Saturday, August 23, 2014

Time Moves On


I guess it’s pretty obvious that I have not been in a blogging mood.   It’s not that we haven’t been busy.  We certainly have been but  what we’ve been doing hasn’t really been blog worthy. 

I posted a few days ago that our friends are starting to head south now but we really hadn’t made many plans for our southern trek south yet.  We were thinking we'd be heading south later instead of earlier. However, after posting that blog we started thinking more about it and thought maybe we'll head that direction earlier instead of later but who knows what we'll really do.  Besides our kids are busy working and our grandkids have grown up and doing their own thing too.  So, sitting here and twiddling our thumbs isn’t what we call fun.   We've been trying to come up with interesting places to go and things to see.  Time does move on and everything is subject to change.  The good thing is in a few days we head to Virginia.  It'll be nice seeing Justin.

We have a new “adopted” grandbaby in the family.  Sabrina and Lee are the proud parents of a new little kitty.  That’s definitely news since she’s been wanting one for a couple years now.


Applebee’s was the restaurant where we met Mary Jane and Tom  for lunch as they traveled through town on their way to the Renaissance Festival in Hillsboro.  It was nice seeing them again and I’m sure if we don’t see them  before, we know we’ll see them again in January.


Check out the broken horn.  We definitely can tell this fella from the others who come around to be fed.

‘Tis life on the road.

Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday.


  1. We're in Michigan and some of the trees are just starting to turn colors. Maybe winter is coming sooner this year.

  2. I love the fact that I can count on you to change your mind. It's always fun to try and keep up with you guys. Have a wonderful time with Justin.

    1. That's more me than Terry. He would make a plan and stick to it.

  3. Enjoy sunny Virginia, looks like you'll be there right when the tropical storm/hurricane arrives. :cO

    1. What? We're heading towards ANOTHER hurricane? Egads!!

  4. Oh I agree too...planning is fun! And so is changing our minds...
    Have a nice visit with Justin!

  5. always nice to get on the road again, and have fun no matter where you go.

  6. That deer looks like a statue.

    Love the kitty.

  7. If you change plans a lot I think it means you have lots of options - and how great is that?! Getting to say where and when.....and then change that later......that's the stuff of freedom! Enjoy :-))))).

  8. I enjoy the fact that we can change our plans whenever we choose! Enjoy Virginia. It is such a beautiful state with so much history. Do the deer shed their antlers each year?

    1. I think the deer do shed their antlers. However, I think this buck's antler was deformed more than broken.

  9. Enjoy Virginia and your visit with Justin. Not sure what our plans are after Amazon. Will have to take a long look at the budget. We have enjoyed our travels this summer and we are glad that we took the summer off.

  10. we are ready for a change and are looking forward to being back in the lower 48. This lifestyle is sometimes a delicate balance of sightseeing and just plain living. We are ready for some just plain living, and you are ready for some sightseeing!

    1. Isn't that the truth and some sightseeing we haven't seen!


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