Thursday, October 1, 2015

Food, Books and Joaquin

When the weather is perfect it seems a shame to leave an area.  That’s the dilemma we face.  Fall is here and the weather is absolutely perfect.  However, everyone we know has either already packed up for the winter and pulled out or they are busy with work and their own lives.  We have one more little “hoop-la” left and that’s a card playing afternoon at Tammi’s.  This was the original plan and we were hoping the next day would be uneventful as we started our trek to Florida to enjoy those wonderful beaches.  However, that was before we had Hurricane Joaquin in the forecast.

P1010033I enjoy posting on Yelp and Trip Advisor reviews of restaurants we’ve visited and I’ve had a chance to do that recently on fun outings with family.  One evening last week we visited Outback with Tammi and Robert.   The company was great but the food not so good.  We did enjoy the evening but only because of who we were with and not the food we received.   We also visited Red Lobster and indulged in their endless shrimp extravaganza.  Again, the company was fantastic (Lee’s family) and the shrimp amazing too.  Jordie’s boyfriend downed about 90 shrimp!!  I wasn’t even close. That's not one record I'd even try to beat.

Then, it was off to Barnes and Noble.  Terry really prefers audio books but I like holding the book in my hands … not a kindle but the real thing.  I guess some old habits are hard to break.  Most RV parks have book exchanges so most of the books I do get my hands on are free.  Have you noticed over the last few years not only the size of paperback books have increased but the price?  We noticed many new releases were between $12 and $16.  Maybe _922_02another trip to the amazing Powell’s Bookstore in Portland is needed but finding the time now might be a little difficult.

So, how does Hurricane Joaquin come into play considering we’re not currently on the east coast?  Well, Sunday WAS to be travel day.   The last thing we want is to be stuck someplace and with the current forecast it looks like that could be a possibility.  We’re watching the weather and watching the flights and everything is subject to change for the moment.  I’m guessing we’ll know more about our plans on Saturday.

‘Tis life on the road.


  1. Flexibility. The primary requirement of any traveler. You and Terry have this requirement down better than anyone else I know.

  2. We were die hard book readers for years, but we finally succumbed to our e-readers, have hundreds of really free books that we download and with reading 3-5 books a week saves us a lot of money and space in our coach, plus can even read in the dark Bonus.
    Keep an eye on the hurricane and travel safe.

  3. Very cute header!

    I read mostly Christian authors. Most of their books are $15-18. Glad for RV libraries and the Katie Resale store outside Houston.

  4. Glad you're waiting to head east. Even if Joaquin slows down, the flooding is already horrible in so many places. Thought I'd never give in to e readers but now prefer my Kindle. Reading a book every 2-3 days it's great to take advantage of the $10/month titles.

  5. We were given about a dozen books. It's taken me 4 before I found something I like. They are definitely trading material for SKP parks.

    1. With the amount of books we read, we have to use Kindles or we'd have no room in our motorhome to breathe. ;c)

      I'm surprised that a little old hurricane would upset your travel plans...

  6. The hurricane is a real doozy! But I am sure you will be posting those beautiful ocean pictures soon!
    Whew...90 shrimp!

  7. I read real books about half the time. But I have to admit it is nice to take 150 books with me in the RV and they all fit is one Nook:)


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