Wednesday, July 3, 2013


We grow small trying to be great.


Some of you know what Mooch-docking means.  Others not so much.  It means we’ve pulled into a driveway or on a piece of property owned by someone who just happens to be a friend or maybe a family member.  Well, that’s what we did.  Sunday we moved the motorhome into Lee’s driveway.  Day 1 was to cool down the motorhome and especially the refrigerator.  . The on again off again move was made on Monday.

Perhaps, our timing isn’t the best.  The hottest days of the summer are here and air conditioning is definitely a necessity.  We’ll just see how we do with that.  We absolutely don’t want to run up their bill but we also can’t sleep when it’s too hot.  I can tell you that 95 degrees is too hot!  One thing for sure is that it is much cooler at their yard because they get the wonderful marine air coming off the river.  We certainly do enjoy those breezes during the hot summer days.

_jul1_2Saturday we did a little more kayaking, of course.  We joined Tammi and her family on the water for a short period of time.  The water was no where near like it was on Thursday.  Thursday it was just like glass because there were no boats around.  Saturday was busy with boats and the water a little choppy but it was still a wonderful morning on the water.  Days like that are hard to beat.


In the afternoon we had a birthday party to go to.  It was for my great-nephew who had just turned 6!  That’s a big day for him.  Steaks were on the barbecue and it appeared everyone had a good time especially Zak.

Take a look at the following two shots I took off the TV set.  What do you think these guys are doing?  Do you think they are hunters?
_june27_6 _june27_7
They aren’t hunters.  They are police officers sitting in the brush along side the freeway running radar.  Some folks say it’s all about safety.  I disagree.

We thought we'd get lots of new areas to kayak by moving into town.  However, as usual .... we've been so very busy restocking the motorhome and running errands now that we're in town.  We've got to admit that the internet is much better here than where we were.

‘Tis life on the road.


  1. My driveway has a very definite slant, so unless you have sea legs it's virtually impossible to mooch dock at my house. The driveway is the only thing I really don't care for in my townhome. :-(

  2. I guess the states are really desperate for the money they can get from speeders when they have to go to that extreme to catch them. We definitely don't go anywhere near the speed limit when we're towing so I don't have to worry about Jim's lead foot anymore. Not sure there is anyplace to go to get away from hot or rain anymore. We run Todd's bill up and then give him money to cover it when we're parked in his drive way. I keep telling him he should be willing to pay for the privilege of having us parked next to him but he doesn't really agree with that. lol

  3. A/C is definitely a plus when it turns hot like it has been recently. We have a bit of a cool breeze this morning but it won't last long. Good thing you have a place to mooch-dock and ride out the worst of the heat.

  4. In this age of political correctness, it is no longer "Mooch Docking", you now are "GAFHing" = Gladly Accepting Hospitality of Family (or friends). ;c)

    That being said, I'm all for Mooch Docking any chance I can, the heck with being PC! :cD

    I have to agree, that speed trap is a little over the top. Must be from a small town trying to increase it's coffers from motorist fines.

  5. You are going to have an awesome pair of guns with all that rowing. Is it called rowing when you kayak?

  6. I'm always for good internet. But, I'm also for air conditioning when weather gets HOT! Having family provide it is bonus!

  7. Those cops in the bush have a pretty good gig if you ask me. Sure beats hunting down real criminals.

    It cooled down here a bit on Vancouver Island today as it was back to the 70's again.

  8. Love Mooch docking we do a lot of that in the summer months, we have quite a few family and friends with places we can park.
    Enjoy your time there.


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