Monday, October 28, 2013

Lake Mead and Howling Winds

oct284On Saturday we decided to take a ride to Lake Mead.  There were several campgrounds close we wanted to take a look at.  We’ve long been fooled by descriptions of campgrounds online.  I’m sure most have been too.   We also wanted to scope out the lake for our kayaks.  However, we did learn that we can’t just put our kayaks in the lake and take off.  It seems Nevada is now requiring registration and stickers for all watercraft including kayaks.  When we stopped at the Visitor’s Center red about these stickers, they just knew we had to have them but weren’t sure where to get them other than order  online. 

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Lake Mead has several campgrounds.  Some are full hookups and others are just considered campgrounds without hookups.  There is definitely a difference in price.  We visited the two closest to Hoover Dam since they both were right next to each other.

The park at the RV Village with full hookups offered sites varying from $30 per night to $45 per night.  The more expensive sites had great lakefront views but no lake access from this location.  They were developed sites with concrete pads and tables. 

The campground right next door also offered lakefront sites but no hookups.  However, bathhouses with showers, water spigots and a dump were located in the campground making access to facilities easy. Other than the hookups and concrete pads, I thought this park was the nicest looking of the two.  It had more vegetation and really looked like someplace I’d like to stay. The price per night was $10 without a Federal Pass and $5 with one. 

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This was our price comparison and to me it was a no brainer …. A lakefront site at the RV Village would run $1350 per month.  A lakefront site at the neighboring Boulder Beach Campground would run $150.  There’s enough savings in that to buy another Honda 2000i generator.

We would have considered moving except we have a few major events on our schedule that requires us to be close to an airport for the next few weeks and we're not fond of leaving the motorhome unattended.  It’s also one of the reasons we decided to head towards Las Vegas.
  • One of these was the exciting news that granddaughter Sandi, has been accepted into nationalhonorNational Honor Society. The official ceremony for this is November 7th.  Since this is one of the clubs I was in and encouraged her to apply for, I would love to attend this ceremony … if I can work out the flights from here I’m heading that way.  At least that’s the plan for now.
  • The next thing we need to be close to an airport for is the long awaited Homecoming for Justin.  We have a date, we have a Duchess sitter and we have plans for that too. 
  • We’d also like to spend Thanksgiving with family … another airport requirement.  If we both can’t make it, then one of us will.  It really makes a difference having a pet.  It takes a lot more planning and adjustments.

In the afternoon we met Shelley at Sam's Town.  One thing about Las Vegas for sure is that you aren’t going to starve around here.  After we got our Player s Cards we headed to their buffet.  Without the card it was $11.99 and with the card we paid $7.99.  That kind of makes it necessary to have a card from each and every casino you visit in this area.  The buffet was fantastic.  It had been a long time since we’d seen so much food.  In a few days we’ll hit the strip downtown and check out a few more buffets.

Howevewindsr, with the forecast of howling winds and rain, we put that off until Tuesday.  In the meantime we had a few little projects we wanted to finish here along with a major shopping trip to the local Winco.  One of our projects was replacing our flooring.  Remember the leaking water tank and disconnected plumbing pipe from a while back?  Well, now was the perfect time to do a few little repairs and that we did.

The winds did come in howling overnight.  Gusts are predicted to 50mph.  We’re thankful we’re not traveling today!

‘Tis life on the road.
When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change.


  1. Hope all your trips work out for you. We're supposed to have the wind today also and glad we're not on the road until tomorrow.

  2. The winds here are also awful. They started early last night and are still going strong. I haven't dared venture outside yet but a glance out the window shows me that I've lost the bike cover and one tire cover.

    Looks like you two have lots of travelling in your immediate future.

  3. Those are, for sure ,some exciting activities you have lined up.....I know you will be so happy and relieved to see Justin!

    We love the Lake Mead area....

  4. The last time we were at Lake Mead the water level was alarmingly low. Still a nice spot though - hope you get those stickers figured out so you can do some kayaking - far away from the Hoover Dam I hope!!

    Those buffet prices look pretty good.

  5. Yes, we have the wind here too. Doug has to keep assuring me that the wind won't shimmy the jacks off their blocks.

  6. I have to laugh. We just got back from checking out a campground that we will not be staying at.

    I agree...I like the second campground better.

    Pass along our congratulations to Sandi. What a huge honor!!! Must take after her grandma!

  7. What the h..... over $1,300 a MONTH???? Are they nuts? I'd rather rent a house for that.

  8. They say "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas", but it's not true. When we were there we visited a lot of the casino buffets and those pounds we put on came home with us! :cD

  9. We try to avoid buffets, we eat enough as it is, but they sure are usually good deals. Have too much fun there.

  10. We're boondocking at Lake Mead right now and will be moving over to Oasis for their $10/day storage when we fly out of town later this month.


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