Wednesday, June 18, 2014

A Few of Washington's Waterfront RV Parks

Starting off I’m posting my new header because I’ve discovered the tablet and mobile blog apps don’t post the header.


Tuesday arrived and we were on the way to the San Juan Islands.  This had been on my bucket list for a long time.  We all have bucket lists. Through the years we’ve been lucky because we’ve been able to cross off many of the places we wanted to go and things Image00001we wanted to see.  However, we always seemed to pick the places farther away than those fairly close by.  Such was the case with the San Juan's.

Waterfront at Potlatch – on the Hood Canal

The alarm clock started yelling at us about 5:00 AM.  We wanted to be on the road early.  Our reservations for the ferry from Port Townsend to Whidbey Island were at 11:45.  We didn’t need the six hours but we didn’t want to be late.


Rest A While – on the Hood Canal

There are many RV parks along the way north but the ones I like are the ones right on the water.  Washington state has a few of those and I’ve posted a few pictures on the blog.  Nothing is better to me than parking the RV right at the edge of the water. 

Red Arrow -  Fort Warden State Park and RV Park  -      Blue Arrow – Hudson Marina RV Park

With 6 hours to get there but we figured we might stop for breakfast someplace.  We also thought if we got there early enough, we might be lucky enough to get on an earlier ferry.  We didn’t stop to eat but we did get a much earlier ride across the water.

Fort Casey – Whidbey Island

You would think that since we got on an earlier ferry in Port Townsend that we’d also be able to get an earlier ferry from Anacortes.  It didn’t work that way.  We just missed the earlier one and ended up on the one we had already planned on at 2:00.  It was entirely my fault. 

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Port Townsend

Why was it my fault?  Well, I had a camera and we were going across Deception Pass.  I can’t imagine anyone being there and not stopping to take pictures.  I’ve taken them in the past but the view from the bridge is nothing short of awesome.   We stopped and first I had to walk across the bridge on one side and then back on the other.  Thus, we missed the bamage00003earlier ferry just by minutes.  Those few minutes cost us two hours since that’s when the next one was scheduled.

The time passed fairly quickly since we walked around the ferry area.  Before we knew it we were loaded and on our way through the islands.  There aren’t just a few islands in the San Juan chain.  There are about 172 islands nestled together with the closest point to Canada of just six miles. 

By this time the sun was out and the temperature felt warm.  It was a gorgeous ride as we headed around one island after another and passed one ferry after another.  A little over an hour later, we arrived at Friday Harbor.  We discovered that this town was not a sleepy little town.   (pictures to come later)


Deception Pass to the west.

We were actually shocked at the size of the marina, the many yachts, waterfront establishments and the size of the town.  It was much more than we expected.  It was absolutely gorgeous.


Deception Pass to the east.

After checking into our micro-mini motel room, we decided to head out to Lime Kiln State Park aka Whale Watch Park.  We weren’t the only ones interested in checking out the whales.  There were folks sitting at tables, on rocks and next to the lighthouse while waiting for the show.  Well, it never happened while we were there.


We weren’t through yet. It was back to town and the waterfront.  By the time we headed to motel, we were totally zonked.  Matter of fact, I was so zonked, I didn’t even have the energy to look at the pictures I had taken.  It was a long, long day but it was certainly a great one.  I also discovered that it is really hard organizing pictures and posting on my little tablet so there will be more to come.


Today is the day.  It's kayak day.  Hopefully, we'll see whales and eagles.  If not .... we may have to come back.

‘Tis life on the road.

 My escape is to just get in a boat and disappear on the water.


  1. Replies
    1. The San Juan Islands are in the state of Washington close to the Canadian border.

  2. Absolutely breathtaking! Can't wait for more...

  3. You really got some gorgeous pictures. They were definitely worth the two hour delay for the next ferry. I'm hoping to see pictures of whales.

  4. Such a great day you had. Great pictures and a fun day coming up with the kayaks and the whales.

  5. Hmmmm, and extra two hours in Anacortes? What a shame :-). Definitely on our bucket list as well, and your pics are a great reminder why. Thanks for the RV park info. Have a great time!!

  6. we visited there in the fall of 2010..beautiful area..we even stopped at the last photo!

  7. I think I'm going to have to add the San Juan Islands to my bucket list too - minus the kayak!

    Great photos and loved the last one!!

  8. All I can say is "WOW!" What a beautiful area, even if you have to fight with ferries. ;c)

  9. So excited to see you next blog with all the photos of the whales and eagles. Be sure Terry doesn't take his kayak too close to the whales. You know how boys are.


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