Monday, April 28, 2014


After spending four glorious nights at the Thousand Trails /Naco park at Manteca, it was time to start heading north.  Now why would I say “glorious”?  Well, that’s because we weren’t on the road.  F28apr_1our nights was the longest we had “parked it” since we left Houston.  It was much needed.

Sunday rolled around and I was already putting my own brakes on.  I didn’t want to go.  It’s not that the park was  resort style because it wasn’t.  I was peaceful, clean and folks were very friendly.  We liked our site and it fit us to a “T” but it was time to move a little bit north.

Round Table Pizza – It was good but pretty expensive for a pizza.

Our first stop was only 31 miles up the road at exit 485.  It was the Flying J where we needed to top off the tank and fill our propane.  Fuel is about $1.00 a gallon more in California than it was in Arizona but it’s a big state to go through without topping off the tank.  The Flying J at this location is easy to reach off the freeway.  It has 3 nice RV lanes, propane, a dump and even long lanes for overnight RV travelers.  We’ll have to remember this place next time we pass through.

About another 55 miles and that was it for the day.  This definitely was not a PDD type of day. We’ll be here for about a week.  Well, rather I’ll be here for about a week while Terry heads to Virginia for his Tiger Cruise with Justin.  The park we pulled into is definitely interesting.  I couldn’t think of a better word to describe it.  The best part about it is it’s free. 

I only buy Wild salmon and this was absolutely delicious! Definitely not Atlantic farmed stuff.

Some sites have sewer and some sites don’t.  There’s a honey wagon that comes around twice a week for those who aren’t on sewer.  We opted for a sewer site which meant we would be in Section A.  Your sewer hose can only be _=28apr_1connected at the time you’re scheduled to dump.  It is on a sewer rotation system.  We can only dump on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at exactly 11:00 AM.

The first site we moved in looked like a pull-thru.  It wasn’t.  It was two sites.  A neighbor came running out let us know we had to stay farther to the right to accommodate another RV.  So, we moved.  Then, two other neighbors told us we couldn’t park there because slides weren’t allowed in that site.  We moved again.  The third time was the charm.  We were careful to stay in our little allotted space just in case another RV wanted to park behind us.  We are close but not cramped.  

We 28apr_8probably should have opted to go in Section D where the sites are huge.   We’re only here for a week and not a life time.  We can do it.  We can do it. 

Manager not sure she wanted us to tie up our kayaks at their revenue bringing dock.

Our little Trimetric stopped working.  Yesterday it started working again.  This morning it’s not working.  Hmmm.

  Neither Verizon or ATT signals are strong here.  One or two bars definitely isn’t enough. Once I connected to our Wilson antenna and SignalBoost, the signal maxed out and that’s where I want it to stay.  We have pretty good internet now but cell signal is pretty weak.

Duchess got a little gift.  It’s a ramp.  We’ve been working with her getting in and out of the RV.  How is that going?  Well, not too well.  We were hoping this will help her arthritis and her back legs.  We’ll have to see about that.

I finally decided to try this “Facebook” thing again.  It took a while to figure out what email I had used, what password and how to maneuver the site.  I still have problems with where to go for this or that and responding but it’s coming.  One of the first things I noticed were a couple shared Pinterest ideas.  Well, my DIL, Sabrina, is addicted to Pinterest.  She comes up with some of the most amazing ideas from there.  So, I’ve _28apr_1been checking out all the cool ideas posted there and even pinned quite a few.  Even better than that  I completed my first Pinterest project.

TV tray turned ironing board.

Space is limited in an RV and when sewing often seams or fabric needs to be pressed.  An ironing board takes a lot of space but this little TV tray turned ironing board doesn’t.  This is my first finished Pinterest project and I can set it right by the table while I’m working without taking up a lot of room.  I’m thinking I might do another one or two but using vinyl instead.

There are several other projects I pinned too.  However, Rome wasn’t built in a day and I certainly can’t do all of these things in a day either.  Oh well, I’m entertained and having fun.  That’s what counts.  Right?

traxxasThis is on Terry’s project list. It’s getting a good Traxxas radio controlled car before the family reunion in August.  He wants to race against the others and he wants to WIN!  I want a kite for the beach.

‘Tis life on the road.

If you awake every morning with the thought that something wonderful will happen in your life today, you’ll often find that you are right.


  1. I love that ironing board idea. I don't do much ironing, but if I did I would grab that idea right away.

    Praying that Terry has a safe trip to Virginia. I know he and Justin are going to have a fabulous time.

    Kelly and I are getting lots of ideas for the wedding from Pinterest.

    1. It was really for crafty things that need pressing.

  2. Take your time and enjoy staying n a campground , thats why it too us 5 weeks to travel 3,000 miles. A day or two on the road, free campground for 3-7 days, makes the travelling more enjoyable.
    Have too much fun there.

    1. Stopping here and there does make a huge difference. It revitalizes you.

  3. We had a ramp for Rusty and Poppy but they just never took to it. I think they felt a little shaky on it so we ended up picking them up for the last year or so of their lives. Hope the ramp works well for your Duchess. It can sure be a blessing for the pooch and the owner.

    1. We are having a little trouble getting her to like it.

  4. Too many rules in that campground for my liking. But as you said, it's only a week so I'm sure you'll do fine.

    Iron ?? I know I have one somewhere in my rig - couldn't tell you where though. Obviously I haven't used one since I hit the road !!

    1. I do sew and those seams need to be pressed open. That's more what it's for. Well, once in a while I need to touch up a t-shirt or two.

  5. We use a ramp for Tucker..not the he physically needs it but he is not keen on jumping in and out of the truck..and then there was the advice we got from vet, saying the jumping was the worst thing for a dog..could cause major back issues!

  6. I can hardly wait to want to sit for a few days in a campground because we've been moving so much. I am so ready. Sure hope the ramp works for Duchess. One good thing about our girls is that we can lift them when that times comes and it will. However, there are days when I think a ramp for me would be a good thing. Terry is going to have a great time with Justin. Just hope the weather cooperates.

  7. Make sure that old Navy man, Terry, comes home after his cruise with Justin and doesn't stow away! :c)

  8. I love pinterest. Have pined a lot of crafts, food and other things. I go on it at least once a week to check anything new.

  9. Me too, I don't iron much but love the desk-come-ironing board Doug made us in the bedroom.

  10. "I want a kite for the beach." Priceless :-). If I ever complete 10% of the ideas I've pinned in the last two years it will be a miracle.....still, it is wonderful to just window-shop.

  11. That sure seems like a curious campground but it sounds friendly enough. It must be something if everyone has to flush their tanks exactly at 11am.

  12. Great job on the ironing board...sure beats a towel on the counter!
    Hope Terry has a great time with Justin on the cruise!

  13. Sounds like that park has way to many rules:)

  14. Better set an alarm for the dump time. I wouldn't want you to miss it.

    Try putting a rug on the ramp; some dogs have trouble with the surface of them.

    I look forward to hearing about Terry's trip and your projects.

  15. Funny little park - but I guess if you know the rules you're okay. That ironing board looks pretty neat. Not that I'm considering ironing anything! :)


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