Friday, May 27, 2016

One Thing Leads to Another - - Pendleton Woolen Mill


Sometimes one thing leads to another and that’s just what happened this week.  We had boxes in our storage shed we wanted to convert to plastic tubs.  So, one of our projects was to do just that.  It’s amazing what you can find in old boxes.  A great find was a Pendleton blanket that I thought had disappeared.  It was stuffed in one of those boxes.  Wool Pendleton blankets can last for years and years  This blanket is about 50 years old.  My father bought it for my mother as a gift to replace another one they had.   Granted it does have a small hole in the wool but that can be fixed and I plan to do just that.

I had often thought about visiting the Pendleton woolen mills to take a tour but our timing had always been off.  Finding the blanket made me think more about that tour.  We had been to the mill several times before but not at the right time for the tours.   

We decided to try again and our may28__2timing was perfect for a change.  We even ended up with a private tour.  The only disappointment was that I couldn’t take pictures inside the mill.  I will say it was an amazing tour.  Even though they advertise it as free it really isn’t because they just happen to have a mill outlet store there and we were there during a big mill end clearance sale.  So, with that said, I can say it was a very expensive tour. 

To begin with we ended up with another blanket from their National Park series --  the Rainier.  We also ended up with a throw from the Glacier National Park plus a couple sweaters and a couple bags.   The prices were amazing!


The Traeger has been busy while I’ve been experimenting with different meats.   Another “prime” cut brisket went on Wednesday  and I can say that the briskets are getting better and better.  Heck, I’m even thinking I might want the little portable Traeger to take south with us this fall.

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We’ve also been able to enjoy the best pizza in the whole wide world with family recently.  Papa Pete’s in Longview is the best.  They smother it in toppings which usually means you can buy one size smaller than you would normally order.  Believe it or not, it’s even better than Al’s Pizza in Quartzsite – our second best pizza stop.

Then, there was a little flying the drone around our “neighborhood”.  First it was to the lake.  It’s nice during the week because it isn’t crowded with boats, swimmers and those just wanting to be by the water.  We’re praying for rain over the Memorial Day weekend.

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Here’s the outdoor movie theater.  Movies are shown most weekends.  The trailer holds the equipment, popcorn, soda and candy.


Then, there’s us.      

Terry has been busy starting to build a railroad track in his tool shed.  So much for the tools !



Monday is Memorial Day.  We’ll be joining the thousands of other folks who will be visiting the local cemeteries to remember their loved ones.  I have parents, aunts, uncles and a sibling that we’ll be taking flours and flags to.   Memorial Day was originally set up to honor those who have served but it’s something I always did with my mom.  I just think it’s important to remember those we loved too.

 --  Sandi, Jordan, Justin and Michael --  

Here’s one picture I’ve posted before.   I took four grandkids to visit the gravesite of my parents many years ago.   

That's it for now.  It's been nearly a week and I had to come up with something to post.  Pending something huge going on, my next blog will probably be from Alaska …..  I can hardly wait.

‘Tis life on the road.


  1. You are keeping busy.
    Better Pizza than Silly Al's , now that's saying something.

  2. What a great find with the blanket! HAHAHA...glad you enjoyed the tour. I am sure they were thrilled you stopped by.
    Boy does that drone take awesome photos.
    Enjoy your adventure in Alaska. Looking forward to reading about your adventure.

  3. Did you know if you put a Pendleton blanket on a Native American women, that is a proposal of marriage? Bill did that once, but he was declined.

  4. I'm not telling Joe and out Terry's shed and fun project. He has mentioned several times lately he misses his tools!

    Looking forwArd to your Alaskan adventure!

  5. Huh, we can them Hudson Bay blankets, very same, and very expensive. We really must have a pizza night so I can wow y'all. Happy Memorial Day my friend. We had our long weekend last weekend and we survived a full to overflow park.

  6. Good thing you bought those wool sweaters just in time for your Alaska trip. :c)

  7. Uh oh. Terry's building a model railroad. How do we keep Dave away from it?

  8. Are you still cleaning out? Well at least you found something useful and that lead to an adventure! Are you taking the drone to AK?

  9. I love everything Pendleton and would love to see the mill - although I'm sure it would be far from free for us as well :-)) Delicious pizza and beautiful water - life is good.


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