Friday, October 4, 2013

Sometimes We Get Good News

You can only predict things after they have happened.

The sun is finally out and the rain has moved on east.  Or, has it moved on north or south?  Actually, I have no clue where it moved.  I just know that we have had some nice days without rain.    The rivers are full and the records are being broken around here.  What’s with this?  It certainly looks and feels more like winter than the beginning of oct4-2fall.  Even the trees are beginning to turn.  Actually, some have already turned.  The good thing with this area is that there are many more green trees around.  They call it the “Evergreen State” for a reason.

A parking sign we saw at Walmart.  We hadn’t seen one like this before.  Sometimes we see signs for expectant mothers up front instead.  I always wonder why they are there. Excercise is good and needed for expectant mothers.   They aren’t handicapped.   I’d much rather see one for our “wounded warriors”.

We’ve been busy getting things ready to head south.  The Canadians  are already hitting the freeways as we’ve seen many motorhomes and other RVs with Canadian plates heading in that direction.  Next it will be us.  We had originally intended to secure our outside chairs, barbecues and other belongings at the homebase next week.  However, those plans have changed and we’ll be doing that today.  The weather is nice and we need to get the work behind us. It’ll be just one more thing to cross off our list.

Ldehumdifierast year we put 3 dehumidifiers in the “cabin” and when we arrived back in April, we had no moisture damage at all.  Needless to say, those same dehumidifiers will be set out to do their job again.

The last time Terry went in for a biopsy, it wasn’t good news.  He ended up having colon cancer and a big piece of his colon yanked out.  Thursday was the day for another biopsy.  It started early.  We were expected to be on the other side of Portland at 8:00 in the morning for the preliminary blood tests.  When the procedure was first scheduled, it was scheduled for 10:00.  Who knew we’d have to be there 2 hours earlier?  Since the hospital is about a 50 mile drive from where we are currently mooch-docking, it meant we’d be thrown right in the middle of Portland work traffic.  That’s what we expected and that’s what happened.  It sure makes us happy that we don’t have to get into that every day.oct4-1

There was a good thing to the 50 mile drive.  It was we were only about 10 miles from the Camping World and Fry’s Electronics.  Those are two stores we seem to frequent more often than we should.  We did need a ladder rack from Camping World and I definitely needed some gadgets from Fry’s.  I always seem to need gadgets when visiting that store.  It’s not always that I realize I need the items until I'm actually inside that store.  It's amazing what you can find.  This time I was on a mission.  Of course, that’s another day and another blog.

The complete results for the biopsy won’t be available for about a week.  There’s not much we can do to hurry that along.  However, the preliminary word is that the doctor was about 99% positive that the nodule was NOT cancerous.   That was even better than good news.  That was GREAT news.
Time to head to the cabin and close up for another winter.  The next few days will be mighty busy around here as we get ready to pull out.

‘Tis life on the road.


  1. That is great news. Hugs to Terry.

  2. You're right - that is Great news. I'm hoping for that kind of news after our visits in the next couple of weeks. Have fun with your visitors.

  3. For sure it is great news, get that cabin secured and you will soon be on the road.

  4. Wonderful news, Terry. Now that is behind pun intended...get back to enjoying the good life.

  5. Great news for Terry. Just want to get these next 11 weeks behind us so we can head out to Arizona. Really have missed everyone.

  6. Yay, Terry! The rain moved east; we have it in Minnesota now. I like the wounded warrior parking sign; would like to see more of those. We hauled some more stuff out to my RV today and I'm keeping a watch on the forecast low temps. Looking forward to seeing you all in AZ in a month or two--or three. :)

  7. That is such a relief, but when the 1% news comes, you need to celebrate! :c)

  8. That is terrific news. After my cancer surgery, I remember how good it felt when the out years checks came back negative.

  9. Seems like we get the same weather here as you do. So nice to finally see some SUN again for a few weeks. I won't be too far behind you heading South !!

  10. Great news! Time to really get ready to roll now.

  11. that is awesome Jeri! I, too would like to see more "wounded warrier" benefits


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