Tuesday, September 24, 2019

It's a Wrap

Labor Day weekend has now come and gone.  That usually marks the end of summer as far as vacations and crowded campgrounds go.  We always get mixed feelings when summer comes to an end and as we prepare to leave this beautiful area.

However, we do love the thought of moving south even though we're always sad when it's time to leave family behind.  We've enjoyed all the time we've shared with them but also wish we'd been able to spend more time.  We never know what the next year will bring.

Tammi  had a pottery party over Labor Day weekend.  The first session was to be forming a pottery item with the wheel.  Then, the pottery was to be fired and next session would be finishing it.   However, Tammi ran into a hiccup with her kiln. After lots of troubleshooting, it was determined that an element had failed.  Now after replacing the element, part 2 will have to be rescheduled.  I'm sure by then we'll be heading somewhere south.

This is the setup for the pottery party and the wheel used.

Toni and Doug drove down from BC to visit their son so we drove up to Tumwater to see them.  Our first stop was the State of Washington site which has TSA confiscated items plus other items from the state.  Some are used items and some are new. This time they even had iPads and Epson projectors.  I bought a projector and a white board along with a few other little things.  Then, it was off to Anthony's on the water for some great seafood and peach ice cream! 

Normally September is beautiful, the weather nice, temperature perfect and like I said, the crowds gone.  This year the rains seemed to realize that summer vacations were over because the clouds rolled in and it’s been raining way too often since.  Needless to say, we’ve not been too happy about that. Our little cabin is almost all packed up for the winter.  Even our deck furniture has been put away.  We know it's all in timing. The only thing left to put away outside is my Traeger smoker and that's because it's currently in use and will be smoking for quite a few more hours today.

We tried to plan one short trip each month this summer. September the trip was to Rockport, Texas where we attended a "cousins' reunion".   We ate, we visited and we visited some more.  

We also went boating as there were 3 boats available to run around.  Other than the cousins, the dolphins tagging along with us and putting on a show were really a treat!  Obviously, we loved the dolphins (and the cousins too)!  We're already planning our adventure for next year.

After we were treated with breakfast on Sunday,  we headed towards the Goose Island State Park and the 1,000-year-old Oak tree.  Can you imagine all this tree could say if it could talk?

Rockport hosts a Shopping Tournament!  The group of shoppers who spend the most win!!  Can you imagine?

Once we were back in Washington we decided to replace the floor in our little "gadabout" trailer.  The floor was good but it was also dark.  We now have a much lighter floor!  It's my job to do the caulking and I'm happy to report that it is almost finished. 

The middle of September usually brings the RV Show to the Portland Expo Center.  We have gone to that the last few years so decided to check it out again.  Not that we're in the market for anything else .... or, are we?  However, we do like to look and especially enjoy the vendors.  This time there were very few vendors so it wasn't quite as much fun. 

Sunday was our last monthly birthday party.  (Oops ... didn't take pictures.)  We celebrated the September birthdays of Terry, Robert and Sabrina.  Sandi even drove down for the get-together.  No one actually turned a year older but only a year better.    It's always a great time when the family gets together.  

Truck goes in the shop on Wednesday and our “gadabout” is getting new shoes next Monday.  The tread isn’t bad but the tires are old.  There's no sense inviting trouble.  Then, we're on the road again.  Our travel calendar has been updated with all of our "proposed" stops but if you know me, they are all subject to change.

We've already said a few good-byes and to others we know we'll see them again in the south.  When the weather gets cooler our time outside is limited and just like the birds, we're getting ready for that trek south.  

We’ll catch up next time from our winter Arizona "digs".

‘Tis life on the road.


  1. Thank you for sharing a bit of your time with us.

  2. Sounds like a wonderfulsummer! See you at the Roost!
    Susan H. Aka Arkansas Sue

  3. Sounds like you had a perfect summer. Our love to both of you and travel safe.

  4. You can't be too careful with tires, money well spent no matter how much it hurts. Just put new tires on my MH, $3300. Now I need to get rolling and wear them out.

    For a second, I misread your blog and thot you said a "Potty Party". I wondered what that would be like... :cD

  5. Maybe we will cross paths again this fall as we are heading to San Diego for a couple of months

  6. Can't wait to see you two. Hope you won't be as busy as last year. Wish you'd join us on a river cruise some time. Our next one was $795.

  7. It did seem like a short summer with late snow and early rain. Never enough time with family but always excited to get back on the road. How fun to spend time with the dolphins :-)


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