before we turn that wheel in a southward direction.

rainOnce set up in our intended place, we rushed off to Sandi’s soccer game.  She has one more game and that will be the end of soccer for her.  I don't believe the Navy has soccer teams!  The good thing was they won that game and she did an awesome job of helping get that win.

Heavy rains seem to be plaguing this area.  It’s not so bad if you want to stay inside and listen to the patter on the  roof.  It’s a hard patter. However, if you’re interested in spending any time outside, you can get mighty wet.   The rains have been so heavy that driving in them is not even something we want to do.  There doesn’t seem to be much of an end in sight but there does seem to be a few slightly open windows.  It’ll be one of those windows we hope to catch when we start our trek towards the sunny southwest.


First, we have a few things to finish up including one more doctor appointment for Terry, one more soccer game for Sandi and at least one more get together with family.

Here’s an article I read this morning from Fierce Wireless about former  Millenicom customers being contacted by Verizon.  It sounds like something might be in the works but will it be in time to secure the double deals that end in a couple days?

‘Tis life on the road.

Travel becomes a strategy for accumulating photographs.


  1. Enjoy your last hurrah with family!

  2. I got the Verizon message on my MiFi this morning. I've dial the number and have been waiting on hold for more than an hour already. I guess I'm number 1,999,999 on the customer service line. :c(

    Glad to see you moving. I was a little concerned that your MH wheels might be a little out of round from lack of use... :cD

  3. Enjoy your last hurrah with the family for the winter. Your weather is looking awful wet. We had a cold front go through our path yesterday and it's only 59 right now in Tucumcari NM. Should be about perfect weather down in the valley.

  4. Enjoy the family time then hit the road, looking for warmer, dryer places.
    Travel safe...

  5. Hope you're down to the last week or so. Looking forward to seeing you.

  6. Make more memories with the family before you seriously hit the road. Be safe!

  7. As badly as we need the rain, I'm not a fan of traveling in it - hope you get a timely window when you're ready to get those wheels rolling south. How fun to catch the last two soccer games - great memories!

  8. Pfffttt !!! You don't call 21 Miles "rolling again" !! LOL

  9. We're getting the same rains here in Vancouver Island but we sure needed them after the dry summer. It'll be all the nice when you finally turn those wheels south towards the sunshine!


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