Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Run Turkey Run


By now I’m sure most folks have their plans pretty well in place for Thanksgiving Day.  For some it’ll be spending time with family, others will be stuffing themselves at the restaurants advertising huge dinners.  It’s a time many Americans will reflect on all they have to be thankful for.  Even turkeys have lots to be thankful especially if they are still running around free and not thawing out in someone’s refrigerator.

What are our Thanksgiving plans?  Well, this will be one of the rare times we won’t be spending it with family.  We left the Pacific NW much later this year and we’re actually still on the road.  Right now the plan is to get back on that road again on Thanksgiving Day.  Heck, we might even have our Thanksgiving Dinner at Silly Al’s …. if they are open, that is!  We won’t be shopping on Black Friday.  Even that’s different for us.  However, I will be celebrating my birthday but it’s really not a black day for that reason because we all know what the alternative is to not having any more birthdays.


Hanging around the Palm Springs area has been a good break.  We’ve had a chance to do a few things, go many places and just let our mind relax.  It’s been great but that hitch itch is once again causing some problems. Thus, Thursday we know Arizona will be calling us.    Now we could boondock or we could pull into a park. I bet most of them are near empty.  We’ve also discovered some of the RV parks have shut down after the problems with hooking up to sewer last year.  Such is the case with the Sunsetters RV Park which was right on Main Street behind the laundry.

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There are two Passport America parks close to town.  Maybe we’ll check with them and maybe we won’t.  We might just end up on Pl0mosa Road …. maybe. By now you know how our plans go and for now we definitely have none for “Q” .  Well, we do have one little plan …. we may be there two or three nights before we move into the Phoenix area. 

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_psttn4_3Tuesday we met with Jerry and Kimberly, fellow bloggers.  We had connected with them many places on the road.  They’re hanging out in Desert Hot Springs at the Caliente Spa Resort which is fairly close to Cabot’s Pueblo Museum.  So, we picked them up and that’s where we went … just down the road ……. kinda.  This pueblo sits on a hill north of Palm Springs.  I imagine when the building first started in 1945 there was nothing to obstruct the California desert view.    This one was built with “re-purposed materials collected throughout the desert”.  The pueblo is huge with 5,000 square feet,  35 rooms, 150 windows and 65 doors.

Next stop was a quaint little Mexican restaurant in town, South of the Border.  The food was good and so was service.  There’s a lot to be said about eating at local restaurants over chains.  We love doing that.  Maybe our string of bad luck eating out has finally changed.

We had a great time and with one more outing on the books for Wednesday, it’ll be time to think about getting on the road again.

Happy Thanksgiving!

There are many things we have to be thankful for but first and most importantly, I’m thankful for my family .. then, for you.

‘Tis life on the road.

Be patient and understanding.  Life is too short to be vengeful or malicious.


  1. Happy Thanksgiving no matter where you are.

  2. Looks like you had a fun day there.
    We met some fellow Rv bloggers in Desert Hot Springs last winter RV Voyageur that are currently at Caliente Spa Resort as well. It is a nice area. We are hoping to get out that way yet this winter and meet with a few other Blogger's in the area, and of course hope to get to Quartzsite as well.
    Have fun no matter where you go.

  3. The ancient rock not only is never wrong, it is very, very smart.

    Happy Thanksgiving. And a huge happy birthday wish coming your case you don't post that day I don't want to miss it.

  4. Happy Thanksgiving to you too and safe travels.
    We plan on visiting Indio, CA and Joshua Tree NP next March. We haven't been in that area before so I really enjoyed your pictures and comments! Looking forward to some of that yummy Mexican food too!

  5. Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Birthday.

    We are having chicken, not turkey, but with all the trimmings for our American Thanksgiving. And we are thankful, so thankful. This year has brought a lot more to be thankful for.

  6. Let me know when you arrive in Q. I just pulled in here late yesterday so not even set-up yet.

  7. Have a great Thanksgiving however you chose to celebrate and a Happy Birthday.

  8. Wishing you not only a Happy Thanksgiving, but Happy 29th Birthday, too!!! :c)

  9. Love those pueblo pics, what a wonderful find! We're not having our big gathering until Saturday so just having a quiet day today feels almost decadent :-) Hope your travels are smooth (and that Silly Al's can feed you this afternoon). I'm sure where ever you land is where you're supposed to be! Happy Birthday tomorrow!!

  10. Happy Birthday and Happy Thanksgiving, Jeri. Nice to see your pics of Cabot's Museum as I've visited there a few times. Even nicer to see that nice, blue Desert Hot Springs sky.


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