Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Politics, Reservations and More DNA

ItFiddlers-Cove-05-15-1394634369’s been a busy week or so.  One of the busiest things we have been doing is campaigning and playing politics in the community our little “cabin” is in.  Politics is never fun.  Well, I take that back.  Sometimes it is.  This is a different type of politics.  It’s definitely not Democrat – Republican type of politics but it has had its moments.

The best part is that neither Terry or I were the ones doing the running …. however, Tammi was.  With a total of 1500  recreational homes, cabins and whatevers in this area, there definitely was a good deal of politics.  To begin with over L52_DSCN1116_1342371759abor Day we had a “Meet the Candidates” along with a craft event.  Instead of just sitting with the other 4 candidates and answering a few questions for a couple hours, she also had her own booth.  So,  we helped man that booth.  She was sure she was going to lose.  After all, she was fairly new to this little gated community.  There were five candidates and two open Board of Director positions.   Our plan was to be visible and get to know people.  We passed out flyers, played bingo, talked,  campaigned and then ….. the big day finally came.  

The school auditorium was booked and we were tortured waiting until it was time to cast those ballots and see who would win and who would lose.  Candidates had a three minute time limit for their final speech.  I have to say Tammi knocked their socks off with her speech.   She left that afternoon winning the most votes.  Instead of consoling her, we were congratulating her.  Next was the party of the evening with the rest of the board and the two new members.  What fun!  Now the real work begins but not for me.  My job is over.  I took a bunch of pictures but nothing turned out.  I had the wrong setting on the camera …. oh well.  I should have used my phone.

NormKONICA MINOLTA DIGITAL CAMERAally by this time of year we’ve had our winter plans written in “chalk” for quite some time now.  It was definitely past time to bring out my map, my phone, computer and calendar.  I knew I needed to get busy planning where we were going and what we wanted to do.  Most of the time we’ve been trekking south by the time October rolls around.  This year it’s going to be November when we head in that direction.  We don't have the final say because we all know that weather is what really dictates those final plans. 

Reservations are not something we do very often but I have been busy making them.  As a matter of fact, I have reservations for four different campgrounds and toying with the thought that maybe I should make two more immediately if we want to be sure we get in.  For me that just has to be a record.  The reservations made were at campgrounds in California and include Manteca, Monterey,  Point MuguDSCN2910 and  Palm Springs.  Another couple reservations will probably be made within in the next day or two – once we figure exact date --- and those will be on Coronado Island in San Diego and El Centro for the Blue Angels show.   There are definitely open weeks in our calendar and other places we’re going to be but some campgrounds don't fill up like others do.   The good thing is I can always cancel.

One more thing I’ve been really excited about is solving a DNA mystery.  Having a solid and matching triangulation in the exact same chromosome always means a coy-chromosome_dna_with_featuresmmon ancestor.  That’s part of how we inherit.  On one of my DNA sites, I’ve had a very strong match on several chromosomes.  Working with an adoptee and helping him with his line, I finally figured out this connection.  The thrill is that future matches here may one day help me get over my Foster brick wall.  There are also lots of genealogy blogs.

This week will be another busy one.  We’re pulling the motorhome out of storage where we can clean, wax and go through it.  Then, we’ll start packing and getting it ready for its annual trip south.  That’s the plan at least.

‘Tis life on the road.
Travel is about the wonderful feeling of teetering in the unknown.


  1. We got out our calendar the other day too. Hate that. but sometimes it has to be done. We booked six WEEKS in Lake Havasu! We want lots of boat time

  2. Pass along our congratulations to Tammi. That is a huge deal winning a position when she has only been there for such a short period of time.

    We haven't even begun to look at our plans for after the first of the year. Think we will do that when we get to Mission or Houston.

  3. We still have no idea where we will be going, lots of options, but no decisions.

  4. Sounds a lot like the politics in our HOA for a community of 4500:)

  5. Our plans are a little more solid because of doctor appts. but I still haven't figured out when we're leaving Virginia or what route we're taking. I just hope your weather cooperates so you can stay north as long as you want.

    1. The idea of cold, ice or snow will quickly change any plans.

  6. Congrats to Tammi!! Sounds like you know exactly where you "plan" to go for the winter. Manteca is an interesting choice. Glad that sugar beet factory is closed now so the smell is gone :-) I need to figure out my system for making reservations before too much longer. It's likely more exciting for us newbies :-)

    1. Actually, the park at Manteca was already full except for two nights. It's just a stop-over enroute to Monterrey. I've just learned there are some places you need to book before they fill up if you're thinking you might want to visit. I've also learned reservations can be changed.

  7. Congrats to Tammi but I sure hope she doesn't catch 'politician's fever' as I hear its incurable.

    We always like to know where we're going and make reservations when we can.

  8. Our "politics" is looking forward to a northern ......brrr.. cold winter.

  9. Glad Tammi won her election, now she'll bring some common sense to her HOA, inherited from you, of course!. :c)

    We're up in the air about where we'll actually be over the new year, Q is one target, but don't know where else. We're trying to fit in a cruise vacation somewhere, too. Makes for a lot of head scratching while looking at the map and the calendar.

  10. Is it just me or is the planning not as exciting as it used to be? I'm glad for people like you who make reservations they aren't sure they will keep. It lets people like me sneak in at the last moment if you cancel. :)


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