Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Bygone Days of Summer

1sep_1It’s over.  It’s gone and so are the northern summer crowds.  Campgrounds won’t be empty.  They’ll continue to pull in those who want to enjoy the outdoors as long as the good weather holds.  However, September seems to mark the end of the packed campgrounds.  The weather will soon start turning and finding a site at most campgrounds will be much easier than it has been.

One car wasn’t so lucky.  It was hit in the rear by a motorhome.  Notice the back window and angle of the bike rack!

For us things are likely to turn back to normal now.   It seemed this Labor Day was one of the busiest we had seen.  Every place around us was packed with gatherings and reunions.  For many they were here to play in the lake and everything else outdoors-ish.  We virtually have had very little internet, cell phone service or connection to the outside world over the last few days.  Systems were definitely jammed and getting connected seemed to take forever.  However, now that’s over with, people are gone and it’s catch-up time.

We had a lot going on.  Tammi and her family were up most of the weekend.  Lee and Sabrina were up on Monday.  We also had my niece, her husband and two little munchkins spend the night.   Even my brother and his wife stopped for a bit.  The little ones swam, enjoyed the campfire, played miniature golf and fed the deer.  The deer aren’t quite as plentiful when the area is full of people.  The little ones are even more skittish.  Sunday we were busy with a craft fair.   What a great weekend.  We like it when family visits us.

Grand Nephew, Zak, won a nice $73 pot at bingo on Saturday.   He had plans for Toys R Us on Tuesday!

Now that the weekend is behind us it’s time to look ahead.  We have a lot going on this week too.  I’ve had to write down notes to remember everything we need to do to get ready for it. Tuesday is designated as do-all 1sep_2day because I’m off to the Family History Library in  Salt Lake City early Wednesday morning.   For me, it’s playtime.  For Tammi, it’s work but it’s another free hotel for me.  Timing is perfect to fit my schedule.  Thursday night Tammi will catch a flight back to Portland and I’ll catch one to Charlotte.  Terry will be meeting me in Charlotte and then we’ll both fly on to  Norfolk to see Justin.

Sandi, Sophia and Zak at the pool  It was packed too!


One thing I’m kind of curious about is the new procedures TSA has planned.  Normally, we’re always on the TSA Pre-Check list so we don’t have to stand in the long lines.  However, I read recently that is going to be changed.  No more TSA Pre-Check unless you’re willing to pay for it.  Does it make a passenger safer if they hand over cash?

Getting back to our little “cabin” will take a little creativity but we’re working on it.  Perhaps, we’ll return via  South Dakota.  It’s time for Terry to renew his license and we figured this is the best opportunity.    Details haven’t been worked out and I know I need to get on with that task especially if I'm leaving early tomorrow morning.

‘Tis life on the road.

Families are like fudge – mostly sweet with a few nuts.


  1. A most excellent question on the pre-check - seems to completely change the "point" doesn't it? How great that so many family were able to join you over the holiday weekend - looks like there was lots to keep them busy :-). No moss growing on you girl - looks like you're on the move the foreseeable future. Be safe out there.

    1. We're hoping for a little moss after we get back but not so sure about that either.

  2. Have a great time with Justin, I know he'll appreciate your visit. I foresee lots of good eating in great restaurants to deprogram him from that Navy chow.

    So where does the money go for the pre-check program? That has me really curious. Another way to squeeze money out of taxpayers?

    1. We'll definitely be doing lots of restaurant hopping. We know how much that boy eats so the Navy is going to get a break for a while. His folks' grocery bill dropped big time when he moved out.

      No idea what they're going to do with that money but when I pulled my boarding pass this morning I discovered I'm still TSA pre-checked but wonder for how much longer.

  3. Yes, we full-timers certainly do look forward to the end of summer. 13 days and counting until we are out of here.

    1. Southward movement is definitely starting for snowbirds.

  4. Something is not right here....I am old and play Bingo and lose. Zak is a baby and he wins. What is wrong with this picture.

    I am not going to pay for Pre-Check list. They get enough of my money as it is.

    Safe trip for both of you. What fun it will be to see Justin!

    1. I wouldn't pay for the PreCheck either.

      When Zak heard how much was in the pot for that game he told me he was going to win and he did. It kinda got me off the hook too because I told him he had my lucky dauber. He let me know before that it hadn't been lucky for him.

  5. Sounds like you're going to have a grand time! Enjoy.

  6. Have fun in Salt Lake and also with Justin. With school back in session, you should have all the touristy things to yourselves. Oh and you can mark off Horseshoe Lakes in Indiana off your TT list. We had to go into overflow and are leaving early. We will head to Louisville tomorrow and then on to Campbellsville.

  7. Airlines must be going crazy trying to figure out new ways to charge for services one would think should be free. I thought private businesses were opposed to frivolous taxes but that's all these charges are - taxes!

  8. I think a lot of us will be glad to see the end of summer.

  9. Looking at the campground we're at tonight in Wall, SD you'd never know that summer was over with. It is packed - not a spot to be had. Sure glad I called earlier today for a reservation. Have a fantastic time with Justin and I know you will.


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