Thursday, January 23, 2014

Shop Until You Drop In Quartzsite

You never know what to expect or what to find in Quartzsite.  It isn’t always about shopping.  In this particular case it wasn’t about shopping at all.  It was about a blue boy full of black water crud that had sprung a leak on the way to the dump.  Ick .. yuk and even more.


However, if shopping is what you’re looking for there is plenty of it.  Vendors are in full swing.  If you can find what you’re looking for with the outside vendors instead of those inside the Big Tent, you’ll probably save a buck or two.  These are some I found as I wandered through Tyson Wells.

I loved these signs.  The vendor didn’t love me taking a picture though.  I’m thinking he was afraid I’d copy his signs.  NOT!  He wanted to charge  $1,000 for the picture.  Instead of stopping to browse after that, I just kept walking.

We visited the vendors before noon.  The aisles were packed with shoppers.  However, there were several vendors who lost out by not opening up early enough to snag a few shoppers.


Our time is running short.  We paid $40 for 14 days.  We’re almost at the end of our 14 days anunhappyd we’re not quite sure where we’re heading next.  We have about 6 days to kill until we move into a park where we actually have reservations.  We probably won't wander far from Quartzsite maybe just up the road but still need to come up with a plan.

In the meantime we have a few things organized here, i.e., another trip to Silly Al's, the Yacht Club,  karaoke, kayak trip on the Colorado River, another Big Tent visit, a trip to Denise's rig and Happy Hour with George and Suzie.  We've been mighty busy and it looks like we will continue to be that way.

Anytime you get together around here you always run into regular bloggers.  Some folks blog once in a while and others blog often.  I highlighted two above plus we have a few other regular bloggers parked with us.  Here they are:

‘Tis life on the road.

Remember folks, street lights timed for 35 mph are also timed for 70 mph.


  1. It might be worth your while to bite the bullet on another 14 day pass and save on the extra traveling costs.
    Should have told the sign vendor you were going to charge him $2,000 for advertising on your blog. That would shut him up.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  2. How does that vendor figure he has a right to privacy by displaying his signs in a public place? Incredible.

    Lots of stuff (aka junk) for sale at the Q for sure.

    1. He certainly can't stop you from picture taking if he's out there with everyone else!

  3. We were wanderin' about Tyson Wells yesterday morning too. Deals to be had if you take the time to look around, still need to take another look or two always find new things to see.
    We are here until Feb 3rd, then a couple free days somewhere and head west to a few campgrounds. Then??? Maybe slowly make our way back east again.

  4. I had an encounter with that same IDIOT two years ago. Like you, I was taking pictures of everything. He literally RAN out to me and I really thought he was going to attack me !! He stood there and demanded that I delete the picture from my camera - which I did.

    Then he wanted me to scroll further on the camera to make sure there were no others ! At that point I 'might' have said the "F" word and stormed off.

    Like you, I would have stopped to look at his signs but instead just kept walking.

    I'm going to try and find him again this year - just to annoy him !! LOL

    1. You need to visit him. Tell him you saw him on someone's blog.

  5. Now I have another reason to go to Q next harass that &*%@*! sign guy. Mess with one blogger and you mess with the whole blogging community! To quote that famous Bugs Bunny: "What a Maroon!".

    Hope that poor guy with leaky blue boy found some kitty litter. What an Oops! :cO

    Next year we plan to be in your circle again, very sad this year's plans didn't work out.

    1. We sure hope you'll be back in our circle again next year. It's time you were around to harass again!

  6. We were just starting out, when we met with y'all in 2010. WE bought some of best products there...propane furnace, magne shades, etc. Great place for good stuff and good bargains.


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