Sunday, August 17, 2014

Heading South So Soon?

Not much has been happening in our world.  

We’ve been enjoying the weather, doing a bit of remodeling on our home base, feeding the deer, checking out bear scat, visiting with family and reading blogs of our friends that are getting ready to move south for the winter!  

Mama Deer and her twins


I did find some wild salmon at Costco and smoked it in our smoker.  Nummy!

_things21I also replaced my falling apart backpack with a new one.  It's pretty poor when buying a backpack makes your blog!!  In other words, not much news from us right now.

Some of our snowbirding friends are getting ready to head south in September.  I looked at the calendar and realized that September is almost here!  Where did the summer go?   However, I must admit once the summer is behind us the northern campgrounds empty out and that’s a good thing.  

If someone were to ask us our plans, I’d have to admit that we don’t really know when we’re moving out for the winter.  Our chalkboard has a few things on it but plans for the southward movement aren't there yet.  It may depend on how busy our family is or how busy they aren’t.  

The Siskiyou Mountains may also have something to do with our timing.  Driving in snow or ice is not something we like to do.  We have talked about places we’d like to be but that’s pretty much it other than how nice it’ll be to reconnect with friends this winter.

After Labor Day is behind us we do have a tentative trip planned to Virginia.  Most of you don’t have to guess what we’re going to do there but right now, it’s very tentative.  Another planned outing is a trip back to Hawaii around the middle of October.  That one is even more tentative. Everything on our calendar is definitely subject to change.  That’s why it’s written in chalk and not in concrete.

Justin's in Virginia

Like everyone else we do have some favorite places.  Maybe we’ll be able to visit some of those including Monterrey, Pismo Beach, San Diego, Palm Springs, Tucson and Scottsdale.



That’s not to say we’ll get to those places but we just might.  We may even add a few spur of the moment adventures. 


Pismo Beach

Only time will tell where we go and what we do. 

Palm Springs


Most certainly we will end up in Arizona during the month of January.

Arizona Desert

‘Tis  life on the road.

“Like all great travellers, I have seen more than I remember, and remember more than I have seen.”


  1. I, for one, can hardly wait to be on the move again. However we are going southeast so does that count for heading south? We won't get to Arizona until about the middle of November. So our plans are more planned than yours but we'll definitely be seeing you in January.

  2. Think my plans may actually be closer to being written in Ink than yours. However they also mean that I may be back in the PNW before you guys actually make it all the way to Arizona this year.


  3. How adorable is that photo of the doe and her fawns? Just plain cute!

  4. Well, you know you'll be eating smoked salmon and throwing away an old backpack - see? - plans! There are lots of ways to get to Arizona so it will be fun to see the route you end up with :-). Even though our launch still seems far away, I have to admit the summer has flown by again!

  5. This winter will be so cool seeing so many of our friends again and making so many more new ones. There are so many going to the Q, that Paul and I said we might have to host a "meet and greet." Lots of bloggers we have never met face to face.

    So excited for you two to meet up with Justin. It will, again, be a time for making tons of memories.

  6. Your future plans look pretty exciting to me - even if you were only able to accomplish half of them!

  7. Most certainly we will meet up with you guys again this winter, we don't plan much just, looking for warm weather and sunshine.

  8. You go around looking at bear scat? You really don't have much to blog about, do you? :cD

  9. There's nothing quite like those Arizona sunsets! So pretty...
    I'm sure where ever you go, it will be great!
    Awesome picture of the deer Jeri!

  10. We find that wherever we park is just perfect for that day. Looking forward to following your travels.

  11. It's still pretty warm in Arizona for me - but I guess if people are heading south s-l-o-w-l-y that would work. I'm wanting to head south to Elephant Butte, NM and watching the temps. Pretty soon, looks like it should be close to 85 all September. That's doable! I'll wait to head for Q till November or Decmeber this year, I think.

    I love the photo of the Doe and her twins, too. So cute! :)


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