Friday, June 6, 2014


We said goodbye to our friends, Ed and Linda, and headed inland from Seaside, Oregon. We 4Jun_1knew we would miss them but already had a breakfast get together planned on their trip north.  We also said goodbye to the Oregon coast as it was time to head inland.  We ended up moochdocking in the driveway of our son for a few days until the RV goes into storage for a month or so.

4June_ab7From the moment we arrived, we were busy.  Granddaughter, Jordie, had bought a new car and desperately needed to get her old car up on Craigslist and sold before the dealership processed the down payment on her Visa card – she had a small window. 

Jordie beaming from ear to ear with her new car.


To begin with Terry was out there washing it, I was taking pictures and then posting it.  Within about 3 hours her Explorer was on its way to a new home.  WOW … that was fast for sure.

4June_ab1Terry would be beaming from ear to ear if he were in this photo with the new bed cover.  He loves it.  However, it took more than the estimated 30 minutes to install.  Maybe that’s because the instructions had been left out of the box.  After struggling with it a little bit, we finally broke down and watched the online installation video.  After that, it was a snap.

One thing I really like about being in this area is the food.  We have lots of barbecues and our smoker is nearby. I put together some chicken with asparagus and wrapped it in bacon.  Our son, Lee, cooked them on his barbecue.  They were cooked perfect, of course. 

Our smoker is going to be busy on Friday.  A quick trip to Costco was made for a couple pieces of salmon.  Now these weren’t just salmon pieces, these were PRIME wild caught salmon pieces.   Does anyone even buy farmed Atlantic Salmon anymore?  I couldn’t make up my mind which salmon to buy so I bought two!  These two luscious chunks of fish were prepared with a rub and placed in the refrigerator overnight.  They will be going in our smoker today.  Nothing is better than smoked salmon --- nothing.

Wild caught Alaskan king salmon
Wild caught Copper River Sockeye Salmon

Friday is moving day for us.  We’re moving back in the cabin for a bit.  There’s always a lot to do there so we’ll need to get busy.  We'll also be able to get those kayaks in the lake and that we'll most certainly do but not on a weekend when the area is so busy.

Next week will be an exciting week for granddaughter, Sandie.  She is scheduled for MEPS with the US Navy  … some of you know what that is.  Eventually, she’ll be able to park close to Home Depot’s door at one of these reserved spaces for veterans.   Hmm ….  wonder if Bergdahl will be able to park here ???  Well, he is a veteran.

‘Tis life on the road.

“Seize the moment. Remember all those women on the 'Titanic' who waved off the dessert cart.”


  1. Since Kathy and I are just getting into grilling Salmon we just learned the hard way. The first salmon was wild and was delicious. Trying to improve our grilling technique we got some on sale and found it to taste bland. Looking at the package really close found it to be farm raised. Lesson learned we'll be buying wild from now on.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. It's not just the flavor, there's a lot more to farmed fish why we don't buy. This time I was smoking it instead of grilling it -- awesome!

  2. I love the other stuff on the smoker. Gotta try that some day.
    No salmon for me.

    1. We bought that smoker last year and it gets lot of use during the summer.

  3. You could send me some of that salmon. :)

    1. I'll see if I can send it to you via an email.

  4. Good luck to Sandie, seems like the other day I was giving all kinds of blood to the vampires at MEPS. I'm sure you're proud of her carrying on the family tradition. She'll deserve that parking spot.

    As for Bergdahl, his parking spot should be in the fast lane of I-5 (without a car). ;c)

    1. Terry chuckled about the fast lane on I-5 but definitely agreed with you.

    2. I am really shocked to hear so many people passing judgement on the actions of a very young American soldier, who volunteered to serve by the way, before he has even had a chance to tell his story.

      I have a feeling that before this is all over that disparaging comments about this young man are going to come back and bite his critics in the butt - especially all the wackos on Fox News who are busy promoting this trashing of Berghdahl. It's really quite shameful.

      What exactly does the phrase "Support Our Troops" really mean when a POW is so condemned even before he gets to tell his story about what actually happened?

      If anyone should be given the benefit of the doubt it is a young soldier who is serving in harm's way. Why the rush to judgement? The full, true story of how and why he walked off his post that night hasn't been told yet.

      Bowe Berghdahl could be anyone's son or grandson. Let's wait until the military authorities at least have a chance to talk to him to see what he has to say.

      If he's guilty of misconduct there'll be plenty of time then for folks to lash out and cast blame and ridicule on him if that's what they want to do. Right now, it's way, way to early for that.

  5. PS: Did you know that "Moochdocking" is the scientific name for "Free"? :cD

  6. Good lookin' salmon. You guys definitely do stay busy. I'll be looking forward to seeing what you're doing with the cabin. Good luck to Sandie. Have no idea what MEPS is but it sounds hard.

    1. MEPS is a full day of exams before acceptance into the military. Most of these exams for her are medical as she has already taken the aptitude tests. Then, she she will be sworn in to the delayed entry program.

  7. We love Craigslist. We just bought our kitchen table and chair on it. I would say three hours to sale a car is a record! Good job!

    You mean Terry would have read the instructions if they were included. Never heard of a man doing that...:)

    1. My suggestion to look for instructions and then the video .... not Terry's.

  8. Replies
    1. This rub is only for smoking salmon and not for grilling. It's a simple 3 to 1 brown sugar and salt. It sits overnight in the refrigerator after rubbed on, What isn't absorbed is wiped off in the morning. Salmon is put in the smoker at 200 degrees for 4 hours. I use a water filled (or apple juice filled pan) and alder wood chips.

  9. Love moochdocking as you know we have a few places that we frequent.
    Now that chicken asparagus and bacon look awesome. And we love salmon any which way is good.

    1. There are so many things I'm going to be trying now that we're where our smoker is.

  10. Even work at a lake house sounds like fun! We love salmon just about any way it can be cooked (wish we liked other healthy stuff as much :-) ).


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