Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Fireworks and an Accident

We pulled into the Lucky Eagle’s RV park Monday afternoon.  It wasn’t a long drive but we needed to rearrange stuff we had pulled out of the “cabin”.  Every time we move from the cabin to the motorhome it seems to be quite an event.  This year it has been a little more difficult than last.  We talk about selling.  Then, we talk about keeping.  Right now we’re talking about selling.  Only the future will tell.

luckyThe RV park at the casino isn’t at the casino.  Well, if you don’t have slides, you can park in the RV area by the hotel.  We have slides so had to keep on moving.  The other park is a mile or two away.  It’s a nice place.  The sites are big and there is room to spread out.  We moved into a site and then went to the casino to give their buffet a try.  Sometimes we love them and sometimes not so much.  This was one of those not so much times.

The RV parking itself was great.  Sites were level and lots of green grass behind the RV.  Although, there were a few major downsides.  One downside was the intermittent cell signals we received – both Verizon and AT&T.  Thus, our phones and internet were on again and off again. However, that wasn’t the worst part about  it. 

The worst part of the RV park came from the dozen or so fireworks stands about a half a block away.  They didn’t just sell the fireworks.  They kept blasting them too.  The blasting continued off and on all day and all night.  Duchess was going bananas and so were we.  Even though we had paid for two nights, we only stayed for the one.  We had to move on.   It was miserable. 

2july_3We pulled out fairly early and continued on our way north.  Our trip didn’t progress as fast as we thought it would.  We were held up by an accident that closed down the highway in all directions for several hours.  Eventually, we were able to inch our way to the exit and leave the backup behind.  Thank goodness we were close to the front of the line and not at the back.

Knowing that it was a holiday weekend we weren’t sure where we’d find a place.  We hadn’t really intended to leave until after the holiday weekend was over.  We were hoping we could find a place that wasn’t full.  We were lucky.  Not every place was full. We’ve learned beggars can’t be choosy at times.


We normally like staying at the Elks but had heard the one in Port Townsend was closed.  Not so!  The only thing that closed was the dump.  The SKP park in Chimacum is actually one of the few SKP parks we  like other than the fact it’s not close to town.  More on that later………………

2july_15After getting setup we went into town.  I love Port Townsend and we have reservations next week right on the waterfront.  Tuesday the weather was gorgeous and I took some pictures from the back of the site we had reserved.  Awesome! 

  Center View

2july_12To the left
2july_10To the right


Terry wandered around and ended up at the Pygmy Kayak company.  He always drools over their boats.


Then, an amazing thing happened!  Terry fixed dinner for us and served it on our very best china!  What a wonderful dinner it was.  On a hot day nothing hot sounds good to eat.    And, the day was very hot for this area.  We have a weather antenna up and it recorded 91 degrees.  I’m sure it didn’t reach this temperature in town by the water but it still had to be quite warm.

We THINK we have an agenda worked out for the next month or so.  We THINK we do but you know how well chalk works.

‘Tis life on the road.

It's time to say goodbye, but I think goodbyes are sad and I'd much rather say hello. Hello to a new adventure.


  1. It is nice to move around from place to place, thats what we enjoy too. take whatever spots we can find, and relax.
    keep having fun.

  2. I can so relate to the fireworks issue. The last couple of nights they haven't been too bad and the thundershirt has really been helping Skitz. I just want this week over with. Glad you found a spot. I'm sure everything around here will be full for the long week-end - mostly with locals. Good time to stay home. I've been trying to work out our trip east and it keeps changing. Like you we think we have one kind of, sort of, maybe worked out.

  3. We have only stayed in one Casino campground and it was a short hike to the main area. We did stop at a casino in Biloxi on our recent trip and the buffet was excellent:)

  4. Mayberry Campground is about half full, but when we came in last weekend, there were many more rigs here.

  5. We don't get many random fireworks here--it's illegal and it's too easy to catch the people using them. But the Minnesota Orchestra played their annual Plymouth Music in the Parks concert last night and that always ends with fireworks so we had one big batch last night and there will be another one on the 4th. Then we are done for a long time.

  6. Poor Dutchess. Oliver has now taught Olivia to be fearful of fireworks, thunder and lightning, so now we have two quaking pooches.

  7. One of the trucks we were parked next to at that Flying J the other night ran his engine most of the night so the driver could stay cool. There was a defective valve on his air compressor relief valve and every 23 seconds it released a blast of air sounding just like a firecracker going off. Right next to our bedroom slide, too.

    Thankfully around 1 am he shut the engine down until about 6 am. Not complaining, the stay was free. ;c)

    I need to get into the Elks. Not many lodges out east have RV parking, though.

  8. You really had me going with that title!!! We were planning on staying at the BLM land here near Helena but everything was full. We ended up at an RV park and will just eat the cost. It is hot here so the air conditioner will be going. I don't like holiday's anymore!!!

  9. Yum, yum...that fruit salad looks so good! And my what a gorgeous view you have there!


  10. Glad to read it wasn't you in that accident. Looks like you've picked out a great spot on the water for your upcoming RV stay.

  11. Thankfully L.A. County prohibits fireworks so it greatly reduces the nightly noise this time of year. Naturally there are still those who bring them in from nearby counties where there are stands on every corner. With our extreme drought conditions I just want to get through the weekend without them starting major fires! Enjoy the not-knowing, roll the dice, head somewhere you've never been.......can't wait to see where you end up :-).

  12. What!!! Sale that lovely cabin. I just love that place. Wish you were closer. You would have a buyer for sure...of course the price would have to be

    That accident sure doesn't look very good. Hope everyone is OK.

    Terry cooked and it is just an ordinary day? No birthday, anniversary, Mother's day...send him my way.

  13. I'm shocked!! I didn't know Terry could cook and it even looks gourmet-ish . Jerry is in trouble now...Kitchen Nightmare look out. What are you thinking about selling?


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