Wednesday, August 28, 2013

RV Park for Fishermen

"Some of you young men think that war is all glamour and glory,
but let me tell you, boys, it is all hell!" -  General Sherman

I mentioned the other day that I’d comment a little more about the RV park we were at.  So, here goes.  We hadn’t been in a regular RV park for quite some time.  The RV parks in the north 0beach_4during the summer are very different than the RV parks in the south during the fall.  I know I’ve said that before.  Summer usually brings out the campers.  Winter brings out the RVers.  The parks are filled with families now and at times it’s even hard getting into a park because they overflow during summer vacation times.

When we headed to the coast the only park we could get a reservation at was the Columbia Shores Park.  It’s a membership park associated with Resort Parks International (RPI).  We have this membership through our Thousand Trails.  There’s a Thousand Trails in Long Beach and one in Seaside.  However, they were full so we booked the KM park instead.  It’s definitely a no-frills park right on Highway 101 and about halfway between Ilwaco and Astoria.  We had driven by the park before and I’d even commented that there was nothing there.  However, I have to admit it’s in a perfect location with great sites and a super nice manager.  We really liked this place but there wasn’t graywatermuch there.  It’s a park geared to the fishermen. 

They had an interesting setup for sewer.  A special cap is used and you connect it to a hose for grey water only.  A black water dump is at the park but not at each site.   Grey water sewer is dumped through a garden hose at each site.  We’d never seen that before and it sure beats no sewer.

Grey water only

The park is mentioned as a park for fishermen.  The little town of Chinook was obviously the place to be.  Since salmon were running and fishing was great, the local marina was packed as was every place else these fishermen could park their vehicles and boat trailers.

Most parks have quiet hour rules.  Traveling RVers are normally very courteous about these hours.  The hours vary from park to park but normally run from about 10 - 11 PM to about 8 AM. Our neighbors at the park were fishermen.  About 5:30 they were up.   There was no way one could sleep through their racket.  Yikes!  Then, of course, it was party late at night.  On Sunday this group was replaced with older guys coming in to fish.  I think the 5th wheel was used for a family and friend fishing cabin. 


Would we go back?  Definitely.  It was nice having Long Beach on one side and Astoria on the other. We took day trips northwest to Ilwaco and Long Beach.  Then, we took day trips southwest to Astoria and Seaside.  Where are the pictures of our adventures?  Oops … I didn’t take many.  However, we figured it was time to leave the beach behind and head inland.  That we did.

I used to be really good at .blogging.  Heck, I even looked for things to do or pictures to take just so I could blog about them.  That was in the early days I guess.  There were times I even tried to post daily.  Then, I’d slack off and post every other day.  I’m really getting lax because every third or fourth day lately seems to be the norm.  Am I getting lazy?  Has blogging just gotten old? 

thActually, it’s neither of the above.  We’ve just been busy doing other things.   I like to blog because I know down the road I’ll want to look back so I look at it as a kind of diary.  I’ve been lax at writing and I’ve been lax at reading. Maybe, I’m just getting old …..  or maybe I’ve been getting sidetracked.

I’d like to say I’m getting sidetracked so let’s just leave it at that.  Other addictions have kind of taken it’s place for now.  No … not bad addictions just time consuming, mind boggling stuff like DNA especially when I’m now monitoring DNA accounts for ten people!!  Yikes!

USS Gravely DDG 107

‘Tis life on the road.


  1. blog away when you have time! love the area of Astoria and Long Beach!

  2. Praying that Justin stays safe during this Syria issue.

  3. I do blog everyday , but like you said mostly for our own benefit.
    And yes the summer time here brings out families, and young people on vacation, much different than our winter travels down south.

  4. Hell Creek was a fisherman's campground and I know exactly what you're talking about with the early risers and the late partiers. And every conversation is about fish and bait and where to go and how to do it. Never been a daily blogger and it's getting fewer and farther between for me. However, when we start heading south, I'll blog about the things we've seen. That travel journal thing. I keep a close eye on the news and the ships over that way. Praying for Justin every day.

  5. Just remember that Justin is on one of the Navy's latest and most capable ships with all kinds of hi-tech defensive systems. We'll keep on praying that they won't have to be used.

  6. I have the same kind of sewer cap and was able to drain off my grey water while parked in my Mother's driveway last year when I was in NL.

    I've also become lax with my blogging. But when I do Blog it is for me - a record of my (mis)adventures !! LOL

  7. Prayers continue for Justin and others serving our country. I do pray they are not needed.


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