Sunday, October 6, 2013

Minus Tide and Razor Clams

“Never put off till tomorrow what may be done day after tomorrow just as well".


Friday we visited the home base.  We took down the gazebo, put away furniture and secured the cabin for the winter.  That was just one more item we could check off our list of things we needed to take care of.

_oct6-12 _oct6-15
Down comes the gazebo
Gone – chairs & gazebo

Clam digging opened up at the coast this weekend.  The tide wasn’t a huge minus tide but it was a minus tide and the first open weekend for digging this fall.  Thus, three of us headed down that way.  It was a gorgeous day.  The sun was out, the temperature in the low 70’s and the razor clams were just waiting to jump in our _oct6-17bucket.  Well, maybe that’s not quite the truth but I like to think they were.  After all, it only took all three of us less than 15 minutes to get our limits. 

Down, down and down  at the Astoria-Megler bridge from Oregon back into Washington

The clams weren’t for us.  We were on a mission to get the clams and have them available for Justin when he’s here on leave soon.  He had put in his order for the foods he liked and razor clams were on that list … along with many other seafood items.


Driving on the beach to find the perfect spot.

Lee and Bri
Lee and me
Clams, clams and more clams .. all for Justin
Not everyone drove easily through the sand.  Some got stuck.

Clam diggers at sunset

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Then, there was this awesome picture as we rounded the bend.  It’s low tide at sunset.


When I was cleaning off the SD disk in my camera I discovered other pictures I had taken recently but forgot about.  Here are a few.

Jordie playing soccer on her college soccer team.

At one of our September birthday party events.
Lee and Bri
Sandi and Tammi

Then, just as I was finishing up this blog ………………. I got the most amazing phone call from the other side of the world.  Guess who?  It was Justin with updated plans.  We talked and talked and then passed the phone around. It certainly is good talking to him.  This was the weekend that we had originally planned on celebrating his homecoming with him in Virginia.  Homecoming obviously got delayed.

That’s it for today.  We have plans.  First it’s lunch with family and then we’re meeting the Canadians, Toni and Doug.  We’ll be heading south with them in just a few days.

‘Tis life on the road.


  1. Beautiful header photo.

    How do you keep the clams fresh? Do you clean them and then freeze them or keep them in their shells? Inquiring minds want to know.

  2. Happiness is being able to talk to Justin and share good times with family. Have a great time with those Canadians.

  3. Glad to know Justin is well and hoping he's headed home soon.

    Maybe traveling with Toni & Doug will help make up for no longer being with blood relatives--instead you'll have RV family with which to share experiences.

  4. All those clams for Justin? You must really love that lad to go thru all that work for him! ;c)

    Glad to hear he's getting some leave and coming home soon, he deserves a nice rest, which he'll get AFTER eating all those razor clams... :cD

  5. I'll be right behind you !! Can't wait.

  6. Will be nice for Justin's homecoming especially with all those clams.
    You travelling with Canadians EH?
    Maybe we run into you along the way as well.


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