Tuesday, June 10, 2014

A Little This'n That .... Plus iPhone vs. Samsung


We’ve stocked up our food supply.  The birds will be well fed, the feral cats will have a supply of treats and even the deer know where to find the garbage can filled with wet cob.  Weather has been beautiful except a little chilly in the morning but by mid-day, it’s been close to perfect.

Now an update on switching phones .....  My son and daughter had both transitioned to Samsung Android phones last year.   I had seen some of the fantastic apps both of them used.  I WAS an avid iPhone user but I don’t have Mac, never had a Mac, don’t want a Mac and gave up my iPad for a tablet with a Windows 8 operating system..  Sounds to me like I was the perfect candidate to try an Androd. I did and now I’m convert.

10Jun_7I had been an iPhone user since about the beginning of time so to change was a little scary. I discovered there was a little learning curve but after the first day of use, I also realized it was a huge upgrade.  The much larger screen, faster processor and the ability to add an additional 64gb of storage made it a dual purpose phone / tablet.  That made it an ideal gadget for me and I've always loved new gadgets.

I loved my iPhone but browsing the internet left a lot to be desired because the screen was small.  On the other hand, the screen on the Samsung Note 3 is much bigger and easier to view.   The many functions of the Samsung are also easier to figure out, find and use.  There are many features and apps for both the iPhone and this Samsung but none I liked better on the iPhone than I do on the Samsung. 

10Jun_6I can think of only one thing where the Samsung Note 3 takes a back seat to the iPhone 4s and that is taking pictures outside.   The screen is difficult to see in the bright sunlight on both but even more so on the Note 3.  I figure I’ll just do with this one what I did with my previous phones and that is point, shoot and look at the results later.

One great feature is the attached S Pen.  When you remove it from it’s slot, the Air Command opens up allowing you to pick between multiple apps, take a quick note or use the stylus to launch a command and draw a window to launch specific apps.  Another big feature is being able to connect via the USB cable to a computer and using it as a external drive.  No longer is iTunes needed to view, convert and move.  You can just slide the files over. 

This phone “blows” away any phone I’ve ever owned.  The size of the phone works perfectly for me because it is bigger and the screen easier to view.  However, would it work if I had to carry it in my pocket - maybe not.  And, that's my update on my phone switch.


The salmon I smoked the other day turned out amazing.  Matter of fact, I would even say that it’s about the best smoked salmon I’ve ever had.  Nummy !!!


We now have a new "summer" rack for kayaks.  Instead of carrying them down a slope to load on the vehicle, they  can now be loaded straight from the racks.


Trying to figure out a way to transport our kayaks has definitely been keeping us busy.  We’ve purchased and returned several different racks.  Hopefully, we’ll get this solved soon.

‘Tis life on the road.

Calories are just little tiny creatures that live in your closet and sew your clothes a little bit tighter every night.


  1. My question is - how does that big phone work when you're just using it as a phone? I would think it would be awkward to hold up to your ear. I love my android phone but a bigger screen would sure be nice. Hope you saved some money so you can keep the larder stocked for all the animals that are going to be showing up at your place. Trying to find the right whatever - be it kayak racks or seating in a Bungalow - takes a lot of yesing and then noing to figure it out.

    1. It isn't awkward at all to use as a phone. Remember the big wireless phones we used to have in our homes? This one is much smaller.

  2. Glad you like the phone. You weren't to sure when you first got it. I love mine.

  3. I like the idea of the bigger screen but I do carry my phone in my pocket so that might not work for me. Gad to hear you are happy with it, though.

  4. That looks like a really nice phone. Since I'm grandfathered in with Verizon's unlimited data I would have to pay full price for a new phone. I'm happy now with what I have, but I AM looking forward to having a new phone one of these days. The larger size would be nice. :)

    1. I was grandfathered into the AT&T unlimited but still was able to upgrade with a discount. Then, when we did I went ahead and switched plans to the 10gb data one and saved money. What a deal!

  5. Sounds like you have found the perfect phone for all your needs. Good luck with it.

    I would love a nite of that salmon!

  6. I have an adroid. First phone and a lot to learn

  7. Thanks for the great review on your Samsung Android device. It sure sounds like it has everything one needs and is a worthy successor to your iPhone.

    I guess my only concern would be how to carry it around with me. Right now, my iPhone 5S sits in a small case attached to my belt so it's easy to get at.

    1. It's a bit bigger than the iPhone 5s so not sure how that would work either.

  8. Oh man, Jeri! I bet Steve Jobs is rolling over in his grave...his most loyal customer abandons the iPhone!

    Be careful out there, this is earth shaking news and you are awful close to some major fault lines... :cD

  9. Thats a great review on your new phone, Me, I just stick to an old tiny disposable phone, for emergency only. Suzie have the smart phone and loves it.

  10. I love my Samsung. At the recent Escapade Geeks on Tour seminar, Chris asked the full class who had iphones and who had Samsungs. The Samsungs outnumbered all brands.

    1. That surprises me. I would have thought that the iPhone would have been most popular but I do think the Samsung is in a class all its own when you get into the Galaxy and Note phones.

  11. We are back in the stone ages....with dumb phones! But if I ever decide that's what I need, I will go with the Samsung.

  12. I don't ever use the lap top anymore my Note does everything I need. Getting hot in TX , too hot, cool mornings sounds good.

  13. Samsung is beginning to sound mighty good to me. Thanks for the review.


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