Thursday, January 2, 2014

Hanging In There … Still

Has it really been six days since I last posted?  It has.  There hasn’t been much change in the last six days.  I’m still doing now what I was doing then. My brother is still hanging in there.  He is non-responsive and his time is coming close.  We had thought it was close six days ago though.

I’m still thankful for the additional bed at hospice.  Other than move in my own pictures and clothes, you could almost call this place my new apartment.  It’s actually quite cozy.  I have nothing but praise for the staff and the facility.

The only out of the ordinary adventure was New Year’s Eve. I made a quick trip to Phoenix and back. I wanted to change out my suitcase, deliver a prescription I had picked up for Terry  …. plus we hoped to move the motorhome  closer to Terry’s mom. Thus, I caught the first flight out of Portland.  Terry was waiting at the curb in Phoenix for me.  We made a trip to Casa Grande where I packed a new suitcase, dropped off Terry’s prescription and hugged Toni and Doug.  . It didn’t take long to ready the motorhome for travel.  By 1:00 all the necessary chores were done and I was on my way to the airport.  By 4:30 that afternoon I was back in Portland and things have continued the same since then.

That’s my short update even though a lot more has transpired with family issues.  Isn’t that always the case?   I’m hoping my next blog will be more about our trip to “Q” than anything else. That’s what I’m hoping. 

‘Tis a break in life on the road.

In the book of life, the answers aren't in the back.  ~Charlie Brown


  1. You are going to need to go to Q to recover. So sorry this is happening. Been thinking about you a lot.

  2. Keeping you in my prayers dear friend. Please take care of yourself during this very trying time.

  3. Quick trips like that can be tiring too. I hope you get to go to Q Praying for you and your family during this difficult time.

  4. Praying for your strength and an easy letting go for your brother.

  5. I'm so sorry to hear this. You are a wonderful sister to be by your brother's side at this time. I'm sure your presence is giving him great peace that he is surrounded by your love.

  6. Jeri, I also have been thinking about you a lot. Was going to send you an e-mail but didn't want to bother you with feeling like you had to make time for a reply. You've got a lot on your plate right now.

  7. There are lots more hugs where those came from. Phone is going to be replaced and then we can text. Love you.

  8. hang in there Jeri. We are all thinking of you during this difficult time. And yeah, I am sure there is lots going on behind the scenes.

  9. You are a real Saint for being so caring to your brother, Jeri. Thanks for taking the time to update us on what's happening. Take care.


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