Sunday, February 9, 2014

Arizona Repeat Offenders

I couldn’t very well title my new blog déjà vu.  After all, I used that title on the previous blog.  It’s tough coming up with a catchy title when you’re doing the same thing over and over again.  And, we have been doing just that.  Well, we’ve added a few extra things but it’s kind of the same.  We’re playing, visiting and, of course, eating.  That’s just about what we’re up to with a little different take on the pictures of the same activities.


Another  gorgeous day and easy paddling on the Colorado River

We really enjoyed our leisurely outing before as we weaved in and out of the canals across the river from the park.  We thought we’d do it again.

Their greeters
Dogs on patrol

Some of the homes are absolutely gorgeous.  Others have their own unique spin. 

Building lot
Just a small place

Many of them are for sale.  We weren’t interested … obviously.  However, there were a few empty lots available for those who might want to build their own home base right on the river.  


Another leisurely day in a great location

Peak into their pool

As we headed back across the river we noticed a couple of folks sitting on the dock …. Steve and Carol.


We didn’t just kayak.  We also had a very competitive game of golf.

feb9_15 feb9_16


Friday and Saturday are karaoke nights. Carol and Steve were also with us.  Carol is the professional photographer in our group.  Here she is trying to get a good picture of Ed and Linda performing.

Saturday -

 We did do a few different things.  For one, we took a trip to Lake Havasu.  It was their Winterfest weekend.  A couple hundred vendors set up their gazebos and folks flocked from all around to check out what they were selling.  

feb9_18 feb9_20


The vendors at this event were a combination of Quartzsite and the swap meets at Yuma and Apache Junction.    We did shell out a little for a couple corian cutting boards.


With the Winterblast festivities just a few days away, RVs were starting to pack into all the boondocking spots south of the town.  The closer we got the more RVs we saw.  Some of them were parked right across the road from where the big Polytechnic Show would take place.  

Corian cutting boards
Cute ... but

Unsure about parts of a cow?
There were enough monkeys walking around


We thought the best vendor was the local humane society.  They had several homeless pets who needed homes.


Sunday -

Ed insisted we head to Crossroads for breakfast.  He is a connoisseur of biscuits and gravy and loves the ones they have there.  Who are we to argue when someone suggests food?  Not us .. that’s for sure.

We also had one more “little” adventure on the schedule.  It was a short visit to Nellie E. Saloon and Desert Bar.  Most of you probably have been there.  Well, haven’t you?  It seems to be one of the major attractions around Quartzsite. The road to its location is not paved.  Any vehicle can get there but it’s definitely an off-road ride for about five miles.   Everything is run by solar.  Why’d we go … again?  What else for?  I wanted a t-shirt.

Have you ever been lucky enough to find the best table in the place available?  We were.
feb9a_3 feb9a_4


Ever seen the bar area this empty?  You have to arrive early enough and that we did.

The evening was ended with a dip in the hot tub and then watching the Olympics. 


Our weather is a little different than the weather our kids are experiencing.

feb9_28 feb9_2

‘Tis life on the road.

Growing old is no more than a bad habit which a busy person has no time to form.


  1. Nice sites/homes on your kayak adventure...nothing wrong with being a repeat offender when you're having that much fun! Hasn't the weather been great?

    1. It's been fabulous and there's still more great weather to come.

  2. Could you pick me up the Corian cutting board...the cat one? Cute

    I remember that bar very well. We had a fantastic time, and the hamburgers weren't too bad either. Looks like y'all are having a wonderful time. Keep the good times rolling.

    1. Sorry. That was in Lake Havasu and the vendors have probably moved on to new territory.

  3. If it feels good keep doing it. We did the desert bar a few years ago, a fun experience it was too.

  4. That kayaking looks like fun and some of those houses on the water sure look nice.

    Thanks for the tour!

  5. Next year you can show us all those places, if you still want to.
    The canal ride is charming.

  6. WOW, What a great time you are having. This has been the best year yet for the great weather huh.

  7. Nice homes there, but not our cup of tea with that close-up neighbourhood.

  8. You can always claim you are a victim of circumstances...

    I think your RV would look just great set up in one of those vacant lots. :c)

  9. we saw the house with the window into the pool too. Really neat! I can't believe we've been here almost a week. We haven't done half the things we wanted to do. Where the heck do the days go, anyway?? We didn't even golf, or borrow your kayaks. At least we took our own boat out.


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