Wednesday, February 5, 2014

More Arizona Kayaking, Sunshine and Bingo

feb4_10After dry camping around Quartzsite for 19 days, we’ve been busy enjoying the luxuries of a full hookup RV park.  It’s actually a little difficult to adjust to the fact that we can actually take a long shower without worrying about wasting water or filling up our tanks. 

We also don’t need to worry about using our power or watch our batteries.  It doesn’t matter if the sky is cloudy and our solar panels aren’t able to charge the batteries.  It doesn’t matter at all about the electricity we use and it sure feels good.

Going backwards a bit …. Remember the “last supper” I mentioned we shared with RV friends at Silly Al’s in Quartzsite?  I didn’t take a picture of our group and hadn’t received the one from Sue that she had taken.  so, I improvised and made my own picture.  Remember this? 


Well, I can now replace it with Sue’s picture. 


It wasn’t really the last supper we’re going to be having with these folks.  It was just the last supper for that time period in Quartzsite.  After all some of the folks we were with in Quartzsite also will be down the road with us in Parker for a while.  I just embellished that story by calling it the “Last Supper”.

So ….. Friday we pulled into our full-service park and we’ve been busy ever since.  First of all, the park has a full time bar and grill.  At the bar and grill on Friday and Saturday night they have karaoke.  Now you all know that Terry and I don’t sing (forbid!).  However, Linda and Ed do. 

Ed is getting ready to start the karaoke for the night


So, we’ve spent the evenings being entertained!  Not everyone who sings is as good as they are.  Some remind me of the beginning of American Idol …. if you know what I mean but it’s fun and we’ve enjoyed going and listening.

Here's Linda singing her solo   


Then, on Sunday we had the big Super Bowl Party.  Way to go SEAHAWKS!  Of course, all the Seahawk fans thought it was a great game.  The Denver folks we were with didn’t think it was much of a game at all. 

Getting ready for the game!

Monday rolled around and we didn’t do much of anything.  Well, it wasn’t anything other than a little more cleaning, laundry and just enjoying the beautiful sunshine.  On Tuesday we had other plans.  Can you guess what they were?

Steve and Terry carrying two kayaks across the road to the river.
The gorgeous Colorado River

The kayaks were put back in the river.  It was the same Colorado River we were in before but the location was different.  Matter of fact, it was about 30 miles upstream from the previous Sunday’s adventure.  The currents are different and there were no whirlpools or rips like the one that caught Freddy  and .tipped over his kayak.

feb4_14 feb4_13

The paddling was easy and the temperature was perfect.  Well, a little breeze was blowing which made the river look like it was running fast but the breeze was just rippling the top in the opposite direction of the current.  First we went with the wind but against the current.  A slow leisurely cruise took us past the BLM.  When we checked it out a week ago it was packed.  This time we saw several empty riverfront spots.  We also saw a few locations with RVs right off the riverbank.  It’s not a bad location for almost free camping.

Here's Steve for his photo op!
And,  here's one of Terry too.

Tuesday was a full day.  Not only did we kayak we also met with the hundred or so folks who play Bingo at the clubhouse.  Bingo is one of the activities at this RV park and it’s played Tuesday and Thursday night. The last time we were here we were lucky … or, maybe it was beginner’s luck.  Terry won feb4_27$60 once and I won about that amount another time.   This time we weren’t quite so lucky but it was still fun.

Linda, Ed, Steve and Terry reserving a table, talking and getting ready for those numbers to be called.


Wednesday our motorhome is getting a bath.  Right now that’s all we have on the calendar and we like it that way.

That’s it.  We've been pretty busy but we’re looking forward to more bingo, lots more kayaking and a few more friends moving into the park with us.  Actually, there will be a total of six RVs in this park that were also at our little gathering in Quartzsite.  So, I guess I can’t say we really had a “Last Supper”.  We just had one at Quartzsite.

‘Tis life on the road.

The problem with the designated driver program, it's not a desirable job. But if you ever get sucked into doing it, have fun with it. At the end of the night, drop them off at the wrong house.


  1. You certainly do keep a busy social life, way to much for us.
    Enjoy all the fun and activities.
    Yep full hookups are a nice luxury after conserving for so long.

  2. The drawing was cute, but the photo is much better.
    We have heard Ed sing but not Linda. Glad there wasn't such a big group that they didn't get their chance.
    What a beautiful day you had for a leisurely float....aaaaahhhhh!
    You can't be saying that Ed nor Linda won? That must have been a tough crowd!

  3. Other than the kayaking your days sound kind of like ours. Jim played Bingo last night and he didn't win either.

  4. Wish I was number seven. You all have fun.

  5. 'tis life on the river. Having fun - that's awesome. Making money - that too!

  6. I'm not sure where exactly you are, but I think you are near the Bill Williams river, which is a bit more of an intimate kayaking trip, than where you are. You can go up the river a ways, but I also liked the area, just to the left of where you enter the river on the lake. Theres a free place to launch before you get to the Bill Williams river bridge, heading north.

  7. The Super Bowl game was terrific! Go Hawks!

    Glad the kayaking was fun and a lot less dangerous - the photos on the Colorado looked great.

  8. Sure know what you mean by that good feeling of showers with an endless supply of water, electricity at hand, & cloudy solar days. As much as we have always enjoyed boondocking over the years it is always great to roll into a spot with full hook-ups for a day. Like those Kayaking pics. Water photos in a desert setting are always intriguing. I have never tried Kayaking but always thought it would be something I would probably enjoy. Great photo opportunities I'll bet.

  9. I am so happy for you that you got those kayaks in the water - and Freddy stayed UPRIGHT this time. WHEW !

  10. Your Last Supper drawing puts the real painting to shame! Didn't know you were so talented! :c)

  11. It looks so enticing. Too bad that we left our kayak behind when we moved to Canada. Thought we never would use it over here. But when I see your photos.....


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