Saturday, May 24, 2014

RVing – Living a Dream

Some folks plan their retirement activities for years. Sometimes those plans work out and sometimes they don't.  My dad retired right after he turned 62.  He and my mom had big plans to travel and enjoy their retirement together.  It didn't happen as she died just a few days before they were to leave on their first big trip a couple months later.  He enjoyed his retirement and did a good job of keeping himself busy but it wasn't like he had planned it would be.   At that time retirement was just a dream for us in the future.  We wondered if that day would ever come because it seemed so far away … but it did come and it didn’t sneak up on us like it did others we know.

Just some of the RVing gang.  

I have enjoyed reading the dreams of others getting ready to retire. Some folks plan their retirement activities for years.  We didn’t do that.  We were pretty much jetsetters during our working years.  We started marking off countries like others mark off states.  I think we thought we’d probably be doing more of that but things changed and we got tired of that kind of traveling.  It could be pretty stressful.  Terry retired several years before I finally did.  He played at a few odd jobs and then found a nitch he really liked.  That was getting our 5th wheel on the road and going back and forth to a place we used to live … Washington state.  He liked being there so much during the summer that I was the one who went back and forth after a while instead of him. 
Not everyone is there at picture time.  Here's a 2012 partial group.

Camping had always been part of my life even when I was a kid growing up. We camped with our own kids and even our grandkids.  It was in my blood.  Thus, there was no wonder I didn’t start dreaming about doing it all over again … and that’s when the plan for retirement started and the research began.  That’s when camping turned into RVing.

sanity_thumb[1]I didn’t realize people actually retired to a home on wheels.  Was I ever surprised to discover it wasn’t just a few.  It was actually a few million!  We weren’t the only ones with a lot of gypsy blood.  I discovered a whole slew of “gypsies” at  It was probably the best website I discovered for want2be full-timers and even part-timers.  I discovered the forum for “Graduating to Fulltime and picked the year we were in.  There were many people posting in our same situation … just waiting to get on the road and sharing all kinds of information.  Most groups plan to meet the first January in Quartzsite during the Big Tent event and that’s what we did.  We became instant friends and still look forward to our annual get together right back where we first met.  Our plans have already been set for Quartzsite right after the Big Tent in 2015 about January 24th.  Come join our group!

Here's another shot in 2014 in Quartzite.  

Now I’m not saying you’re best friends with everyone.  That would be silly.  Some you’re just closer to than others for many reasons but you become one big RVing family.  We have a wide variety of personalities, ideas, ages and mindsets in our group and we like it that way.  It's just like in any other family and we're all there to help each other out.  Some folks you just have more in common with than others and others not so much but you still have the RV. The RV is what brings folks together.  It doesn’t matter what you did or what you drive, the bonding takes place.  Our group grew and it continues to grow as more folks join us each year.   Some of the folks coming in are new Escapee members looking to belong, others are fellow bloggers and then there are a few more who join us ... just because.  I’m not sure how our retirement would have ended up had we not had this interaction with like folks. 

I’d love to say the plan unfolded slowly for us but it didn’t.  Within a few months we had downsized and items we didn’t want to sell were put in a storage shed.  We moved into our 5th wheel and the rest is history.

beapeter1_thumb3 denise2b_thumb[2]


Right now I can’t imagine living in a big house or even in a neighborhood again. . We now live in a different world and I like this world but I’m sure most wouldn't understand.  Our ideas have changed, plans have changed and thought of what is important has been modified.   We've met some amazing people on the road and for the present time we’re doing things we never would have dreamed about .  At the moment this is my dream and I’m living it.  

The part that isn't so fun is being in a campground or RV resort on a holiday weekend.  It's packed.  People are everywhere.  Internet is slow because everyone else is using the internet too.  When Monday rolls around most of them will be heading home and we'll be glad about that.    We don't order rain often but we would have this weekend if we could have.  However, we don't have those connections.


Anonymous comments are bugging me.  Anyone else getting a ton of "anonymous" comments on their blogs?  I'm getting six and seven a day on the same post.  The good thing is that they end up going into my spam folder.   It is definitely annoying.  I have just changed my comment setting to stop anonymous comments and only allow from registered users.  I'm not sure what difference this will really have but I will probably change it back after a few days.  I doubt these anonymous folks actually read any of the blogs they comment on.

‘Tis life on the road.

I used to like my neighbors ….. until they put a password on their Wi-Fi.


  1. Hey, I recognize some of the people in the pictures, and even one of those motorhomes! Wow, what lucky people! :c)

    1. That was such a good picture of you .... especially the cute legs!

  2. Great post. Surprised when I opened it up and there was a picture of my husband with his arms wide open!
    It IS nice to have a common thread with others, even though, as you say, we might not be BEST friends. Some more than others.
    I know what you mean about holiday weekends. We plopped ourselves on BLM land last night and found a small, out of the way campground for tonight....tomorrow? Who knows? A roadside rest area??

    1. Roadside parks work but only when necessary. It is nice to have that thread. Looking back at the pictures, we are missing quite a few folks. Oh well, maybe we'll see them again in 2015.

  3. I enjoyed your post. Many people plan and then find reasons not to follow their dreams for example to be near the grand kids, to save more money or to pay something off. The next thing you know health or another reason makes them cancel their plans.

    1. You are so right and that's why I have my little Mark Twain quote on my blog. You just have to DO IT or you may never get a chance.

  4. I never in my wildest dreams would have guessed we would be living this life. I loved our first home and never ever thought we would sell it. Wow was I surprised when Paul said let's sell the house and buy a motorhome. WHAT? I thought he was insane. But I have to admit, it has been a wonderful experience. Even now with the house, we have the best of both worlds. And we are so glad that you and Terry entered our lives.

    1. We never dreamed it either. And, we are so lucky that you have been a part of our lives!

  5. Good post. I'm sorry your mother didn't live to realize her retirement dreams.

  6. Just like you living our dream. It is such an amazing lifestyle too.
    Was wonderful finally meeting you guys last winter as well as quite a few other rver's in Quartzsite and many places all over the USA last winter. Heading into 9 years on the road and enjoying every minute of it.
    Like you we enjoy everyday, but now look forward to the end of the weekend when things quiet down.

    1. The end of the weekend cannot come soon enough!

  7. I always enjoy reading other's perspectives on RVing lifestyles. I'm not really a joiner so I avoided clubs like Escapees but I can see why it's such a popular group. Also, after 7 years of anytime RVing and snowbirding down south for the winter, we've actually grown to like having our home to come back to even more. Each of us has our own likes and priorities for sure and that's what makes things interesting.

    As for anonymous spam comments, I got tired of them a year or so ago and it's one of the reason's I switched to the G+ integrated comment system. It has completely eliminated anonymous spam, enables me to communicate easily with folks leaving a comment and the fact that it requires a Google ID to comment has had virtually no effect whatsoever.

    Rick’s Bits ‘n Bytes, Pics and News

  8. Living the dream--whatever your dream is--is what it is all about. I just wish Dave's dream and mine were a better match. :)

  9. Loved reading of your years of RVing and seeing the photos. Sure did miss you guys at Q this year. Now that John has his pacemaker, we are trying to decide our route for the summer....must avoid heat and humidity.

  10. great post! we are all different but do have that one thing in common!..the love of Rving!
    nice to see some smiling faces that we have actually met!!

  11. It sure looks like the plan is working out:)

  12. I love your dream...never thought it would work out this way for us either!

  13. I don't think I can type through the tears! We miss you all so much. 3 1/2 months to go!

    No comments from Anonymous. There must be a way to block him!

  14. Wonderful that you were able to put the plan in place so quickly and that you continue to adjust as your dreams change. I love that you aren't "afraid" to try something on to see if it fits, and then get rid of it when it doesn't. That is real freedom :-).

  15. Jeri, What an excellent summary of the RV lifestyle. Like a lot of fellow RV'ers I sold my house etc. etc. and I have not had one seconds regret.

    Already looking forward to Q next year.

    I had to get rid of Anonymous comments quite some time ago. I was getting so many and it was growing every day. So much better since I did that.


Thanks for taking the time to comment.