Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Norfolk Bound

Terry’s flight left for Norfolk today.  He’s sure to have a great time with Justin. It's been a while sincimagese we actually had purchased a “real” ticket on an airline.  Most of the time we now fly stand-by and we have done a lot of that.  This time there was no stress because he knew he’d make the flight.  Better than that, since he flew so much on business in the last ten years before he retired, he could use his lifetime elite status for early boarding and seat selection. We were curious just how many business miles he had flown on the one airline so we took at peak -- 1.5 million miles. Had they included his pleasure miles that number would have been much, much higher.  However, we only purchased a one-way ticket so returning from Norfolk might be another story.  My fingers are crossed and so are his that flights will be open and he’ll be able to get a flight back without a hitch.

In the meantime, Duchess and I are parked 18 miles from the nearest store but we have plenty of things to keep us busy ‘cuz once I dropped Terry off I hightailed it to Joann’s.  My sewing machine is out and the refrigerator is stocked.  

This definitely is not our favorite park. It sure could use someone handy with a weed wacker and also someone with a little paint.  Temperatures are in the mid-90’s which is way too hot for me.  It may be shorts weather but no way am I going out without long pants on and lots of bug spray.  Someone told me it was too early for the mosquitos to be out.  Well, someone needs to tell the mosquitoes that.  Soon we’ll be heading a little farther north.  I'm looking forward to moving on and a little cooler temperatures.

‘Tis life on the road.

Words are like people. Put too many of them too close together and they cause trouble.


  1. A sewing machine and plenty of food. Looks like you may getting some of those Christmas and birthday gifts finished up. I dread the mosquitoes and we'll probably hit Montana about the time they are starting to get bad.

  2. enjoy the time alone! sounds like you have enough to keep you busy!!

  3. "Words are like people. Put too many of them too close together and they cause trouble." Boy, do I relate to that one!

  4. Just take it easy there and get caught up on you sewing, wish we had some of that heat.

  5. Excited to read how the visit went with Justin.

  6. I envy you and your sewing abilities. My loathing for sewing anything started in junior high when in a sewing class I had to make a one-inch pleated skirt. My teacher made me take out the pleats three times, and I told her I wasn't going to do it again.

    She sent me to the dean of girls. :-(

  7. Enjoy the sewing AND the stocked fridge!

  8. No return ticket for Terry? You really are giving him a reason to stowaway on Justin's ship. You can take the man out of the Navy, but you can't take the Navy out of the man... :c)

    Have fun with your sewing, hope you get everything done that you want to before you have to roll again.

  9. I'm still not over the SHOCK of an iron - and now you tell me you also have a sewing machine in your rig !!!!????

  10. Enjoy yourself and make sure you take photos of your projects.

  11. Denise's comment cracked me up... I can just hear the "tone" in your voice, Denise. But, I'm right there with you with no iron or sewing machine. Guess we are not nearly as crafty/domestic as you, Jeri :) Good for you... enjoy the time, and hope Terry has great fun!


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