Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Anchors Away!

16June__1We finally solved our dilemma about how to carry our kayaks.  With our newly purchased goal-post hitch, we added a Yakima roof bar.   Of course, we have yet to load the kayaks but after trying many different ways the other day, we think it’ll be a lot easier getting them up there than on the Jeep.  Putting them on the Jeep was difficult for me.  The Jeep was raised and the extra 2 1/2 inches and 50 pounds of kayak wasn’t and easy task for me even though I only had to hold up my end. 
The bar we added  is on a slider and can slide backwards and forwards on the cab of the truck to accommodate any size load.   The bar can also come off and be stored. 

Meeting new people is always fun.  We did just that at Lake Merwin Camper’s Hideaway.  Meet Chuck and Kathy.  They put on quite a meal and we helped them finish it off.


Sunday was Father’s Day.  I love getting together with family.  Our potluck dinner was at Tammi and Robert’s house.  This cute little gift was from Sandi to Lee. 

16aJune__1Monday was a big day for Sandi.  We took her down to the Navy Recruiter’s office.  JustinShe’s on her way – finally – to MEPS.  She spent the night in Portland and will go through testing on Tuesday to be sworn into the Delayed Entry Program (DEP).   Needless to say, she’s been waiting for this day a long time and trying to follow in the footsteps of her oldest cousin, Justin.  If I said she was excited, that wouldn’t even cover what she was feeling when we dropped her off!

Tuesday we’re on the road again.  However, as mentioned before we’re leaving the motorhome behind.  San Juan Islands …. here we come.  We also have plans to meet friends of ours on the island for a day of touring.  Weather is predicted to be nice and our fingers are crossed that the prediction is right.  We certainly wish it could be a little warmer but at least rain isn't in the forecast.


‘Tis life on the road.
Two wrongs don't make a right, but three lefts do.


  1. Have a great time in the San Juans. We have rain so no kayaking for anybody around here. Good luck to Sandi.

  2. San Juans sounds mighty inviting. This Indiana heat and humidity are getting to us already....after being here about 14 hours.

  3. See you soon. Have a great day with the kayaks.

  4. San Juan should be beautiful and less crowded than other times.

  5. Glad you solved the kayak problem.

    How exciting for Sandi. I will keep her in my prayers. Keep us posted on how everything goes.

    You two have an awesome second honeymoon...or is this the third one?

  6. Have a safe trip Jeri. We have been to the San Juan Islands...can't wait to see beautiful pictures!
    Glad the kayak loading is solved...

  7. Congrats to Sandi! Enjoy your trip to the Islands - and having someone else make the bed!


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