Saturday, July 5, 2014

Port Townsend, Oak Harbor, Ribs and Crab

Port Townsend is a gorgeous town.  There are many, many Victorian homes in the little town as well as fun shops and places to eat.


Historic 4Jul_007Court House 


Walking down the sidewalk on the main street of town we discovered a few things.  One was the Lively Olive Tasting Bar.  We’ve been to several of these in California and love to taste the different flavored olive oils.  It’s great for dipping, cooking and quite a few more things.  We tasted several different flavors and walked out with four bottles of our favorite ones. One we visited in California rated theirs according to healthy ingredients.  You can certainly learn a lot by visiting the places who sell olive oil and not necessarily the grocery store.


Then down the street a little farther we walked into a couple unique gift shops.  They are always so much fun.  We had a good chuckle over this sign.

Wouldn’t it be great if we could put ourselves in the dryer for 10 minutes and come out wrinkle free and two sizes smaller?


It was definitely a gorgeous day.

Going on the ferry
Saturday we were back on the ferry.  We wanted to make sure we had reservations both going and coming. 

We know what the lines can be like without reservations and especially on a holiday weekend. You could wait for hours getting back and forth.  We were going to Joe’s place for his “annual” event.  He normally throws a bunch of ribs in his smoker and invites everyone on the island he knows.  We decided to crash that party. 

We arrived at the ferry terminal about 2 minutes before the ferry ahead of ours was scheduled  to leave.  What about that for luck?  We were the last one on and the ferry was no where as full as we had expected it to be.  

Returning on the ferry.

That same thing happened on the way back.  Again, we arrived at the dock about 2 minutes before the ferry before ours was scheduled to depart.   And, again, we were the last one on that ferry too.  How about that for luck?  I should have ran down to the lottery office and bought a lucky lottery ticket.  This might have been my day to win.

We thought these bikers came prepared.  They bring their own toilet and all.

Joe really goes all out for his annual 4th of July party.  Sometimes it falls on the actual holiday and other times a day or two on either side of it.  We hadn’t been before but what I can say is that it was one fantastic party.  Tables were all decorated and there was a lot of yummy food.

__04Jula_013 __04Jula_005

There were about 30 people at his party and we didn’t think we would know too many people there but that wasn’t so.  We had met a few couples before at functions in Arizona.  One couple had even been to our RV in Yuma for a barbecue a couple years ago.  Then, there were two other couples we had visited in Yuma.  In addition, another one person had just had a knee replaced.  She mentioned she knew someone else who had just had the same thing done and she wanted to send her an email.  Who was that person?  Well none other than Carol D. wife of Steve and part of our own RV family.  ... it is a small world after all.


Since Joe makes his own stash of wine.  We had to check it out.  We knew it would be well stocked.  There were boxes of kits yet to be made. 


There were boxes filled with aging bottles.


He was pretty protective of his most important supply.  That was the supply of finished and dated bottles.  Even if the stores run out, he will not.


This was also stashed in his room.  I'm guessing this is what he and Steve talk about all the time when they refer to Baaaaaaad Whiskey.

Another great thing about going to Joe’s party is that he sent us home with a doggie bag.  Not that the doggie bag was really for Duchess.  It wasn’t. It was for Terry and I because it was filled with lots of crab and a rack of ribs.  THANK YOU, JOE!!!

It was a great day.  I should have taken more pictures of the people but we were too busy talking and eating.  Joe and Sharon will be heading over to spend the day with us in Port Townsend on Tuesday.  The last time we  met up with Joe and Sharon was in the  San Juans a couple weeks ago.   I received several emails after that asking what we thought about his lady friend, Sharon.  Terry and I both think she is definitely a keeper!  We like her lots.

Tomorrow is moving day.  We'll have to get up early and get ready for the long drive.  Hopefully, we'll be in our new site and all set up by 1:00 pm.  It's a long, long ten mile drive!!

‘Tis life on the road.

I changed my password to “incorrect” so whenever I forget what it is, the computer will say, “Your password is incorrect.”


  1. Where's that "Blushing Smiley" when you need it? Thanks Jeri, Sharon and I enjoyed having you guys join us for the party.


  2. Now that sounds like a really fun party, and you sure got lucky with the ferry too.

  3. Joe really does know how to throw a party. What a great time.

  4. Are you sure you can handle such a long drive in one day? I dunno! I love olive oil tasting rooms and shops. I have EVOO from Temecula that is really great. It has a bit of a smokey flavor.....oh, my. Another fruity orange for salads. Winona Lake in Indiana has a great shop too....not so much for the olive oil but the blavored basalmic vinegars.

  5. Great looking party! We've driven by Port Townsend several times but never stopped. That will have to change next time following your pics - looks like a perfect little town to tour.

    Thank you for your kind words and encouragement following the loss of our beloved pup Molly. Your thoughts are much appreciated by both Paulette and myself.

  6. It's hard to use olive oil from the grocery after enjoying a bottle from a grower :-). I usually pick up a couple tubes of lip balm as well - not SPF, but great moisturizing! Port Townsend is definitely on our list and will hope for your ferry karma when we're there!!

  7. Pictures of those crab legs was just so mean. I guess after sampling all those wines, your good sense kind of slipped away? :cD

    We lived on Governors Island in NYC Harbor for several years and ferry boat was the only way on and off. I can't tell you how many times we just missed the ferry. You must have some kind of ferry boat angel watching over you to hit both those ferries right on time. ;c)

  8. Love that sign; most of us get more wrinkled if we get two sizes smaller.

    Sounds like you had Good Eats at Joe's. :) You even got to go home with some crab!! I'm amazed.

  9. Wow, you are so lucky. What a spread?

  10. My gosh. We want to plan a visit to that area on 4th of July. You had more food in your doggie bag than some people have for a regular meal.

    We had such a good time in Port Townsend. It is a lovely city.


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