Sunday, August 25, 2013

Washington Coast – Delayed Homecoming

A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.


We pulled up those levelers and headed to the coast just as planned.  The weather has been cooler but other than waiting for the morning clouds to burn off, the sky has been blue.  We discovered that our timing was perfect.  It had rained cats and dogs just before we arrived.

There was no early start to leaving for the coast. We casually drove by a garage sale just by the Elks park in Kelso. I said casually.

For Me
For Lee

The time we spent there wasn’t casual though.  First of all we found a lawn mower for our son.  He needed one and here it was just waiting for him.  Next, we found a must-have toll painted little cabinet.  Then, I made the mistake of sending a couple pictures of the items to Tammi.  That was definitely a mistake.  She wanted every item I sent.  That meant we needed some way to transport this stuff to their house before we left the area.  We coerced Michael into helping us.

All of these for Tammi

Once that was taken care of we were finally on our way.  It was Friday and we knew traffic wouldn’t be light.  Cars tend to pack the roads to the coast over the weekends and especially when the weather is nice, fishing is good and festivals are around.  This was definitely the case on this Friday. 

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We couldn't figure out how this accident happened.

We pulled into a nice site, set up and headed down to Dooger’s for oyster stew and clam chowder.  (More on the park, our site and the neighbors in my next blog.)  This was the weekend for the largest kite flying contest in the world.  You can imagine how packed those roads were.  We still intended to check out some of those kites but we weren’t interested in attending all the competition – too many people for sure.  The beach was definitely packed!  Not only were people here for the kites but also for the fishing.  The salmon were being caught and the fishing was fantastic.  All the marinas were packed, boats and trailers and people were everywhere. 

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During the summer in Ilwaco you can usually count on a great Saturday Market.  Leaving the Long Beach area that’s where we headed.  We’ve been to Ilwaco many times in the past.  Sometimes it was just to visit and other times to go on one of their many fishing charters. We were here this time to check out the market since we were close anyway.  Saturday Markets can be so much fun.  You just never know what you might see.  Our wallets didn’t see daylight but we enjoyed looking.

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Then, it was time to get away from the traffic and all the people.  So, back to our site and to Duchess.  The rest of the day was spent doing absolutely nothing except what we wanted to do and getting out our Weber for our evening dinner.

- - - - - -

Our ears have been listening to the news recently.  Our plans are changing and it's not our fault.  I’ve posted before how excited we were as our grandson asked us to attend his homecoming in Virginia when his ship's deployment ends.  It appears his homecoming will be delayed.  We don’t like his ship to be in the news.  We don't like that at all.   Start those prayers flowing.

From one of the many news postings.

- - - - - -

‘Tis life on the road.


  1. Rest assured we are praying. We use to live in Long Beach and very quickly learned about the back roads and side streets to avoid the traffic. My house was attached to Pentilla's Funeral Chapel, right across the street where McDonalds is now. ( it was just an empty field when we lived there.

  2. Lots of prayers for Justin from our house. It really is hard to pass up those garage sale bargains isn't it.

  3. I wondered if Justin's ship would be caught up in that mess, hopefully the president wagging the "Big Stick" (aka the U.S. Navy) will stabilize the situation. We'll keep Justin and all our Sailors in our prayers.

    It's not easy, we've been through this before with both our CG son who was sent in harm's way after 9/11 and our SIL who was boots on the ground in Afghanistan for a year (and he was in the Navy!).

  4. I'm sending good wishes.

    Now about that little toll cabinet...

  5. Love the little cabinet. Don't love Justin's change.

  6. Great finds at the Garage Sale. Paulette would have snapped up your little toll cabinet in a flash!

    It's a real powder keg over in the Middle East. The U.S. is facing a very difficult decision as I'm sure the President and his Military advisers don't want to do anything that will make a bad situation even worse.

  7. We are sending prayers your way!

    Love the cabinet!

  8. you got some great deals at the garage sale! and the kite festival must be something to see!!
    hope your grandson comes home soon!!

  9. looks like you found some great bargoons!
    Our prayers heading you way too.

  10. I would have enjoyed seeing all those kites for sure.

  11. We will be keeping your grandson in our thoughts and prayers.

  12. Praying for your grandson and all military personnel in harm's way. Life is so cheap for some cultures. I just can't fathom it.


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