Friday, July 11, 2014

Fog, Fort Flagler and Sequim


We woke up to fog horns and very dense fog Wednesday morning.  We were definitely fogged in on the hook of Port Townsend.  I wish I had taken a picture but I find hindsight is always better than what I sometimes think at the moment.

 Our plan was to meet Joe and Sharon at the Chimacum Café for a late breakfast.  As we left the waterfront of Port Townsend the fog seemed to lift to beautiful blue skies.  This little café was absolutely packed.  We could see why as the food and the service couldn’t have been better.  Matter of fact, even the company was perfect.


After breakfast we weren’t quite sure where we were going to head.  There are so many places in this area with beautiful things to see.  Joe finally thought about visiting Fort Flagler.  This was a former Army outpost on Marrowstone Island. It was a coast artillery fort in charge of coastal defense.  The Fort started construction in 1887.

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The tide was way out. There was no ferry getting out to Marrowstone Island.  Instead a tall _10JUL_024bridge took you from the mainland to the island.  We passed around the bay and noticed some of the boats were even sitting on the mud.  There was no way they could take their boats out until the tide starting coming back in.  Again, we thought about taking a picture of the mud-docked boats but not until after we were on our way to Smitty’s RV park.  We have friends ( Steve and Carol) who stopped here for a week and ended up staying close to two months.  We needed to check it out.

Fort Flagler was built to protect the coast. It was established in 1897 and many structures of the old fort still remain.  It was deactivated in 1953.   There are still a few battery sites on the grounds.  We walked around one of them and took in the gorgeous views.  The fog seemed to run right down the middle of water and we heard fog horns in several directions.  However, we couldn’t see anything in the water.  That was at first we didn’t see any ships but then discovered many ships out there were hidden by the dense fog.  It was definitely an interesting sight.

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We worked our way down to what used to be the location of another lighthouse.  Used to be is right. 


Instead of the keeper at the lighthouse watching for approaching ships,  we saw an eagle watching for salmon. 


This area is definitely beautiful with so much to see.  The weather has been perfect which really helps.  Soon it was time to call it a day.  We figured Duchess probably needed to get outside of the motorhome a bit and Joe and Sharon had a ferry to catch.

Thursday was moving day.  Our move wasn’t a long one but  much longer than the move before of only 10 miles.  We were Sequim bound and luck was on our side.  There is only one full hookup site at the Sequim Elks and it just happened to be empty when we arrived.  Yahoo!!  Woot!  Woot!


We usually pop up to this area about once a year for my family reunion.  However, this year our reunion is on the beach and not here.  I definitely have a bucket list when visiting the Sequim and Port Angeles area.  The weather couldn’t be more beautiful so Friday just might be the day to sit on the beach at Ediz Hook or maybe drive up to Hurricane Ridge.  The views are absolutely awesome from there.  I love it here and we even know a few great places to eat.

Over the years Sequim has turned into a retirement community.  I guess it’s a lot like Yuma in the winter time. The little town sits in the shade of the Olympic Mountains and gets plenty of sunshine with an average of 16 inches of rain a year.  What a wonderful place this would be to settle in. 

‘Tis life on the road.

Have you ever looked at someone and just known that the wheel was still turning but the hamster was dead?


  1. The picture of the eagle taking flight is fantastic. Way to go on getting the site at the Elks. That is definitely good luck. Are the fires in Washington anywhere near your family?

  2. Now I know the next time we are in that area I need to take a closer look at Sequim. The last time we were around there we were so focused on seeing the Cottage Homes on Whidby Island that we didn't see much else. That was before we met Joe, though.

  3. What a treat. The eagle shots are awesome.

    We didn't spend enough time in Sequim. Sounds lovely

  4. Yep it was a good day, good food, good service, great scenery, and all done with good friends. It just doesn't get much better than that.


  5. very jealous of the eagle shots. what camera do YOU have?

  6. I know Bill would have also picked the fort to visit.

  7. Love the peak out of the fog - very cool! More great places to see in that beautiful area.

  8. Love the eagle shot. That's the one thing I really wanted to see here at Yellowstone and I didn't. Oh well, maybe in the Tetons.

  9. Spectacular photos! All of them. The pics of the eagle are amazing but so are the ones over the water.

  10. What a wonderful time accompanied with great photos! Loved the eagle....


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