Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Blogger-Fest at Q

“Only on the Internet can a person be lonely and popular at the same time.”

Since I mostly blog on the RV blogging network it’s no wonder that my thoughts often turn to RVers, travel and blogging at this time of year.  After all, isn’t that what most of us do?   Many RVers travel and many RVers blog.   I’m definitely not the only one who enjoys reading RV blogs. 
I have not met a lot of the writers of the blogs I follow.  However, I do know that many bloggers on the RV blogging network show up at Quartzsite during January.  I also know bloggers do show an interest in meeting other bloggers and that’s what we’re hoping for this year.  

We’re going to have a Blogger-Fest for those who blog often on that RV Network.   It’s a great way for bloggers to meet bloggers with a shared interest.  We’re working out the details now and more will follow.   So far we have set the tentative date as January 24th.  Send a note via email if you’re interested in joining us.  Exact location will be determined by the number of folks attending and GPS coordinates will be posted earlier that week.  So far, we have quite a few planning on a face-to-face meeting. 

UPDATE ---------

Bring a camp chair, a beverage, a snack to share and a few RVing business cards to pass out.  Gathering will probably be on Plomosa Road.  Exact GPS coordinates will be posted about January 20th.  

We’d love to have you join us!


‘Tis life on the road.

“Developing your blog is a balancing act between appeasing current readers and reaching out to new ones.”


  1. Leave it to you Jeri to come up with such a wonderful idea AND to take the time to organize it !!

  2. Sounds like a great idea, as you know we plan to be there. And what better place than in the desert.

  3. I want to come but can't say for sure until I see the surgeon tomorrow.

  4. I'll be there if I'm in Q! It would be fun to meet more bloggers! :)

  5. I'll be there and be bringing a fellow blogger. Great idea.

  6. I would LOVE to attend! But that being said, it's pretty short notice for me as I'm working full-time now at our RV park office. Anyone who knows about RVing, knows Nov. through April is busy season in south Texas (snow birds and Winter Texans). If you plan to do this again next year, please let me know and I'll see if there's any way under the sun we can head that way. Have never been to Quartzite, so this would be a fun way to see it.

    1. This was kind of a spur of the moment thing. A bunch of us had already planned on getting together to meet so we just thought others we follow might also be hanging in Q and we'd invite them too. If you haven't been to Q in January, put it on your calendar. It's one of those must do things for every RVer.

  7. Bummer! Bummer! Bummer! I'll be here on the East Coast crying my eyes out on the 24th. What's the date for 2016??? ;c)

    1. I guess that means you're fair game to talk about? 2016? We'll wait to hear your plans before we set a date. :))

  8. I'm sure you'll get a great turnout for this event at the Q!

  9. sounds like fun..too bad we are still too far away!

  10. Not sure when we pick up the rig, but we could probably make it in the Jeep......can you put us down as "maybe" for now? Sounds like a great bunch of fun!!

  11. Sounds like a great idea, but we will be in southern Mississippi for a rally.

  12. Wonderful idea!!! We will be there.. Will keep checking in to see the details. Thank you for pulling this together. Happy New Year

  13. We'll probably still be here in Borrego, but plans are always subject to change. What a great idea to have this get together.


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