Thursday, October 23, 2014

Millenicom and A Free FTDNA Account

About a week ago many RVers found out that their internet provider, Millencom, was no longer in business.  The details of the transfer of customers to Verizon has not been made public.   However, the details is not relevant to the dilemma you are in if Millencom was your internet provider.  Internet on the road is not just a luxury, it's actually a necessity.  At least that's how we feel.  Some customers of Millencom received emails notifying them of the transfer of accounts but I don't think most did.    The news traveled fast through the RV community.  The news of the transfer that is and not the news of what might be to come.  The accounts at Millencom were billed and paid monthly and October 31st is the last day of those services.  Verizon has yet to come out with news about what will happen at their end.  Will we be grandfathered in, will a new plan be offered or will our service be cut off?   November 1st we may learn more.

Our little RV group has an online map where members post their location as they move around the country.  The group has an annual get together each January in Quartzsite.  The map is open to anyone who has joined the group during that time.  With the gorgeous weather we had been having going away,  I wanted to see where others were so I checked it out.  Everyone seems to be on the move ... everyone that is but us.

By now you know I am obsessed with genetics and DNA research.  To me it’s fascinating.  The more I read and the more I discover, the more I want to know.  For some crazy reason I really like reading about the science of DNA, chromosomes, SNPs and centiMorgans.


Here's a tidbit from Family Tree DNA (  They are now offering a free DNA account.

Here’s a link for A free FTDNA Account  -  
With that free upload, new members are given a sneak preview of their top 20  matches.  It’s an amazing offer.   FTDNA boasts that it has over 1,000,000 samples of DNA and that it’s the #1 genealogical database in the world  (Doesn’t 23andme say it’s the largest DNA database too?) .  I’m a big fan of 23andme but having DNA on all genealogical sites is actually the goal.


The free upload is for DNA that has been processed with the V3 chip. The target group is probably those who have tested at Ancestry as Ancestry offers none of the DNA utilities needed for actual chromosome mapping. Like I said, it’s a sneak preview until you upgrade at $39 (originally much, much more costly) or refer four additional uploads.  It's also a great deal.

Terry's still in Phoenix but returns on Friday.  Then, it's time to fire up the motorhome and move it back into town for about a week or so before those wheels start rolling .... we hope.

'Tis life on the road.

"Why waste your money looking up your family tree? Just go into politics and your opponents will do it for you." -- Mark Twain


  1. I just added a hot spot on my Verison. Keep us posted on the outcome.

    1. I visited the AT&T store yesterday and we can increase our 10gb tethering cap on our phone to 30gb for an additional $30 a month. That's $60 less than we paid with Millenicom for the same amount of data. However, we really liked having two separate providers to cover some of those dead zones.

  2. I'm sitting here wondering what Verizon will offer for my Millenicom account. Some folks have already upgraded to Verizon's new offerings, but I'm standing fast, hoping for the best but expecting to get hosed.

    So, will your DNA show how you're related to that 45,000 year old Neanderthal bone discovered in Siberia? ;c)

    1. I'm not doing anything either until after I hear what the offer from Verizon might be or if there is one. I would want to think they would be happy to keep Millenicom's customer base.

      An estimated 2.9% of my DNA is from Neanderthals. Does that count?

  3. I love your new header Jeri...very nice picture!
    Joe and I started out with Verizon and have had no issues over the past 4 years of our travels. I do hope it all works out to your satisfaction and is hassle free.

  4. It will be very interesting to see what Verizon does with its Millenicom accounts. I don't see how they can offer them a better deal than what existing Verizon customers are getting. There could be a lot of angry clients come November.

    1. It will be interesting for sure. No matter what they do, there will be upset customers. I'm hoping for a "grandfather" deal anyway.

  5. We had just figured out our cell phone/internet "plan" for next year. Then came October and all the monkeys started throwing their wrenches!! So now we've put that planning on the back burner until about thirty days before we launch - figure things might stay current for that long :-) I love that having access to DNA information is now so easy - seems much better than waiting for an autopsy.......

  6. We still have Verizon and probably always will. Most of the time they work pretty good but others I just give up.Pretty soon all those little marks will be headed south - most to the southwest but some to Florida and Texas.

  7. Glad you reminded me about changing our location. Paul always does it and has entirely forgotten. I will change it shortly.

    We have Verizon and have zero problems getting connected anywhere.

    1. It's all where you go and where you plan to be. If we only had one provider, it would have to be ATT because areas we stay in most frequently don't have Verizon service. We liked having the two but may now just up our data on ATT.

  8. We have Verizon thanks to some very good friends. We just renewed it.

    I am going to come back here to see about the free DNA account. Do you watch the PBS show, I think it's call Finding Your Roots. It's very interesting.

  9. I also have been using Verizon since I got on the road and have (almost) always gotten a great signal wherever I am. When I return to Canada I simply turn it off.

    How did we travel before without the Internet !!!???

  10. I am on 23andme and have been able to link up with a couple of folks. We have been able to confirm we are distant cousins though Share the same great, great, great grandparents. Way cool.

  11. We have been with Verizon for a few years and just works great for us during our 6 months in the states, turn it off when we go back to Canada.
    No doubt we see you in Quartzsite too.


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