Friday, October 3, 2014

Remember Those Days?

dressI want you to think back years ago.  Times have changed.  It’s amazing how it has changed so much though in such a short period of time.   I say this because of  an article I read --  “North Dakota high school eliminates dangerous threat to male students: Yoga pants”.   Years ago it was the Sears catalog where all the boys looked.  It wasn’t at the girl sitting in front of them.

From grade school to high school and even in college, every school I attended had a dress code.  It wasn’t just schools that had dress codes either.  There were just some places we would never go without dressing “properly” and that especially meant going to work.  Remember those days? 


The first time I realized things were changing at school was with my grandkids. What I was surprised at was how some of the teachers dressed – not the kids. I’m not sure if there was a dress code for students but there certainly wasn’t much of one for the teachers.    When we were in school teachers were expected to be an example from the top of their heads to the bottom of their feet.  Remember those days? 

yogaWe never went to church wearing anything but our Sunday best.  We certainly never thought about going to town or the airport without dressing up.    For a woman to consider going to work, a meeting or any important gathering in slacks … well, that was just not heard of either.

As a female we even had a special class in school that was just for us.  The class was all about coordinating polka dots, stripes or NOT. It wasn't about wearing slacks or skirts. We already knew the answer to that one. However, guys had guidelines too.  They were expected to tuck in their shirts and look well-groomed right down to the shave and haircut.  That included wearing a belt to hold up those jeans and not let them slip down to their knees.  Now do you remember those days?

Things have definitely changed.  Can you imagine showing up for school or work wearing yogsaggingpantsa pants or even jeans? What about the jeans with the holes in them or even the pajamas we see at the markets today?  What would have happened had you showed up wearing shorts.  Can you imagine going out that front door with rollers in your hair?  Today I would ask … who uses rollers?  Actually, there’s no reason to even answer any of those questions because we all know what would have happened.  In that time, we would never have considered it.  Was it because pride prevented it or were we just afraid others would point a finger and talk about us?

Well, I don’t know what’s good or not so good. We all see things differently.  I know I certainly like my yoga and stretch pants.  They are much more comfortable than the jeans because jeans restrict how much we can eat where the yoga pants don't.  That can be good or it can be bad.  

What about this dress code?  What about it?  I may not know but I do know it’s more fun people watching today than it used to be.

‘Tis life on the road.

A woman's dress should be like a barbed-wire fence: serving its purpose without obstructing the view.”


  1. I hear ya!! Pajamas get me. Okay, here's one for you. David and Nickolas are going to be pallbearers tomorrow and so are 2 girls! The last bastion?

  2. I do agree that comfort in my older age is nice...and yes, people watching is more fun. But I don't get the dress codes for students and teachers either. Love your pictures!!!

  3. Great header photo!

    Paul and I being retired school teachers and starting our careers in the 70's, saw much change in school dress. A ton of the change at our high school came from parent pressure. The girls had to have their hem line even with their fingertips against their thighs. Well, when all the short look came out, parents were asking our principal to go out and find a dress or skirt that met our dress code. You know was very difficult to find one. That is when pants were permitted. What a change.

    1. My dad always said old women looked better bending over in pants than in a dress.

  4. The first time I noticed things were changing was only about three years after we graduated high school. We had to go into my old school's lunchroom looking for Dave's sister. The students were wearing jeans! We would never have tried wearing jeans. The girls were ONLY allowed to wear slacks (not jeans) to school UNDER a skirt on Fridays IF there was a football game right after school!

  5. I was to as a male was never allowed to wear jean until I left home at age 17. Even at a public school. Now??
    Whatever, not sure about that but it is what it is.

    1. I actually never wore jeans until about 5 years ago. It was always slacks.

  6. We couldn't wear pants to school at all. Maybe twice a year they would have a dress down day and then we could wear whatever we wanted. I remember going to dinner as a child, with my grandparents. Sunday dinners out involved dressing grandmother even wore hats!!

    1. Me neither ... it just wasn't allowed. I remember those days.

  7. Actually "dress code" is a British invention and can be found in most English speaking countries but not in German schools, where we never had it. (maybe we should've) Students went in just about everything their parents had for them. As did teachers.

  8. I personally think we should be able to tell the teachers from the students. Somehow to me the way we dress affects the respect that others give us.

  9. Whenever I sit in a mall while waiting for Paulette to finish up shopping it's always interesting to people watch.

    What I've noticed is that for every sloppily, weirdly or inappropriately dressed young person there is always an older person dressed just as inappropriately to match them - right down to the Tatoos. It always makes me wonder "why" when I see women in their 50's and 60's with Tatoos on their arms, legs and backs.

    Age doesn't seem to matter a bit even though we are supposed to get wiser with age.

  10. I got barred from entering church one Sunday and sent home by an older lady because I was wearing jeans. I guess in that lady's mind salvation only applied to the well dressed. :cD

    I remember the micro mini skirts and Go Go boots in grade school in the 60's. They made the Sears Catalog obsolete. The skirts were so short the girls had to go to the nurse's office to get a paper cup to get a drink at the water fountain because they couldn't bend over, much to the disappointment of all the guys. ;c)

  11. I remember when they tried "uniforms" at public school when my oldest son was in middle school. All us old hippie parents threw a fit :-)))) What hasn't changed is folks looking back at pictures of themselves in school and saying "I can't believe I wore THAT..!" Fun post, thanks!


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