Saturday, May 3, 2014

Attitude Adjustment Needed

Have you ever thought if you had a different attitude things might be different?  Have you ever thought that maybe it’s YOU and not necessarily an RV park you don’t care for?  All these people keep returning to this park weekend after weekend and they like it here.  Maybe it’s not the park.  Maybe it’s me.

Christmas tree in clubhouse ?


Our neighbors

  • Maybe it wouldn’t have been so bad if the weather hadn’t been so dang hot. 
  • Maybe it wouldn’t have been so bad if the air conditioner didn’t have to run 12 hours a day. 
  • Maybe it wouldn’t have been so bad if the closest store was less than 18 miles away. 
  • Maybe if I hadn’t gotten eaten up to begin with and had huge bites that itched  for 3 days, I would have been more comfortable being outside. 
  • Maybe it wouldn’t have been so bad if the full hookup sites didn’t really have to share one site with a neighbor.
  • Maybe it wouldn’t have been so bad if the manager had been more willing to let us lock our kayaks at their little used dock. 
  • Maybe it wouldn’t have been so bad if the grass (or is it weeds) were trimmed better. 
  • Just maybe it wouldn’t have been so bad if we didn’t have a specific schedule for tank dumping and I hadn’t missed my “time” on Thursday because I was shopping at Joann’s – 20 miles away.

Just maybe if things had been a little different, I might really have liked this park.   I’m thinking the reason I don’t like this park might have more to do with me and my attitude than the park.  After all, it’s the weekend and hoards of other folks have suddenly shown up and certainly seem to be enjoying themselves.  In the meantime, I’ll just cry in my beer about it.  Oops … that’s right – I don’t have any and don’t even like it. Maybe if I liked beer I’d be able to cry in it too.

Here was my drink of choice yesterday and much better than beer  – a fruit smoothie with banana, strawberry and blueberries.  I did say my refrigerator was stocked previously.  I just didn’t say what it was stocked with.  The grill is out and salmon is on the menu for tonight!

Keeping busy is not a problem.   I’ve finished my cushions except for the hand stitching and some 3may_2buttons (estimated finish time – June or July).  I’ve also made a couple little throw pillows and a small valance for the bathroom.  

I would work on changing my attitude but I don’t really need to.  When Terry gets back from spending time with Justin in Norfolk we’re out of here – never to return.  Just because he’s gone and I’m stuck here doesn’t mean it’s his fault.  It’s mine.  I picked the place.  I’ll just continue to sulk until the wheels start rolling again.  In the meantime …. I’ll go watch the radio controlled boats today.


Stay tuned …. Sandi signs up for DEP on Monday. I think a few of you will know what that is.  It’s a big day for her.

Am I exaggerating a little about the park?  Maybe a little?  I’m thinking it’s mostly me.

‘Tis life on the road.

Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.


  1. Yep well some park are great and some aren't so great. But at least we have our own house.
    We have found a few parks over the years we don't much care about, but if we have hookups and its cheap we don't much care.
    Now that salmon on the grill sounds amazing!
    Keep smiling.

    1. You're right. It is cheap .... free in fact. I should have thought of that. I'm saving $30 a night by staying here. Maybe even enough to pay for Terry's trip back east including his hotel! The cedar planked salmon will be amazing. I'm wondering if I might have it for lunch instead of dinner.

    2. There is always a positive side to everything.
      And the cedar plank salmon will make it even better.

    3. That's definitely true. Heck, I may even have salmon for lunch AND dinner!

  2. :-))))) I believe that the best of attitudes occasionally need a good pout! There's always the "This too shall pass" and the "At least you have your health", but really sometimes it's just "That really sucks, I'd be unhappy there too!"
    The leaking washer sums it up perfectly :-).

    1. I like the "That really sucks" comment. Anyway, gotta run and take a shower. The alarm is set for an hour when I have to dump so need to be sure to get the water in the tank beforehand instead afterwards! :-(

  3. We have been in some parks that really sucked big time and it wasn't just me. After looking at your pictures, it's not just you. But free helps you to grit your teeth and hang on until Terry comes home. Now I want a smoothie.

    1. I think it's more a local park even though there is another side with huge sites. I still think it may be lacking in maintenance and have tons of bugs too. It's definitely not me. I love these little smoothies. Remind me to make you one in January.

  4. It's the park. I wouldn't like it either. Although I do like free. And salmon.

  5. Good for Sandi, another young person with their head on straight and making a great start in her life! Soon to be two blue stars on your blog. ;c)

    Love your header picture of where my tax dollars have been well spent!

  6. I think we all go though this at one time or other. I remember once we were situjng in a "resort" for one night and we looked at each other and said...Why did we do this to ourselves. Live and learn. Hope Terry is having a super time.

  7. Like the header photo & that pond sunrise/sunset. I have a very fluid attitude which sometimes serves me well while other times it just pounds me into the ground. Had Kelly & I been in that park you described we could never have stayed there no matter how hard we worked at adjusting our attitudes.

  8. YOU are dumping the tanks ???!!!!! Please !! An iron - a sewing machine - and now this !! My poor old heart simply cannot take all of these shocks !!

    1. You're so funny!! Now I've dumped tanks before! And, who else would do it ? Duchess? If I'd waited for Terry to get back, it wouldn't work because we're not scheduled for another "official" dump time until after I'm hoping to be out of here. It's almost like boondocking 'cuz I've been watering the weeds with my dishwater.

  9. Some parks aren't so great that's for sure. My attitude when in a place like that is usually "thank goodness I don't have to live here and I'm just visiting for a short while".

  10. Dumping time scheduled? Never heard about that before. There you see that we have not much experience in staying in parks. I would not like to stay in a place like that too long either. Don't bend yourself out of shape if you don't have to.

  11. You absolutely are not to blame for not liking that park. It sounds horrible to me. (But the free part is good!) Who won't let you dump your tanks when you need to. What are you supposed to do? :(

  12. We wonder the same thing all the time and we are coming around to realize IT'S NOT US and it's probably NOT YOU either. We've just seemed to be conditioned to take the blame for it more, it's time to stand up for ourselves and let others take responsibility for their own stupidity. We know that some parks and other things very clearly suck and it is fine to acknowledge that without even thinking it might be your smoothie!

  13. Sometimes the very best attitude cannot fix lousy:)

  14. At least you are in cell phone range and internet range. Here at Yosemite Lakes we can't get either. Have to rely on the free wifi at the clubhouse and it is very slowwww. We were supposed to stay here until the 11th but instead are moving Wed to the Turtle Beach TT park in Manteca. We do have some great pictures of Yosemite I will be posting soon.


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